Thursday, November 02, 2023

There Should Have Been Eight


The stunning golden alpine grassland on which I stood over a year ago and wondered hmm, how can I turn this into a quietly sinister thriller.

It’s beyond gorgeous in daylight but imagine it in the pitch dark, in the middle a snowstorm…and someone is bleeding from stab wounds…Welcome to the Shepherd Estate, half ruined and with secrets in the walls.

“There Should Have Been Eight” releases in 3 weeks!!

p.s. That’s frost on the grass in the foreground. So, so beautiful.


library addict said...

Ooh, so excited for this new thriller.

Not too much longer.

Lidy said...

What a breathtaking view! Is this NZ? I keep saying I must visit the country someday, every picture I've seen of it is just so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful I like photographs like this especially in trouble times it keeps mind wondering how much beautiful is there in the world

Patricia Schlorke said...

Nalini, if you hadn't said that picture was from New Zealand, I would have thought you or Ashwini took it in Colorado in the United States. The place looks like it would be very sinister at night.
Can't wait to read the story! Thank goodness I'll be done with my move so I can enjoy the book without interruptions or being too tired to read. 😁