Friday, December 01, 2023

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

I enjoyed Nora Roberts' Inheritance (The Lost Brides Trilogy #1).

The rest of the week was rereads for me including Kit Rocha's Ashwin (Gideon's Riders #1).

I also worked a bit on my personal reading challenges for next year.

Eva said...

I read Project Code-X: Book 1: Alpha is the Beginning by Sarah Jane McCarthy. It`s part one of a trilogy and is a dystopian science-fiction novel with a touch of man-made horror.

Kim said...

I've been having trouble finding anything that's holding my atttention very long, for one reason and another, but the last couple night's I've had some success with tackling some more of the e-copy of Monster Hunter International (#1) by Larry Correia. (Kindle had it for free). I don't read much digitally these days, so it's been a bit hit and miss for me, in terms of making progress with it.

This is my third entry into the series, and I've decided I like the series. I even lucked out a little while ago and found three of them at my favourite used book store! (My public library doesn't have many of them, and most of those are elsewhere in the province and would need to be requested). So now I'm trying to discipline myself to read them in order.

Concepcion30 said...

I just finished KF Breene Born In Fire Series. I was looking for something to read while waiting for the next Guild Hunter book and these hit the spot. First person not exactly my favorite but main character Raegan Somerset is awesome, she's like Elena but crazier and loves messing with people, lol.