Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Book Club

The book club is now open! What have you been reading and enjoying this week?


Holly said...

Just finished Gena Showalter's The Darkest Seduction. I really liked it and now plan to re-read the rest of the Lords of the Underworld series.

ShellBell said...

This weekend I plan on re-reading some of my favourite Regency books that have just been released as eBooks - the first 3 book of Marion Chesney's 'Six Sisters' series: Minerva, the Taming of Annabelle, and Deirdre and Desire.

julieann37 said...

The Departed by Shiloh Walker,second in the FBI series,really enjoyed it.Can't wait for the next in the series in an anthology in the summer.Also reread Shelly Laurenston's Big,Bad Beast.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed Poison Study by Maria V Snyder, and When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James.

Diane said...

I'm trying a new author: Sandy Williams and the title is Shadow Reader.

Musings by Mimmi said...

Darynda Jones ~~ how did I miss her until now? OMG, her heroine, Charley Davidson, is a riot, and her mouth very much makes me think of Eve Dallas ~ she's such a smartass, I love it! I just started book 2!!

Jen said...

I got a free Kindle book which I liked enough to try another of the author's books, so I'm reading and really enjoying Breath of Life by Christine Pope!

Anonymous said...

I'm actually re-reading the In Death books in anticipation for Celebrity In Death. I'm on Seduction in Death right now.

Saiqa said...

First of all, is the darkest seduction Paris's book? Because I didnt know that was out. And MelissaB I totally agree with you about Darynda Jones and her excellent creation Charley.I have read all 3 of her books and the short story between the 2nd and 3rd book ( I think its called 'For I have sinned' and you can read it free online if you register to the heroes and heartbreakers blog). I just finished Justice by Karen Robards and I am a little disappointed. Her old books were so good, especially her historical romances, but now I feel she leaves out most of the romance and mostly focuses on the thriller/ suspence part. Anyone else feel the same or is it just me?

Holly said...

Yes, it's Paris' story. Officially it's out on the 28th but it was on the shelf at my local bookstore.

In my opinion, Karen Robards is not the only one. Linda Howard, Elizabeth Lowell, Tami Hoag, Iris Johansen went in the same direction. I re-read their older books regularly and don't re-read the newer ones, I just get them from the library.

Sherri L. said...

I'm finishing up hidden away by maya banks and was thinking about getting angel's flight when it comes out so I have all the novella's but as I have read and loved the psy/changeling series but have not read the guild hunter series yet (sorry Nalini) I think I heard they could be read as a stand alone but I was wondering if that was a good way to start or does it matter? Should I start with angel's blood first?

Anonymous said...

@ Sherri
I think Angel's Flight istn't a bad way at all to start with the Guild Hunter series, for all of the GH novellas except one take place before Angel's Blood.


Sherri L. said...

Thanks Jana :)

mell61 said...

I'm re-reading the Tairen Soul books by CLFWilson at the moment, and also eagerly anticipating the next Alpha and Omega book from Patricia briggs 'Fair Game' - its ordered and I'm checking its status almost daily... (Angels flight is in the same basket).

Anonymous said...

@ Therese
I would suggest checking Patricia's website if you haven't already since the sample chapter has been posted. Looks like the FBI needs a consult and Charles & Anna will be sent.


Sofia said...

Sorry I'm late to the Friday Book Club party, just wanted to share a new author I've discovered DB Reynolds and her Vampires in America series, it starts with Raphael who is an alph vampire lord ruling the west coast and the heroine is a 6ft kick ass PI who he hires to track the human kidnappers who abducts his sister, their story continues in the second book called Jabril and I've just finished the third book called Rajmund, I'm pacing myself as she's only written 5 so far..I've now starting the third book in Suzanna Collins Hunger Games trilogy called Mockingjay, so far so good!

Annonymous... said...

thank you to the one who recommended elizabeth vaughn's books warprize and warlord... really enjoyed the tale.... highly recommend that 2 books even though it was printed ages ago... wonderful timeless tale...also enjoyed a newbie jenn bennett's kindling moon.. good story..happy reading you all.. and a good week ahead..