As you *might* know, I have a book releasing February 5.
For those of you new to my books - Mine to Possess is about a dark, dangerous leopard shapeshifter, Clay, and Tally, a human female with a past inextricably entertwined with Clay's. Their story is very raw, very emotional, and I think you'll love it *grin* Follow the link to read excerpts and find out more. But, I'm not the only one with a book out on Feb 5. Fellow Berkley authors Meljean Brook, Jaci Burton, Joey Hill & Dakota Cassidy, also have releases on that date. Between the five of us, we've cooked up a round robin interview and contest.
There are five interview questions. Each one of us is hosting the answer to one question, and doing a giveaway in connection with it! So that equals five chances to win stuff! Here's the question I'm hosting.
QUESTION 2: If you could have any paranormal power in the universe/be any kind of paranormal creature, what would you choose? And the answers!
Jaci Burton ~ Riding Wild: Invisibility. Oh the conversations I could eavesdrop on! I could become a gossip columnist, and then I'd be right all the time. And famous. *grin*
Meljean Brook ~ Demon Night: I'd want incredible luck, because it gives you wonderful opportunities, but you don't ever earn anything that's not yours (I don't handle guilt well). I'd win the lottery, but still write and my writing will still have to be good to be published. I'd win vacations, but I'd still have to put myself out there to enjoy them. I'd be lucky enough to meet a great guy (and it was pure luck that let me meet that special one) but I would still have to work to make the relationship last. A charmed life would be a very, very good life. Either that, or I'd be Superman, and use my powers to take over the world (a world where everyone lurves romance. *g*)
Dakota Cassidy ~ The Accidental Werewolf: I call vampire. Though, if folklore is true, I wouldn't be indulging in French fries, but I think it's a fair swap for not aging. It would mean I'd get to be 41 forevah. Oh, wait... I might have to take that back--if I was going to choose to be a vampire--I'd much rather it was at the age of say, 21 when my butt was much perkier :)
Joey Hill ~ The Mark of the Vampire Queen: Aw, Dakota took my answer for paranormal power – I mean, as a vampire I’d never have to worry about weight, crow’s feet… Of course, supposedly nothing but blood would ever taste good, and I would REALLY miss chocolate. Chocolate versus immortality… I never realized that would be a deal breaker, but I think it is… When they have those books where the vampire gets tediously angsty about how much his immortality, drop-dead gorgeousness and superhuman strength sucks for him, he should REALLY be focusing on the loss of chocolate. Or for a guy, it might be pizza… So then I thought – invisibility, and darn, but Jaci got that one, too – I swear, this is what happens when you drag your butt and turn in your questions last. I’d want that because I’m such a huge coward and would like to be able to disappear from the most frightening things in life – psycho serial kidnappers, social engagements… So let’s see, what’s left? I think I’d like to be a mermaid. I love the water, particularly the ocean, and considering 70% of the world’s surface is water, I can only imagine what wonderful things you’d discover if you had the ability to go as deeply into that world as you wished. And according to the fairy tale, you live about 300 years, so that wouldn’t be bad.
Nalini Singh ~ Mine to Possess: I'm fascinated by pychic abilities - I'm sure this comes as a big surprise since I write about the Psy *grin* - I think I'd like to have a strong ability in that area. Perhaps telepathy. But controllable. I don't want to go crazy listening to a million conversations.
I'd also like to fly. So I'd be a winged telepath!
Giveaway: I'm giving away a signed copy of An Enchanted Season (if you've already got that, we'll work out a substitution), and the other authors are giving away great prizes of their own. To enter, just leave a comment before Sunday Feb 3, Noon, PST, with your answer to the same question - what paranormal ability would you like?
And don't forget to visit the other four authors (Meljean, Jaci, Joey & Dakota) to enter their contests and read the answers to the other questions!
Teleportation, hands down. I LOVE to travel and the coolest thing would be to be able to travel anywhere and everywhere on a whim. I have so many places I want to go.
I have always wanted superpowers. I don't know if I could just pick one. I guess since I would love to fly and run fast across the ground I would love to have the ability to be able to transform into any animal. That might be cheating but... it would be so coool!!! I also wouldn't mind having some telepathic or telekinetic powers!!! that's always fun!! Sneaking in on somebody so that they don't know you're there, or be lazy and just waft over the chips without having to get up.. yeah way cool!!! I guess that answers that question onto another 4!!! For the Faboulous 5 on Feb. 5!!! LoL Helen Gonzalez, aka helenhikaru myspace.
