Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Angels of Darkness

Angels of Darkness is now out! I hope you all enjoy the anthology. Here's the excerpt link for "Angel's Wolf" if you haven't read it.

And here's the cover for the audio book, which is also now available!


Anna said...

Happy Release Day!

My book shipped yesterday. Hopefully, it'll arrive Friday morning. *crosses fingers*

Maria said...

Happy Release Day!

Saiqa said...

Congrats Nalini. I will be posting my review of 'Angels Wolf' on the internet tomorrow and will try and put a link on this weblog.

Diane said...

I'm already reading it!

Anonymous said...

I have just read Angels Wolf and it is perfect, just perfect.

A beautiful story, I think everyone will love this as much as I did.

I don't know how Nalini comes up with so many different characters and stories, but it's true talent xx

Tracey in the ul

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous covers, Nalini! I LOVE them!

But I could swear the couple on the audio book's cover is the same as on the German edition of Seduced by the Storm by Sydney Croft...! oô

Don't get me wrong, that's NO complaint at all, I just think it's an interesting and funny coincidence, so I thought I might just make a comment on it... ^^
Here's the link to Amazon; just take a look if you like:

I hope nobody's outraged by me sending this...
Like I said, I think it's just funny in the best sense of the word...

Warmest regards,

Saiqa said...

Hi everyone, I just posted my review of the story on booksonboard. It should show up by the end of today.Please read it, its under my name. I loved the story, it was excellent.

Saiqa said...

Hi everyone,

Here's a link to my review of 'Angel's Wolf'on

Please read it and let me know what you think.

ST said...

My book is on its way. Can't wait!!

ST said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FiveAcres said...

Downloaded it for my Kindle yesterday, and yours was the first novella that I read, and not just because it was the first in the file. I loved it, and am rereading it right now.

Crystal Posey said...

GORGEOUS cover art!

mbot565 said...

I totally fell in love with Noel and Nimra. My only complaint is it's too short. 86 pages weren't nearly enough, I kept wanting more.

carde said...

It arrived yesterday and I was SO determined to wait until today to read (I have a day off..and its raining...perfect reading weather) But then I picked it up after dinner last night and my husband chuckled when I said I was only going to read the first chapter.
I finished it at 10.30pm last night and loved it, loved it Loved it, loved the characters, so nice to have Noels story after what he went through.