Thursday, November 30, 2023

Signed Books & Bookish Goodies

Do you like collecting signed copies of books? If so, what are some of your most precious ones? If you’re not a collector of signed copies, do you collect any other bookish items? (Photo is of a stack of signed preorders of There Should Have Been Eight for Chapter Books & Tea!)☕️πŸ“š


library addict said...

I loved signed books.

My various signed Psy/Changeling series books top the list. I also have several signed In Death books and L Penelope's Earthsinger Chronicles series among others.

Even though I don't read much in print anymore I still collect hardcovers for the series I was already buying before I switched primarily to ebooks with a touch of audio. So I have a large collection of bookmarks as well.

Tom Smith said...

Wait, there was signed pre orders, how did i not know about this? is it too late to get one?

Kim said...

I don't collect signed copies of books. I don't know if I even have one. Oh wait, I guess I might have a few, but more by accident than design. I do have a tendency to collect bookmarks. I swear the things breed almost as badly as books do! πŸ˜‚. I have to cull them periodically too (mostly the promotional ones from bookstores, not the ones I actually spend money on).

There are certain subjects of books that I am constantly adding to my personal library, and of course, paperbacks of the latest in my favourite series, but otherwise, I'm not sure I collect bookish stuff intentionally. Books in general just sorta follow me home on a regular basis. πŸ˜‚.

Nalini Singh said...

@Tom - Not too late. You can order signed copies of any of my books from Chapter. They're my local bookstore and I sign for them often.