Hmm, interesting question. If I had a choice of abilities would be healing, or controlled foresight so I could help people. On the flip side, if lots of people had powers, I'd want something along the lines of nullification so people can't use their's on me, or when I'm around so they cannot hurt others (or me >_<). If choosing to become a paranormal being, then a shifter for sure. It sounds wonderful to be able to run like a wolf, or fly like a bird, or even swim like a dolphin. I bought two copies of An Enchanted Christmas -_-' I am a silly girl.
I would like werewolf powers. Just once I would like to know what my dogs were thinking. you wouldn't need invisibility if you could be under the table listening to everyone talking.
I'd have the ability to teleport. As a non-driver, it's hard to get around without a car, so this ability would prove extra helpful. Especially when running late ;). I can imagine getting places would be faster if you could teleport.
I think I also would say a "Good Witch" and I also would love to be able to know what my dogs are thinking.My chihuahua has a lot of health problems with pain and it would be nice to be able to communicate with him so I can help him more.
I would like to have several phsyic powers. I want to be a healer, be able to communicate with the spirit world (better than I do) and I'd like to be able to fly. ;-0
For a different power I would like to know that everyone was telling the truth - no lies permitted. Can you imagine a politician being able to even talk lol.
I love contests like this! It's so much fun reading everyone's answers!
I think I would want some kind of healing powers like Sascha. Even if I were to be able to ease people from emotional pain... that would be an amazing power.
Another tough question (although Jaci's was easy LOL) - I think a healer of some sort. I hurt when others hurt so this would probably work best for me. I'd hate to be invisible, sometimes I already seem to know stuff I don't want to know and it's not fun. There's too many ways to get into trouble with some of these super powers.
I'd have to go with Vampire, it's always been my favorite! Mind reading would have to be my power that way I could always know what the hubby
My choice would definitely be healing. I have a grandson who is autistic, minimally, Thank God! I would be so happy to bring to him, and all those who need a healing touch, a normal life.
I am with Jaci...I would sooo want to be invisible! That would be fun...but then again, do I really want to know what people say about me when I'm not around? Hmmmm...but it would be fun to eavesdrop.
Teleporation would be fun able to go anywhere just by thinking about traffic jams, jet lag, long trips.
I'd simply like to be immortal. Not like a vampire, because, duh, CHOCOLATE. Nuff said. But it would be neat to never age and be impervious to all the dangers in this world. Imagine being a policeman who doesn't have to worry about getting shot or stabbed or a fireman who can't be burned.
I would like to be a modern-day Sabrina and twitch my nose to make things happen. How cool would that be if you saw a really nice guy who was short you could make him taller, or make him more fun.
I have to go with Dakota. As long as I could be one of those vampires that can still eat!!! Give up chocolate!!! Never!!! I just discovered your books!! I loved Visions of Heat!!!!
I´d like to be a shifter like Tamsyn, with the ability to heal by touch, and if possible, teleport too (I hate to drive). Shifters don´t gain weight, do they? Because then I could eat all the white chocalate and dulce de leche icecream I wanted :)
I would love to be truly psychic. Knowing in advance what is going to happen and having the power to be prepared or help someone avoid tragedy. Then again, there is that "playing God" aspect to knowing the future and, in my case, probably screwing it up. I'd still like to be psychic, though.
I would want to be a shapeshifter. I love your Cats and Wolves but for me being a Were-Dragon would be amazing. I love the lore, the wisdom and the arrogance of the race.
I'd love to be able to dematerialize into fog or smoke... but it would be really cool to also be able to transform into a Gryphon--half lion, half eagle. What's better than a really big cat that can fly?
OK... I'm trying to think of something different. Although some of y'all have some good ones (I mean, who wouldn't want to teleport... would save me about an hour in the car every day), I think having x-ray vision would be rather cool. Not sure what I'd do with it... but I've got to be unique.
Shape-shifter - probably a bird as I've always imagined being able to fly (used to put on my Santa wish-list the powder Peter Pan used to help Wendy fly).
I had to think about this one, but I would like to be THE answer person. I want to know what to do in every situation, under any circumstance. No dithering, no should-I-shouldn't-I. What people do with my answers isn't important; having the answers, the right ones, would be my super power.
