Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Banned Books Week

Thanks to the very on-to-it, MicheleK, I now know that it's the American Library Association's Banned Book Week. I don't rant much but I think this topic deserves it. Books are important, not only because they provide joy and fire up the imagination, but because they contain knowledge. Any attempt to ban a book is an attempt to nurture ignorance. And no one has the right to do that. No one.


katie g. said...

As a future librarian (hopefully in less than four months) banned books are big deal around here. Read a banned book! Don't judge something until after you read it and let others decide for themselves!

Nalini Singh said...

That's so true, katie! I've read a bunch of the books on that list. Some I liked, some I didn't but that doesn't mean others shouldn't get the chance to make up their own minds about them.