Winners: Thank you for all your wonderful comments everyone, and thanks Laura for visiting. The random numbers have spoken and the winners of the two signed copies of Eternal Hunger are:
Congratulations! Valerie, I have your email. Jen could you please drop me a note at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com so I can forward your info onto Laura? Thanks!
Congratulations! Valerie, I have your email. Jen could you please drop me a note at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com so I can forward your info onto Laura? Thanks!
I'm delighted to welcome Laura Wright to the blog today. Laura and I first knew each other while writing for Silhouette Desire. She's now come over to the dark side with a new vampire series.
I had a chance to read the first book, Eternal Hunger early and enjoyed it so much I gave it a cover blurb - I believe the words "Dark, delicious and sinfully good" might've been used. If you're looking for a dark and sexy vampire romance, this one is very much recommended!
Please welcome Laura to the blog everyone, and don't forget to enter her contest.
The Birth of the Roman Brothers
Laura Wright
Laura Wright
First of all I want to say thank you to Nalini for having me over for a romance writer playdate today. Nalini is such a genius and an incredibly generous person, and it’s an honor to be guest blogging here. :-)
When I was brainstorming blog topics for today, I came up with all sorts of

‘How did you come up with the idea for the series?’
This is such a great question and, I hope, kind of a cool answer. I had actually intended for ETERNAL HUNGER to be a category novel, even pitched it to my wonderful editor at Silhouette with hopes we could do a trilogy for Desire. But something happened.
HE showed up in my mind.
Who is HE?
That would be the illustrious and sexually gifted Breeding Male.
**For those of you who haven’t read HUNGER yet, the Breeding Male is a vampire of purest blood who, many centuries ago, was taken by the rulers of the breed and genetically transformed into a ferocious, aggressive breeding machine. He is able to not only impregnate at will, but decide the sex of the child. This was very useful in times of war, when one sex or the other was being wiped out. The Breeding Male would be called upon to repopulate the species. Problem was, many of the females he mated with were forced to lay with him by their families. He became an animal, rutting with any female that crossed his path, and soon had to be caged and controlled.**
Yes, so this horribly awesome creature came into my head, and like a seed in the dirt, it sat there for a while getting water and fertilizers (aka, questions - lots of questions.) Like - who were the children of the Breeding Male – and the females who were forced to lay with him. When they became did they treat their young? What was the family dynamic? Would these children run away from their home? Their communities? Would they themselves live in fear that one day they too would become a Breeding Male?
I knew this would be a big story with really dark histories and graphic love scenes, and I didn’t want to hold anything back. So, I set out working on the world and the beginning chapters. I had (for starters) three sons of the Breeding Male, Purebloods and Impures living together in communities called, credentis. I had those who escaped and started a life in the human world, I had a ruling class - and I had a threat of a villain who was going to force the rulers and the rebels to work together.
It became a world I was not only fascinated by, but one I wished I could enter. Well, for a few weeks anyway. Just so I could meet those Roman brothers face to face. Or should I say Fang to Fang :-)
What about you? Is there a world an author, or authors, has created that you’d love to jump into for a few weeks?
I’m giving away 2 signed copies of ETERNAL HUNGER today. Leave a comment by 12 noon Thursday 7 October 2010 New Zealand time and you’ll be entered to win* :)
Link to excerpt of ETERNAL HUNGER
Link to Laura's Author Page on Facebook
*Winners to be picked by and their names posted in the comments and at the top of this post. Void where prohibited.
your book sounds fascinating laura, can't wait to check it out!
I'm really excited about this series, Laura! I love dark, tortured heroes, and the strong women who tame them!
The Psy-Changeling world of Nalini Singh is a world I would like to jump into for a few weeks... if only to chase Julian and Roman around Tamsyn's kitchen ;) What can I say? I love paranormal worlds! I haven't read any of your work yet, Laura, but it looks like I ought to *says the fantasy buff in me* :)
Re-posted your contest at:
Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
I value Nalini opinion on books highly so I look forward to reading your book.
I can't wait to read this book! Sounds like its going to be a good one.
I will definitely have to read this series, I am intrigued!
