If you'd like to go in the random draw to win one of 5 Advanced Reading/Review Copies of Archangel’s Shadows, send an e-mail to naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom (replace DOT/AT with symbols . and @) with:
- "ARCHANGEL’S SHADOWS ARC Contest" in the subject line; and
- your mailing address
By September 12th, 2014, 7pm New Zealand time.
Please follow the correct format for entry re the subject line, so your e-mail goes into the right in-box. (Your e-mail address will only be used to contact you should you win, and your mailing address to post out the ARC if you win.)
Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, I'd ask that you please post a review somewhere before or on the release date (October 28th) - on a blog, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,'s up to you, but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere. The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.

-Ashwini : )
The fine print: Contest is open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winners will be chosen randomly using and their names posted on this blog on 15th September 2014. Winners will also be contacted via the email address used to enter the giveaway. Void where prohibited.
Woohoo! I'm in!
Sending my email now!
I want this so bad, i probably will have a heart attack.
Ashwini, my life is in your left click. :D
would love - love one.
*goes down on knees and prays*
I would LOVE to enthusiastically gush over your latest Archangel book. Let me, please!
Yay! And thank you.
Email sent!!!! I love this series!!! Thank you for this chance
Thank you for this chance. I hope you and Nalini have a great rest of the week.
Cheers Cherie
sending an e-mail ^^
I'm in! Thanks for this chance.
I'm in. Thank you for a chance for a review copy.
Hope I get picked, would love to review one of these books that mean so much to me!!
How wonderful!!! I've sent my email!
Can't wait to read the book. Long way to the release ��
thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone.
fingers crossed, hope I'm chosen.
Have entered. thankyou for the chance!
I have just entered, Thankyou for the chance.. I can't wait to read this next instalment of Archangel... I adore this series so much ;)x
I'm in ,in, in!
**jumps in excitement**
I put my name in the draw. Crossing my fingers and knocking on wood for luck!!!
It's maybe a stupid question but I have to be sure: the " sings only the ends of the subject line, or do I have to write them also in there? :$
Anon - as long as you have the words, you're all good. :)
I'm in!! even if I leave in the antipodes... doesn't matter, does it?...
Can't wait to see what happens with these two!!
Nalini, I know it will be fantastic but I will give you an honest review. I hope it's me :D
I've read all your books to date, love them all and Would love to win ARC copy)
I was confused..does my email go in body of email or also in subject line?
I put in both, fretting, now checking to make sure I do not need to resend.
Old and confused here in NJ!
From the time I picked up the first book at the airport I was hooked, can't wait for the new release
Sent an email! Hoping I would be chosen :)
@BarbaraJ - I checked and your entry is fine. :)
Yeah! I just applied. =D I'd love to get one because waiting for the official release date is torture. I've been waiting for Ash and Janvier's story for far too long. I have and love all of the other Guild Hunter and Psy-Changeling books too. Thank you for creating such wonderful worlds. =)
All this excitement is fabulous! I got a kick just out of reading everyone's comments. That being said I still hope I win! :) Bon chance a tous!
Oh No!! I just found it in my junk box! I'm so gutted I missed out :(
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