I've always been intrigued by psychic powers, too, Nalini, which is why I picked up the first of your fabulous series. And if we could read minds, we'd be able to eavesdrop like Jaci wants to do being invisible, lol.
I love reading the responses from you all! Huge congrats on all you having the releases on the same day!
Ok with me, I'm deaf, so I have to see things around me, so that I feel safe and comfortable. Like I will have the TV on during the day so that I feel something around me. But I don't want a super power to hear or hear more, because after time the silence is peaceful. What i'd like to have is the one to 'feel' whats out there. That i'll know when and who is coming to the door. I'll know when someone is entering our backyard. I too wanted it so I know when the cat was coming to me! So I really don't know what the name of that power is but I'm thinking of it like it can be real :)
Most definitely mind control because then nothing would stand in between me and my desire to rule the universe - mwhahaha (Okay, so I think perhaps it's probably better if my wish isn't granted since I have a feeling the power might go to my head!!!)
I guess teleportation isn't a paranormal power- though I'd love to have it. I think being psychic would be my power of choice -you could avoid danger, and know what people were thinking. I would, however, also like the power to "turn it off" at times as well.
Powers... hmm... I think I would want to be a shaper-shifter but not limited to just one or two different shapes. I would want unlimited change-ability! That way I could fly with the birds, run with wolves/tigers and swim with dolphins (and be the fly on the wall!)
Telekinesis...I have an 11 month old and it would be better than wishing for extra arms. I could clean the house, do the laundry, and make dinner all while I'm playing with him on the floor. Plus, it would be useful to get those hard to reach items.
The best answers are taken on here but I still want to get in on the action. If I could have any super-power, I'd want the ability to heal. There are so many people I could help then. If I had the chance to have another power I'd definitely take shape-shifting. And hopefully into more then one form.
Congrats on the release. I would want the power to grant wishes, including to myself. Can I have that? If it has to be a more normal power, maybe to turn back time and get do-overs
I would have to be a sorceress. It would be great to conjure anything: heat when you are cold, shelter when you are wet, food when you are hungry, etc. Of course you would have all types of other special gifts which would make you a true superpower.
I would like to be able to stop time like Professor Xavier in XMen. So if you get called in for the monthly meeting at work and realize you did not finish your report -- stop time, print report, restart time and let the meeting continue.
I'd like to have the power of teleportation-myself and things. I have family & friends on the other coast. Also as a middle school teacher think what I could do with that skill in a classroom. It boggles the mind.;)
Definitely teleportation for me too. To just close my eyes and think myself anywhere in the world would be totally awesome. I could visit my family without hopping on a plane and travel instantly to all the fabulous places in the world that have been on my wish list forever.
I would have to choose Telepathy with a dash of shape shifting ability. No specific shape, just the ability to change into anything. If not those, then perhaps telekinesis. I'm pretty lazy, so i'd love to work the vaccum while lounging on the couch. :)
I'd love to be a healer - not only of physical wounds, but more especially emotional wounds. To see inside a person that's hurting and know what it is that I can do to send them on the path they need to follow to be able to fully heal.
I would love to be able to fly! I envy flying animals! And along the way of course, I want to be able to read everyone's minds. I already joke around all the time with my friends that I'm psychic. It'd be so much more fun if I were actually psychic! =D
hmmm -so many powers so little space. i'd have to say a toss-up between flight and future sight.the former because i've always had lucid dreams of flying; the latter because i've always had this martyr complex.
Can't wait for mine to possess! I would be a witch, like Samantha on Bewitched. She could do almost anything with a twitch of her nose or snap of her fingers. Kay
Nalini, congrats on the new release! I'd have to choose shifting. To be able to shift into an animal would just be incredible! I could go for wolf, panther, tiger - I'm not choosey. Ok, I draw the line at were-rat but you get the picture! lol
Hi Nalini I'd like to be able to control other people's actions and thoughts through psychic powers. Then I'd be able to will people to buy my books, from agent to editor to readers! Of course it sounds very selfish, but I'd use it for people's good, too, like persuading someone not to vandalise another person's property, convincing them it would be a really dumb thing to do!
Well, see this is interesting. I think that I would love to be a were, preferably wolf, or dragon, ya' know with a nearly immortal lifespan. But I would also like to be a witch, a real one able to access Leylines. So I guess that I would be a very long lived werewolf/witch, woo hoo, the mischief I could make! (snicker)
Love the question. After much thought I would have to go with telekinesis so that I didn't need to physically carry things. That would leave me my hands free for my walking stick and handbag. lol
Hi Nalini,
Cool contest :)
Teleportation, hands down. I LOVE to travel and the coolest thing would be to be able to travel anywhere and everywhere on a whim. I have so many places I want to go.