If I could step into a fictional world, it would have to be the world of Dakota Cassidy's Accidental series! Those characters are passionate, hilarious and loyal. My kind of people!
Laura, Thank you for sharing your Fang World with us. I can't wait to read your book!
Your book sounds interesting thanks for posting and in response to your question "What about you? Is there a world an author, or authors, has created that you’d love to jump into for a few weeks?" I jump into different worlds and places every time I crack open a book. Reading is my escape from my world :D
Laura, just reading the background you posted has me salivating over your intriguing new fanged society.
I will definitely visit your world, when I take a break from visiting Nalini's fabulous psy -changeling land of Silence, Sunny's court of Monere from the Mona Lisa Series,and Michelle Sagara's Magical world of Elantra (Chronicles of series).
Currently I have dual residences on Nightfall Island with Jean Johnson, and wandering the land of Xanth, where Piers Anthony captured my fickle adolescent attention, fired my imagination, tickled my funny bone, and has never let me get away.
If you have not tried any of those series, I urge you to check them out. In the meantime, your new book is going into my wish list.
two worlds I would LOVE to jump into would have to be the Psy/Changeling world (of course :) and Immortals After Dark. Most likely as a Valkyrie (Finally! A kick-butt heroine who is short!)
My question is how long did it take you to work out the details of the world? My type-A personality is demanding I know every nook & cranny of everything before I get to writing. (I would be curiuos about your answer as well, Nalini, if you are here :)
Sounds very interesting, Laura. I will definitely check out the book.
As for a world I would love to be in, it will have be the Psy-Changeling one. I think there is something fascinating with a world where half the players are this sensual, physical race while the others are seemingly in contrast with that.
Hey Laura,
It's Kelly.....
Just wanted to swing by and say hello, Ssssoooo HELLO!!!!! Yes, I know feels like I am stocking you… but I am not… Just wanted to say congrats on the book and blogging….
PS….don’t enter me into the contest I have already won this book………..
Ooooh yummy! Sounds like a series I need to check out!
Oooh, I am looking forward to checking out your books, Laura! =) They look fantastic.
Every time I enter into a particularly fascinating new book or a series, I'm swept up into that world. All of Nalini's novels--both the Psy-Changeling and the Archangel books-- accomplish this; Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels and Edge books do this; recently, Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series took me away. I love it. I'm more than willing to hand over my passport when I purchase a good book.
My comment may have gotten eaten but it mainly stated that your vampire story sounds like the kinds that I love. cant wait to read it even if I dont win a copy.
I'm loving the world of the guild as far as places to visit if I could
Book sounds great, I think I'll have to throw my name in the hat for that one.
I love paranormal worlds! I am definitely gonna check this series out, Laura. It sounds great!
Well if Nlaini liked it, it's certainly worth checkinng out:)
I would love to jump in to the world of Narnia. I know its a kids book but it would be cool to live there lol.
You can contact me here:
Your world sounds intriguing, it's a interesting concept. I'll definitely look out for your books.
Absolutely. Larissa Ione's Demonica and upcoming Lords of Deliverance series for one. Another two: Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter series. Then there's Kresley Cole's Immortal After Dark series. Many a paranormal world I'd love to experience for a few weeks. ;)
I would love to explore Anne McCaffrey's Pern!
AH! This sounds like it'll be an AWESOME book! I'm rushing to the store to get it the day it comes out!
Sounds really interesting. I will definitely check it out.
Your world sounds quite intriguing.
I would love to visit the world of the Psy/Changelings (mostly the Changelings). I would also love to hang out with Mercy Thompson and Kate Daniels. A world I love to read about but do NOT want to visit? Vicki Pettersson's Las Vegas. It's just too creepy sometimes.
Sounds like just the fun read that I'm looking for!
It sounds like a good basis for a book and I enjoyed your excerpt.
Yes there is a series I would love to jump into: Angel's Blood by Nalini.
I read her first book and enjoyed it then her second book in the series. But what did it for me was actually listening to the audio of this series and how much it came to life and started my imagination
I love discovering new authors. Your book sounds interesting. Growing up I used to read Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series, and I wanted to part of that world. I would also love to jump into the Psy/Changeling or Guild Hunter universe.
