I received some German editions of one of my Silhouette Desire books - Craving Beauty. These international edition author copies appear without warning, so it's always fun to open the box and see what's inside.
Also, as an aside, while shirt dude is very nice, I still ADORE the original cover. It was an unusual cover for a Silhouette novel when it was first published, and I think it's stood the test of time.
I'd have this as a poster on my office wall if I could. (I actually do have a poster of one of my original Desire covers: Awaken the Senses. I think I purloined it from a conference when no one was looking ;-)).

I also had to find the French cover of the recent release of Heart of Obsidian, for the website.
As I was doing that last, it suddenly struck me just how incredible it is that I have readers around the world. It's a surreal, beautiful, wonderful thing that just hit me hard in the heart and brought me near to tears.
I could never have imagined this when I was a struggling writer getting rejection after rejection. Back then, the idea of seeing Nalini Singh on a book cover was just a crazy dream. The reality was letter after letter saying my manuscript wasn't what the publisher was looking for. Self-publishing wasn't even a gleam in anyone's eye, so that wasn't an option.
The rejections broke my heart, but I never considered stopping. Writing is as much a part of me as breathing. Cut me and you'll see words pouring out along with my blood. And you all know I plan to keel over the keyboard - one day far in the future, when I'm a cheerfully wizened old lady.
So to all of you who have your own crazy dreams - don't ever give up. You never know what the next day, the next door will bring. Fight for your joy.
And to my readers: thank you. Without you, none of this would be possible. I wish I could hug each and every one of you.
It is great to see the different covers - so interesting to see how characters are interpreted!
And I want to thank YOU, I love the worlds you create for us to disappear into and eagerly await each and every book release. I wish you a long and happy life at the keyboard! :)
I started reading your books when Visions of Heat came out. At first I thought "Who is this new writer and will I like the story?" I am very picky when it comes to authors writing about the same world only with different characters. I've read really good ones (such as you Nalini) & I've read some really bad ones. The bad ones, over time, makes me cautious of what I read. To answer my question: Yes, I really, really like ALL your stories. You are a gifted writer.
I'm thinking that all the publishers who turned you down are kicking themselves now. To quote Mr. Spock "Live long and prosper". Or live long & keep on writing!
Patricia S
Thank you--for not giving up, as much as for your wonderful stories.
I enjoy seeing the various international covers. It facinates me what sells a book in other markets. And while I love the US covers, there are many others I like as well.
As those above said, so glad you didn't give up. I was late getting aboard the Nalini Singh autobuy fan train, but I am all in now.
What an amazing Fan art,Nalini !: http://img03.deviantart.net/e7ab/i/2013/249/0/d/elena_the_guild_hunter_by_dark_voices-d6l4ke7.jpg
Wahou ! I know it's crazy but yesterday I 've a strange dream,I see Zoe Elena give a punch to Michela-The Fucking-Bitch ( what a cute,nickname xD) and screamed with a fierce look : don't said bad think to Elena you ugly witch !
Ouch...it's kinda impressive and really weird ! My brain is bizarre sometimes...
We're all glad you didn't give up nalini.the world would be a duller place without your writing in it.you bring magic into your fans lives.
And again i say Thank you Nalini. You bring comfort and joy to my wounded heart.
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