I have always wanted superpowers. I don't know if I could just pick one. I guess since I would love to fly and run fast across the ground I would love to have the ability to be able to transform into any animal. That might be cheating but... it would be so coool!!! I also wouldn't mind having some telepathic or telekinetic powers!!! that's always fun!! Sneaking in on somebody so that they don't know you're there, or be lazy and just waft over the chips without having to get up.. yeah way cool!!! I guess that answers that question onto another 4!!! For the Faboulous 5 on Feb. 5!!! LoL Helen Gonzalez, aka helenhikaru myspace.
Hmm, interesting question. If I had a choice of abilities would be healing, or controlled foresight so I could help people. On the flip side, if lots of people had powers, I'd want something along the lines of nullification so people can't use their's on me, or when I'm around so they cannot hurt others (or me >_<).
If choosing to become a paranormal being, then a shifter for sure. It sounds wonderful to be able to run like a wolf, or fly like a bird, or even swim like a dolphin.
I bought two copies of An Enchanted Christmas -_-' I am a silly girl.
I've always wanted to fly, I could travel the world and glide on clouds.
I would want to having healing powers and the ability to control objects.
I would like werewolf powers. Just once I would like to know what my dogs were thinking. you wouldn't need invisibility if you could be under the table listening to everyone talking.
I think I would choose, witch.
Even as a kid I love Bell book and Candle. Cool question.
I would like the power to heal through touch or thought.
I would like to share thoughts and know the thoughts of my husband. I have always been enamored by the stories of couples who were linked that way.
Time and distance would not be a problem, and neither would telling them dicey things.
I'd have the ability to teleport. As a non-driver, it's hard to get around without a car, so this ability would prove extra helpful. Especially when running late ;). I can imagine getting places would be faster if you could teleport.
I think I also would say a "Good Witch" and I also would love to be able to know what my dogs are thinking.My chihuahua has a lot of health problems with pain and it would be nice to be able to communicate with him so I can help him more.
I would like to have several phsyic powers. I want to be a healer, be able to communicate with the spirit world (better than I do) and I'd like to be able to fly. ;-0
For a different power I would like to know that everyone was telling the truth - no lies permitted. Can you imagine a politician being able to even talk lol.
I would love to be able to teleport myself and others since hubby and I travel alot. Think of the time I could save.
I love contests like this! It's so much fun reading everyone's answers!
I think I would want some kind of healing powers like Sascha. Even if I were to be able to ease people from emotional pain... that would be an amazing power.
Another tough question (although Jaci's was easy LOL) - I think a healer of some sort. I hurt when others hurt so this would probably work best for me. I'd hate to be invisible, sometimes I already seem to know stuff I don't want to know and it's not fun. There's too many ways to get into trouble with some of these super powers.
I mean Tamsyn. Or maybe I'd be a combination of the two! ;)
I'd have to go with Vampire, it's always been my favorite! Mind reading would have to be my power that way I could always know what the hubby
My choice would definitely be
healing. I have a grandson who
is autistic, minimally, Thank God!
I would be so happy to bring to
him, and all those who need a
healing touch, a normal life.
Pat Cochran
I am with Jaci...I would sooo want to be invisible! That would be fun...but then again, do I really want to know what people say about me when I'm not around? Hmmmm...but it would be fun to eavesdrop.
Teleporation would be fun able to go anywhere just by thinking about traffic jams, jet lag, long trips.
I'd simply like to be immortal. Not like a vampire, because, duh, CHOCOLATE. Nuff said. But it would be neat to never age and be impervious to all the dangers in this world. Imagine being a policeman who doesn't have to worry about getting shot or stabbed or a fireman who can't be burned.
I would like to be a modern-day Sabrina and twitch my nose to make things happen. How cool would that be if you saw a really nice guy who was short you could make him taller, or make him more fun.
immortaly is a good to have or to fly around the world and help people
kim h
Healing is definitely my choice.
OH.. what power? I'd love to be able to teleport than the distance between Australia and the States would not seem as far.
I have to go with Dakota. As long as I could be one of those vampires that can still eat!!! Give up chocolate!!! Never!!!
