I picked up A Western Winter Wonderland completely by chance, but it was a happy chance. This is a great anthology.
Here's the blurb with links to authors' sites:
Christmas Day Family by Cheryl St.John
Marvel Henley thought she was content until the new handsome doctor Seth Paxton and his adorable kids crashed into her life! Suddenly she began to yearn for things she had long stopped wishing for....
Fallen Angel by Jenna Kernan
When Abby March is accidentally shot she and her young boy are taken into a rugged stranger’s care. Dark and mysterious, Ford Statler hides a softer side and offers much more than just a Christmas to remember....
One Magic Eve by Pam Crooks
Chet Lattimer is attracted to Sonja Kaplan despite local gossip, and he finds himself asking Sonja for help with his motherless little boy. With Christmas on the horizon and magic in the air, their lives may just change...forever!
I really like Westerns. Anybody else a fan?
Where's Sybil when you need her - she's a gigantic western romance fan.
Me? I like them when they're well done. Having grown up around cowboys and ranchers in Texas, I'm super picky about details. Ruins it for me if they get something simple wrong about the life.
(Read a heroine "peeling" okra once. I just said, "WHAT?!")
"I like them when they're well done"--Gwen.
In my case, and given my profound ignorance of all things Western, I'm sure I give passes to numerous things that would drive Gwen insane, but as long as the characters are well realized... I can forgive a lot for characters with depth and growth.
I like the old western movies (the black and white ones...) and some western romance books (Do you know Johanna Lindseys Western Lovestorys? They are nice and simple but I love them).
Thanks for posting about our anthology, Nalini! I've done the Christmas western for this year, too. I love writing them.
Western lovers check out our ALL western romance site at: http://petticoatsandpistols.com/
We host a different guest each weekend and blog about all things cowboy.
LOL on peeling okra! That must have been quite a task! And to think the editors didn't know any better, either?
Have a great Monday!
Nalini, what a nice surprise to find your blog about our anthology this morning. Thank you!
Gwen, we love Sybil, too. She's does all she can to promote westerns and romance in general. She's great, isn't she?
And like Cheryl said, we have a great time at Petticoats & Pistols. www.petticoatsandpistols.com
Our site is growing in popularity every week. It's been amazing. And be sure to enter our great Spring Round-Up contest, too!
I is here!
me me me pick me!
What was the question?
Ok now that I have read the post. I know it is horrid I see my name and get all happy and sheeze it was just gwen.
le sigh... she doesn't even count... really people more people should talk about me...
ok kidding sort of but enough about me WESTERNS! WOOT
Are we talking any westerns? Are we interested in HH aka Harlequin Historials aka one of the few flipping people putting them out these days.
Although! March 08 does bring us the last book in Maureen McKade's trilogy A Reason to Sin. I suggest starting with A Reason to Live.
If we are talking older stuff Elizabeth Lowell back when she wrote romance and was like my favore evah... le sigh read the "Only" series (yeah I know the covers are in need of fixing really you don't want me to explain): Only His (1991)a sybils fave
Only Mine (1992)
Only You (1992)
Only Love (1995)
Autumn Lover (1996) (connected to "Only" Series through secondary characters)
Winter Fire (1997) ** a sybils fave
Out of print but worth hunting and and finding Lorraine Heath's Texas series. Although word of warning you will fall in lurve with Rawley and Lorraine Heath is mean mean mean and will prolly never evah write his book.
::sniff again:::
I think I scared her in Dallas. shush gwen
The three authors in this book just happen to be three of my faves in the HH line. Kernan's second book Turner's Woman is my favorite of hers and you can't miss it cuz I sez so. And you MUST hunt down The Doctor's Wife, Sweet Annie, His Secondhand Wife
by St.John (no space) and Untamed Cowboy by Mz Crooks.
uh I could go on... but I shall shut up now... maybe
Why shut up? You are oh so eloquent! *grin*
Gwen - seriously? Okra? Peeling it?!
Azteclady - I think I forgive a lot, too, if the characters hook me.
Sissi - I have read some of Johanna Lindsey's books, but I don't think I read her Westerns. Thanks for the rec.
Cheryl and Pam - thanks for dropping by! I'll definitely check out that site :) Cheryl, what's the title of the Christmas anthology this year?
Sybil - hi! Do you know, I think I've read every single one of those Elizabeth Lowell books. Thanks for the recommendations on the other authors. Westerns are sooooo hard to find these days!
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