Your boook sounds interesting - the tortured heros are always fascinating. I love both the Psy-Changeling and the GH worlds and would love to live in them for a few weeks.
Hey all! Thanks so much for coming by and for commenting. I think we are all in agreement of the genius of our illustrious hostess, Nalini:-)
I LOVE to lay under the uh... wings of the delectable and terrible Archangel Raphael, thank you very much:-)
Sounds really interesting :) you'll have to toss my name in the hat too.
It sounds interesting. Would love to check it out.
This one is on my Amazon wishlist just waiting for my next order. If I could enter any world I think I would go to Shelly Laurenston's Pride Series world. Kick butt roller derby, good food, and lots of laughter.
Laura - thanks for visiting. Your take on vampires sounds interesting. Heading over to your site to take a peek.
Hi, Laura,
I have ETERNAL HUNGER on my "wish list" because it sounds like a book I'd love!
Good luck with it! :)
I think I'd definitely choose Nalini's psy-changling world (though Middle Earth is always a close runner up, since the elves left for the West, Nalini wins!).
Thanks for visiting today!!
kelleysquared (at) snet (dot) net
Your book sounds great I can't wait to read it. I think I would like to visit Nalini's Guild Hunter world. It would be so interesting to see all those sexy angels flying around!
Sounds like a good series and I look forward to reading it!
Sounds good! Have purchased books that had Nalini's blurbs on it with extremely good luck. Would to add my name to this contest.
I would love to go into Nalini's Guild Hunter world, go to Manhattan, and see the angels, hunters, and vampires. I wouldn't mind getting dusted by an angel either. he he
I really want to read this book. As far as a world I would love to jump into Kresley Cole's IAD world.
Ooh Laura, you're on the lolcat site!
The books sounds great!
Laura, your book sounds fascinating - I will definitely need to keep an eye out for it in the bookstore
Sounds really interesting! Going on my TBR pile.
I'd give anything to be a part of Lara Adrian's "Midnight Breed" series! I love the world Lara has built surrounding the warriors of the Order and their respective Breedmates. It is dark, dangerous, and sensual at the same time. Each Breedmate is perfectly matched to her Warrior, and they all help each other toward the same mission.
I'm very intrigued about Laura's world-I'll definitely have to check it out!
LOVE reading everyone's answers! Now I have more books to buy and read!! lol..
I have to say, Harry Potter's world would be incredible too..
Janlb - someone else spotted that too! lol.. that site is so funny!
There are alot of takers for Nalini's Psy/Changeling worlds. Maybe we should take a vote:-)
Psy or Changelings?
Sounds like a book to be added to my wishlist !
Please enter me in the giveaway.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
hello laura...
theres a lot of worlds i love to enter...
1) theres nalini's archangel world.. a world of angel's isnt that beautiful :)
2) theres also Rachel Vincent's shifter world that i like to have a look at.. i want to so badly meet Jace... <3
3) theres also J.R Wards.. i would love to meet the brothers... <3
and many more.. and i loook forward to read your book!!! definitely on my TBR list!!
Hay Laura and Nalini
Now Laura that sounds like my kinda book! The dynamic looks fantastic!! Must go check the UK release
Now worlds I wanna live in. BAD question to ask moi! So many worlds, so not got a portal! ;-)
Top 3 are:
1) Midkemia (Raymond E Fiest)
2) Nalinis Angels (yup yer number 2)
3) My own fantasy world! (yes I have one - actually I have several!) Who doesnt like knight elves that are built like shit brickhouses!!!
Right-O off I go!
Take care lovelies and be bad!
Meljean Brooks new world in The Iron Duke is interesting and terrifying. Seeing it as a movie would be worth the price for a short visit.
I haven't heard of this series before but it sounds good, would be interested in a copy.
goodie! another vampire book to my book list! i hope to win a copy~
The world of Psy and Changelings,
the Archangels world and the post-shift world of Kate and Curran (Ilona Andrews); these three worlds I would really like to live in for a while.
Wow, that sounds like a really interesting premise, can't wait to find out more.
Don't know if there are too many fictitional worlds that I love reading about that I would actually want to be in, not too sure I'd survive!
Hello Laura, thank you for creating an interesting world. Cannot wait to read your new book.