I just discovered your books!! I loved Visions of Heat!!!!
Denise (from Dakota's group)
Nice idea, Nalini :)
I´d like to be a shifter like Tamsyn, with the ability to heal by touch, and if possible, teleport too (I hate to drive).
Shifters don´t gain weight, do they? Because then I could eat all the white chocalate and dulce de leche icecream I wanted :)
I would love to be truly psychic. Knowing in advance what is going to happen and having the power to be prepared or help someone avoid tragedy. Then again, there is that "playing God" aspect to knowing the future and, in my case, probably screwing it up. I'd still like to be psychic, though.
I would want to be a shapeshifter. I love your Cats and Wolves but for me being a Were-Dragon would be amazing. I love the lore, the wisdom and the arrogance of the race.
darn it kat got my answer but if I guess I could also be a witch that way I would have lots of cool powers.
Oh cool!
I'd love to be able to dematerialize into fog or smoke... but it would be really cool to also be able to transform into a Gryphon--half lion, half eagle. What's better than a really big cat that can fly?
Thank you for the contest, it's so much fun!
Best of luck with the book.
OK... I'm trying to think of something different. Although some of y'all have some good ones (I mean, who wouldn't want to teleport... would save me about an hour in the car every day), I think having x-ray vision would be rather cool. Not sure what I'd do with it... but I've got to be unique.
To see myself through other's eyes. As Burns put it:
"O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us."
Shape-shifter - probably a bird as I've always imagined being able to fly (used to put on my Santa wish-list the powder Peter Pan used to help Wendy fly).
I would have the ablity to make fire... i am always cold.. would be a handy power to have too, think if you got mad poofff they are gone no worries!
I had to think about this one, but I would like to be THE answer person. I want to know what to do in every situation, under any circumstance. No dithering, no should-I-shouldn't-I. What people do with my answers isn't important; having the answers, the right ones, would be my super power.
I always wanted to be invisible and walk around naked.
I've always been intrigued by psychic powers, too, Nalini, which is why I picked up the first of your fabulous series. And if we could read minds, we'd be able to eavesdrop like Jaci wants to do being invisible, lol.
My small daughter is in love with the "Caressed by Ice" cover. She say's he's her handsome prince. (She's on a Cinderella kick)
If I had a super power I'd like to either fly or shapeshift into a falcon.
I'm going to say invisibility. Haven't you had a time or two when you wished you were invisible?
Nalini ~ I have totally been waiting for the next book. I love the series. I'm your book and Lori Foster's up the same day. Keep 'em coming!
I love reading the responses from you all! Huge congrats on all you having the releases on the same day!
Ok with me, I'm deaf, so I have to see things around me, so that I feel safe and comfortable. Like I will have the TV on during the day so that I feel something around me. But I don't want a super power to hear or hear more, because after time the silence is peaceful. What i'd like to have is the one to 'feel' whats out there. That i'll know when and who is coming to the door. I'll know when someone is entering our backyard. I too wanted it so I know when the cat was coming to me! So I really don't know what the name of that power is but I'm thinking of it like it can be real :)
Most definitely mind control because then nothing would stand in between me and my desire to rule the universe - mwhahaha (Okay, so I think perhaps it's probably better if my wish isn't granted since I have a feeling the power might go to my head!!!)
I would love to be able to fly. So I would either want to be just a human with the ability to fly or a be-winged shape shifter. :)
I guess teleportation isn't a paranormal power- though I'd love to have it. I think being psychic would be my power of choice -you could avoid danger, and know what people were thinking. I would, however, also like the power to "turn it off" at times as well.
Wonderful question!
Powers... hmm... I think I would want to be a shaper-shifter but not limited to just one or two different shapes. I would want unlimited change-ability! That way I could fly with the birds, run with wolves/tigers and swim with dolphins (and be the fly on the wall!)
Telekinesis...I have an 11 month old and it would be better than wishing for extra arms. I could clean the house, do the laundry, and make dinner all while I'm playing with him on the floor. Plus, it would be useful to get those hard to reach items.
live forever
love forever
The best answers are taken on here but I still want to get in on the action.
If I could have any super-power, I'd want the ability to heal. There are so many people I could help then. If I had the chance to have another power I'd definitely take shape-shifting. And hopefully into more then one form.
I would pick a psychic ability like seeing the future or mind reading as long as it could be controlled.
