And do I have some awesome news to share - MtP has already hit #12 on the Borders/Waldenbooks Romance MM list & #25 on their Overall Mass Market list!!
I think I need some cool dancing smilies! It's time to celebrate! (And use exclamation marks with wild abandon).
Who wants to join the conga line? How long do you think we can make it?!
Helen Gonzalez says....
Congratulations Nalini!!! I knew you could do it!!! As an employee for Waldenbooks I always push your books for those who ask me for the latest in hottest new paranormal romance. I will definetly be making sure we display your work for the release tomorrow (As I am In California and it is currently only 10:20 PM), Have a good one and YEAH!!! I get to go shopping on my off day!!! 'Cause I can't get enough of from my love of books!!
LOL Helen Gonzalez aka helenhikaru MySpace
I cannot wait to read MtP, but alas, must wait until Friday (payday). Very sad & depressed by this fact but I will survive...I hope. :)
Congrats on the #12 ranking! That is so cool!
Congrats on the rankings! I went to the bookstore over the weekend and got your book along with a couple of others. Looking forward to reading it soon! :)
I'm one of your german fans!
I really love your changeling books. They are amazing, incredible and fantastic!
But I've got a bad news... on your homepage you say that "Mine to possess" is already out. I've ordered it and Amazon tolds me that the book is coming in April.
What's that? Have they changed something and didn't told you? That's very sad news for me...
I hope you could understand my bad englisch. I can better understand than writing in your language.
Best wishes!
Helen - thanks bunches for recommending my books! Have fun shopping tomorrow :)
LOL Kaitlin - just imagine, you'll have Clay to snuggle with on Friday...yummy!
Abby - hope you enjoy it. :)
Hi Sissi nice to see you here! Did you order your book from Amazon Germany? I checked and the book is shipping from today. It's also shipping from the other Amazon sites. Maybe the email was just a mistake? I hope you get your copy soon :)
yes, I ordered it from Amazon German. I think I can only wait if the mail was a mistake...
Thank you for checking!
YES!! My copy should be arriving today!!!
You SO Freakin ROCK Nalini!!
Congrats on the ranking, Nalini :) Given that the series is getting more popular, and with each book you earn more fans, I think you have no limit in the future, so watch out NYT list :)
Fantastic news, Nalini! Congratulations. I enjoyed every minute of hanging out with Clay and Tally.
NY Times list, here we come!
Yay Nalini! I have the book with me now, I will start gushing about it soon. !!!!!!!! Conga!!!!
Congrats Nalini! MTP is a wonderful book! I know your sales will rock and everyone is going to love it :-)
Congrats Nalini!
I bought my book a couple of days early and already read it. I love Clay and Tally's story. It was very emotional and hot. Clay is just so strong and sexy. Hmm! I can't wait for Dorian's story. When is that one suppoused to be out?
Yay!!!! I'm so excited! It seems like I've been waiting for forever! I'm going out tonight to get it! I just did a little fan girl squee, which is kind of embarrassing considering I'm at work...which is the public library. lol. I just love it when the patrons stare at me like I've grown a second head.
Congrats!!!! I'll gladly join the conga line once I have the book in hand.
Yay!!! *confetti*
This is soooooo cool!
I just got mine today!!!! I will be sneaking off in a little while for an important "meeting" :) Can't wait!
I pre-ordered this book back in December 07 from amazon and its getting shipped TODAY!! I can't wait for it, LOL!! Congrats Nalini!! Will keep recommending this great series to all that will listen, ;)!!
Congratulations, Nalini!!!!
*insert crazy dancing partying smiley here*
I'm so happy for you... you totally deserve the recognition!
I LOVED MtP! What a fantastic story and wonderful characters! Thank you for sharing their story! :)
I was naughty and got it a few days early. I usually buy on release day, but it was calling to me from the shelf!
It's Nalini's fault! If her books weren't so damn good, they wouldn't make me buy them as soon as humanly possible!
And it was sooooo good!!!
Courtney <-- joining Nalini in the overuse of exclamation points
Happy release day, Nalini (even if it was really yesterday for us!!!!). I'm scaring my kids with my conga kicks!!!!
Way cool! Not there was any doubt! *conga* *grin*
Thanks for the congrats my fellow conga dancers!!
I saw a question about Dorian's book - it's out in September. :)
Conga, conga!!
Whoohoo!!!! Joining the Conga line!!! That's great news, Nalini.
This is so exciting!!! My book just got shipped today so I'm breathlessly awaiting the box! ^_^ Woohoo!
Congrats Ms. Nalini! I'll join the conga line and dance the night away~~~
Dorian is soooo far away. >_< And Sienna *sigh*...Mercy and Indigo...all so far...
Congratulations!! And I'm crossing my fingers that next week you'll hear even BETTER news!
*I'm not worthy... bowing down*
Way to go! I went out today after work and picked it up! I'm starting it tonight...there goes my good night's sleep.
Yay, Nalini!!!!!!!
I read it last night and it was really good. Not sure if it was my favorite or not??! Vaughn is just so hot, not sure Clay beats him. I can't wait to see what happens w/ the Web of Stars :)
Congratulations Nalini!
I'm crossing my fingers that I get a ring/text/email (I'm versatile :) from Barbara to say that MTP has arrived! Hopefully it arrives by Friday so I can pick it up and devour...I mean read it :) Otherwise I'll have to wait until next weekend but I'm sure it is worth waiting for!
First of all, congratulations on the NYT bestseller, secondly update on the Amazon.de mix-up with the April publication dates: I got the same email as the person who mentioned it here, but just today I got confirmation that Mine to Posess has been sent my way and should arrive tomorrow.
So even the Germans can read it now ^^
Come on, shake your body baby,
do the conga
I know you can't control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don't you fight it till you've tried it
Do the conga beat
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