Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Catch-up Time

Hello my lovely readers. How was your weekend? 

I spent one day tidying up my garden and getting in some spring bulbs so they'll sleep through the colder months in readiness for spring. I might also have baked bread and voluntarily tidied the kitchen. 20 year old me could not have imagined these as fun weekend activities for me. 😄

What about your hobbies today would surprise a younger you?


library addict said...

Folding laundry. I can't say I truly enjoy it*, but it reminds me of my mom as I remember her teaching me how to line up seams, etc. So now I find it a comforting chore.

*Other than folding towels. For some reason that I have always liked to fold towels.

Kelticat said...

Reading, cooking, and getting outside were always with me. But knitting, macrame, and embroidery were things I picked up as an adult that I wouldn't have tolerated as a kid.

Unknown said...

Book sale I went to a book sale this weekend and I had fun and now we got two more books next month April is going to be a busy month other than that my weekend was a normal weekend

Eva said...

Since I was brought up to be independent very early on... that's a very difficult question for me. It's easier for me to say that I still hate things like ironing, cleaning windows and folding socks.

Unknown said...

I did more of the same things I do during the week. Whatever strikes my fancy, i.e. reading, cooking,and eating. I'm baby sitting my sister's dogs while she's traveling so that's the only new thing. The most important thing that I do everyday come rain come shine is read or in the case of Nalini's books, reread! New books please!' Thanks.