Congrats on the release. I would want the power to grant wishes, including to myself. Can I have that? If it has to be a more normal power, maybe to turn back time and get do-overs
Jennifer Estep said ...
Definitely a superhero because they have the coolest powers, like regeneration, teleportation, telekinesis ... ;-)
I would have to be a sorceress. It would be great to conjure anything: heat when you are cold, shelter when you are wet, food when you are hungry, etc. Of course you would have all types of other special gifts which would make you a true superpower.
I would love to have the power to take away sickness and pain from the people that I love.
I would love to be able to teleport to any time or place. Just think of all the wonderful things you could see!
to heal would be good but I think I'll go with Invisibility, sounds fun to listen to people when they do not know you are there
I would like to be able to stop time like Professor Xavier in XMen. So if you get called in for the monthly meeting at work and realize you did not finish your report -- stop time, print report, restart time and let the meeting continue.
I'd like to have the power of teleportation-myself and things. I have family & friends on the other coast.
Also as a middle school teacher think what I could do with that skill in a classroom. It boggles the mind.;)
Definitely teleportation for me too. To just close my eyes and think myself anywhere in the world would be totally awesome. I could visit my family without hopping on a plane and travel instantly to all the fabulous places in the world that have been on my wish list forever.
I would have to choose Telepathy with a dash of shape shifting ability. No specific shape, just the ability to change into anything. If not those, then perhaps telekinesis. I'm pretty lazy, so i'd love to work the vaccum while lounging on the couch. :)
AJ Betchyadontknowitsme
I'd love to be a healer - not only of physical wounds, but more especially emotional wounds. To see inside a person that's hurting and know what it is that I can do to send them on the path they need to follow to be able to fully heal.
My would be to time travel to any time or place that I want. That would be so great.
I would love to be able to fly! I envy flying animals! And along the way of course, I want to be able to read everyone's minds. I already joke around all the time with my friends that I'm psychic. It'd be so much more fun if I were actually psychic! =D
I would like to have a mixture of psychic powers so I can can time travel, read minds, and be telepathic.
Telekinesis or being psychic. Both of those would be cool to have.
hmmm -so many powers so little space. i'd have to say a toss-up between flight and future sight.the former because i've always had lucid dreams of flying; the latter because i've always had this martyr complex.
Mind reading... though on second thought, I might read more than I want to, so I have to be able to turn it off!
Is it a paranormal ability to be able to read multiple books simultaneously? If so, then that one's all mine! :)
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
I decided many years ago that I would love the superpower of being able to speak and read any language of the world. I also covet telepathy.
Can't wait for mine to possess!
I would be a witch, like Samantha on Bewitched. She could do almost anything with a twitch of her nose or snap of her fingers.
Nalini, congrats on the new release!
I'd have to choose shifting. To be able to shift into an animal would just be incredible! I could go for wolf, panther, tiger - I'm not choosey. Ok, I draw the line at were-rat but you get the picture! lol
Wow, the comments show a wide range of ideas.
I'd like the ability to be invisible. And to teleport. Ok, so I'd be teleporting, and then be invisible when I arrived,
Hi Nalini
I'd like to be able to control other people's actions and thoughts through psychic powers. Then I'd be able to will people to buy my books, from agent to editor to readers!
Of course it sounds very selfish, but I'd use it for people's good, too, like persuading someone not to vandalise another person's property, convincing them it would be a really dumb thing to do!
Well, see this is interesting. I think that I would love to be a were, preferably wolf, or dragon, ya' know with a nearly immortal lifespan. But I would also like to be a witch, a real one able to access Leylines. So I guess that I would be a very long lived werewolf/witch, woo hoo, the mischief I could make! (snicker)
I think I'll join the small crowd of healers here. Perhaps I could specialize in "healing" despair? That would be a handy gift.
I'd want to be telekinetic, mainly because I'm lazy, LOL! Being able to move things around without leaving the computer would be pretty cool. :)
I would like to be a horseman with wings and with the ability to be able to know things before they happen
I'd like the ability to make my wishes reality. I wish I were in Paris. Zap. I wish a bird would shit on that guy's head. Plop.
You get the idea.
I would have to agree with Jaci on invisibility. A few friends and I joke at work used to joke about being invisible and how great it would be.
Love the question. After much thought I would have to go with telekinesis so that I didn't need to physically carry things. That would leave me my hands free for my walking stick and handbag. lol
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