The cover reveal will take place on Thursday night NZT. That'll be Thursday morning in the UK and in the USA.
Also, my international publisher, Gollancz, is holding a 10 day book tour to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Psy-Changeling series! To kick this off, I did a blog post for them talking about the beginning of the series. Also upcoming is a podcast and a Google hangout.
Full details in the graphic to the left! (If you're reading this on Goodreads and the graphic hasn't come through, click this link to go to the main blog).
Looking forward to this over the next week+ especially the Google Hangout.
Congratulations on 10 years of the Psy-Changling series! You are a wonderful writer who draws in her readers time after time. It doesn't matter if anyone is a Guild Hunter lover, Rock Kiss follower, and/or Psy-Changling addict, being able to write about different people, places, and times is a gift. Please keep writing until you can't type anymore. Then it would be talking to your computer to get the stories out. :)
Again, congratulations.
Patricia S
Wow 10 years - and we still want more and more and more. Every story is wonderfully new but what I love it that you never forget about the characters we have already fallen in love with. I am just as excited to read about Sascha darling and Lucas as I was the very first time I read Slave to Sensation. Thank you for many many very enjoyable hours of reading (and rereading).
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