Seriously, this is a great series. I've just read Blood Lines (more like devoured it). You'll probably enjoy it more if you read the series in order - Tempting Danger & Mortal Danger come before Blood Lines. Weirdly, I've somehow missed reading Mortal Danger (I blame it on moving countries), so I'll be catching up on that but books 1 & 3 hooked me from page 1. Awesome books, both of them!
If you want to find out info about the series, check out Eileen's website.
So, any books you want to squee over?
I've read book 1 which I enjoyed. Book 2 has been on my TBR pile for a while just never got round to reading it. Hence I've never bought Book 3 off my wishlist.
Guess I'll need to refresh my memory by rereading Book 1 again as it's been a while since I read it.
Just too many books and not enough time. :)
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels Series, Book 1) by Ilona Andrews. The sequel, Magic Burns, isn't out yet...darn it. To get some excerpts and more details visit: www.ilonaland.com
I bought this based on the cover. Female looking tough and almost snarly on the face. Not sexy, but snarly. I like that. The back blurb was interesting enough to seal the deal. Set in alternate earth where magic and It begins a bit slow in the first two to three chapters due to a lot of explaining of the magic vs. mechanical world, but it is highly worth it. It has a lot of surprises and twists. The lead female isn't perfect, but she does her best fighting the good fight. Good stuff. Recommend.
Oops...I forgot to mention that I have Mortal Danger. Somehow I started reading this series way out of order. I read Tempting Danger later, but still need Mortal Danger which my grandmother stole from me to read first. Evil grandmother! Must go whine to her to give me the book back.
I haven't got it yet, but I know "Safe Harbor" by Christine Feehan will be squee-worthy. I got an email from Amazon a little while ago saying it was "in transit," which means it hasn't been picked up from the warehouse yet. These people don't seem to understand that when I see a book I like, I want it ... like RIGHT NOW!!! *sigh* It's my burden to bear that people don't jump to do my bidding. They really should.
Anyway, I'm a huge Feehan fan and I've been anticipating Hannah and Jonas's story from the beginning. I've read ... and re-read ... the teeny-tiny excerpt she has on her website. I mean, sure, it's the first chapter, but I want more!
I hope the mailman comes to deliver my book before I wake up. If I happen to see his truck stopping at my house ... the man's liable to get tackled. ;) I wonder if they let you read in jail while you're locked up for assault?
Are Wilks' books 1st person POV? I don't know why but I have a HORRIBLE aversion to 1st person.
I've been on a major Lori Foster re-reading kick lately (probably because Simon Says comes out soon. YAY!!!
Now I'm re-reading books by Shelly Laurenston and I think those are squee-worthy.
I read Marjorie M. Liu's Soul Song ARC and it was great!
LOL @ Jennifer - I TOTALLY feel your pain. I'm sooooo impatient when it comes to books. I'm sure the bookstores in our area think I'm a freaky stalker. LOL!
And books I want to squee over. Just out is Wraith by Phaedra Weldon which I've really enjoyed.
And a book which I've got really excited about though it's not out til November is Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. Which I discovered through Ilona Andrews blog, which I was reading because of the Nalini story. :)
Lesley - tell me about it! I've been very naughty this week and caught up on some reading. And I'll be reading like mad while on holiday. Ooooh, books!
Shar - I loved MB. And guess what? Ilona Andrews stole my name and now there's a paranormal character called Nalini out there. *g*
Jennifer K - I love CF! I think her Game series might be my favorite.
Ange - nope. Third person. I think first person is hard to write because the reader totally has to like or be compelled toward the narrator. Tough!
Lesley - isn't my alter-ego cool?! Wraith does look interesting. Again, so many books...
OMG .. I didn't realise that there were more Lily and Rule stories, I loved Only Human in the Lover Beware anthology - those Christine Feehan fans may already have it for the first Drake Sisters story - Magic In The Wind. Don't know why, but I never thought to check out Eileen Wilks website before. Must dash, I obviously have more shopping to do!
I looooooove this series!
You have good taste, Nalini. ;)
I'm part way through Beth Williamson's The Legacy and Holly Black & Tony DiTerlizzi's Spiderwick Chronicles book 1 (can't remember the title, and it's a children's book, but I loooooved Holly Black YA faerie trilogy).
The most sqeee-worthy book I've read lately was Risk by Ann Christopher. It's about a sister-in-law and brother-in-law vying for custody of their deceased sister and brother's little daughter. Sounds odd but she was the mother's sister and he was the brother's brother. And the BIL fell in love with SIL at their respective siblings' wedding 10 years earlier. Oh, and I loved this, HE is closer to the little girl and would make a better parent than SHE would. Uh, sounds more complicated than it really is. Ann Christopher has drawn her characters so clearly I could practically see them - their expressions and actions. Beautiful story.
I've got an odd question, since you mentioned the Wilks books. How stand-alone are they?
I managed to get the latest book without realising it was a series, and none of the local bookstores carry the prior books. I really want to read it but don't want to be totally lost. :P
As for squee-worthy bookage, I just finished up reading Marie Brennan's duology (Doppelganger and Warrior and Witch). REALLY loved it and looking forward to her next book. :)
Eileen's books are awesome,did you read the short in Cravings?
Nonny- no,they're not stand alones.
I'm reading a YA by Julie Kenner A Good Ghouls Guide to Getting Even,I'm enjoying it,it's really funny.*g*
Nonny, like Danette said, they're not stand alone. But having said that, there is a Dear Reader letter in the front of Blood Lines from Lily that sort of catches you up. But I think to get the full impact of the Lily/Rule relationship, you need to have read at least book 1, or even the short story in Cravings I think it was.
If you're not reading Eileen Wilks' fabulous paranormal series featuring the lupi prince, Rule Turner and detective Lily Yu, why not?!
Ummmm....because I hadn't heard of this series before! I get the best recommendations from you, Nalini. I'm loving it, but my bank account isn't too sure. :)
How great! I know this post is a few months old but it's so cool to see people excited over Eileen's books. :D I'm her daughter and I run her website at http://www.EileenWilks.com Thanks for squeeing over her books! She has a new short story out in the On the Prowl anthology released next month.
You guys rock!
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