Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Book Club


Alt Text: The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


Anonymous said...

I'm rereading Nora roberts books and audiobooks the Year One

Anonymous said...

I'm currently reading "Last Guard" in an abbreviated re-read that started with "Shards of Hope" when we first met the Rainfire leopards. I'm really enjoying this, but didn't think I had time for a full reread before the new book comes out. It's about time to call the local bookstore and reserve my copy.

I have been busy lately and keep forgetting to post, so I'm at it early for me on Thursday evening, since my weekend is again very busy. Thank you for these lovely books. I so enjoy both this series and the Guild hunters.


library addict said...

My favorite new-to-me book this week was Nora Roberts' The Mirror (Lost Brides Trilogy #2) as I was lucky enough to get an ARC. I reread book #1 (Inheritance) before starting it which I think helped with my enjoyment.

I also liked Kit Rocha's Queen of Dreams (Bound to Fire & Steel #2) which was another ARC.

(Sadly my luck in ARCs does not include any others most especially Primal Mirror).

I also read Jaci Burton's The Backup Bride Proposal (Boots and Boquets #4).

And Rebecca Zanetti's Wolf (Stope Packs #1), Alpha (Stope Packs #2), and Shifter (Stope Packs #3). I had major issues with the hero of the first two books, but liked the other characters so kept going. Book three was by far my favorite of the series so far.

Rereads this week included Jayne Ann Krentz' Falling Awake among others.

Patricia Schlorke said...

I finished my skimming/re-read of the Kate Daniels series to get ready for Sanctuary by Ilona Andrews in July.

Currently I am doing a re-read of the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs. I hope she writes more of Anna and Charles.

I also read Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs. In order to understand the story behind Mercy's issues, you really need to read Soul Taker, which is the book before this one. All I am going to say of Winter Lost is Mercy's dad is something else.

Nicole Passante said...

I’m rereading Archangel light right now and I NEED TO KNOW why Elena thinks Aodhan’s and Demarco’s friendship is funny 🤣