Thursday, April 28, 2016

Allegiance of Honor ARC Contest - Winners

The winners have all been notified via the email address used to enter the contest. (If you see your name on this list but didn't get an e-mail, it's because someone else with the same name won.) And the winners are:

Pam (plavi)
Wendy K.
Shira H.
Patricia W.
Sofía H.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who entered. If you didn't win, we hope you enjoy Allegiance of Honor when it releases!


SkipBeat said...

Heartbroken that I didn't win, but very happy for those who did.
Congrats to all five :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners. Now the wait for the rest of us (sigh).

Patricia S

Eva said...

Congratulations girls!

fredamans said...

Congrats to everyone!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations sweethearts! Enjoy it! ;)

Nemo said...

Congratulations for the winners! I think I have to wait for the official release and then said to my friends: this book was on my wishlist for my birthday, so - who forget to buy me a present? xD

Nemo said...

Congratulations for the winners! I think I have to wait for the official release and then said to my friends: this book was on my wishlist for my birthday, so - who forget to buy me a present? xD

library addict said...

Huge congrats to all the winners.

Back to waiting for June 14th... Only 47 more days to go! *sob*