Just finished Jennifer Estep's Venom... loved it. Always looking for something "new" to try and hoping to find another author like Nalini and Jennifer, where I'm looking forward to the next.
This sounds like a really interesting new series. This one is definitely going on my wish list!
Sounds really interesting to me. I'd love to check it out!
Morning All!!
These worlds sound amazing - and very tempting. My to-be read pile is growing with every comment!!
Hi Laura. Your new series sounds great. I would love to jump into Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter world.
I really look forward to reading this series.
I would not mind to spend some time in Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress books.
Thank you for this giveaway:-)
Nalani's Guild Hunter series.
I'll have to look for your book now!
This book sounds great and the cover is yummy.
I love to hear the stories how a book came to live, so thank you very much! (by the way, it also sounds very interesting)
Actually, I have a very good phantasy, so I am in the world of every book I read. It is great to feel with them, but can be a little bit annoying if you can't tell them that they are doing something stupid. So it would be sometimes very nice to step really into the world of a book, so you can hit them on the head and say: "Look at the mess you are in!" (Maybe a bad idea with vampires, it could make them very angry) :)
Wow.. I'll definitely be checking out your book. Sounds fantastic :)
There are so many worlds I would love to jump into as there are soooo many fabulous writers out there.
Nalini's Psy/Changeling or Guild Hunter worlds.. JR Ward's Brotherhood world, Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark world.. man the list just goes on!
I would like to jump into Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake world. A trip to Guilty Pleasures would surely be on my list of sights to see in St. Louis!
I can't wait to read about your world!
Wow! You ladies know where you want to go and with whom! lol - love that!
Here's another question - If you got into that world, would you want to be YOU or one of the characters/heroines etc??
oooh, laura! What a fascinating take on the vampire world! And love the cover! I think I'm in love! Gimme Gimme!
Well, there are Nalini's books, of course that I simply love to dive into. Just read her contribution to 'Burning Up' last night! Loved it!
Another author that I'm obsessed with is Kresley Cole and her Immortals After Dark. Love it! Talk about getting lost in! Lock the doors, turn off the phone and draw the blinds! It's time to dive in!
Oh, my e-mail is:
Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see how it all comes together.
Hi Laura,
nice to meet you on Nalini`s blog.
Your book sounds interesting and the breeding idea is adventurous *g*. If your contest is international I would be very happy to win a signed copy of your series.
And to answer your question:
I love Nalini`s Psy-/Changeling world. With each new release I like it more and she is a master of building up characters.
Your new books sounds great. I am going to add to my to buy list!
As far where I love to peek into...i love the world Nalini has created with both Psy/Changelings and her guild hunter world. I would also love to jump into JD Robb's world.
Thanks so much you guys!
Nalini has the BEST fans!
Sounds like a great book! Will definitely add to my reading list!
This looks like a great read.
And I would love to jump into the world that Angela Verdenius has created in her Heart and Soul series....phew, there are some pretty sexy men there!!!
in Germany
Kerrelyn Sparks' world! Oh! Or Kresley Cole's! But then there's Gena Showalter's world.... I could go at this all day ;-)
I'm really looking forward to reading your book, Laura!
sounds great
Again, thanks to Miz Fabulous (aka, Nalini) for hosting me and for all of you who came by and chatted! This has been a blast:-)
Happy Reading!
Two worlds really jump to mind:
Nalini's changeling
or Celta by Robin D. Owens.
I hadn't heard of this author or series before, but now I'm looking forward to reading Eternal Hunger and I've moved it to the top of my "to be read" list.
Lately I've been a paranormal junkie, and the Guild Hunter series is my favorite, so I'd like to visit that world for a bit as long as I don't attract the attention of any angels or vampires. :)
This sounds really good. definitely going to have to read it :)
Winners: Thank you for all your wonderful comments everyone, and thanks Laura for visiting. The random numbers have spoken and the winners of the two signed copies of Eternal Hunger are:
Jen (comment left at 12:54pm)
Valerie (from Germany)
Congratulations! Valerie, I have your email. Jen could you please drop me a note at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com so I can forward your info onto Laura? Thanks!
Wow, thanks!!!
in Germany
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