I read Lauren Dane's Laid Bare a while back, but realized I never mentioned it on the blog. It's a great book - erotic and deeply emotional at the same time, with a wonderful cast of characters.
I really enjoyed that we got to see the bonds of family in the book as well as, and alongside the romantic relationships. You can read more about Laid Bare on Lauren's website.
Your turn - what've you been reading and loving lately?
The Hunger Games - looks promising. I finally managed to read Married by Morning this week. Loved it, the banter between Leo and Marks (just love the name) was just perfect.
Life got in the way of reading this week, but I did manage On the Edge by Ilona Andrews and loved that as much or more the the Magic series. Now I am waiting verrry impatiently for Bonds of Justice. I'm glad it'll be on Kindle so my daughter & I don't have to fight for it! (She gets the paper version, I get the e-version.)
I finished On the Edge (Ilona Andrews) last Friday, which I enjoyed, and then read Vanished (Kat Richardson), which is the fourth Greywalker book. I liked it. The heroine is...sensible (always a good thing IMHO :)
Now I'm reading A Companion to Wolves (Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear). I believe there are also two sequels in the works.
CatR - I love how both you and your daughter will get to read Bonds of Justice with no infighting :)
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
I'm trying to finish last week's read (Forged of Shadows). If I manage then I'll begin - thanks for the heads-up link on ARE drawing, Nalini - Helen Lowe's Heir of Night.
I just devoured all of Cherise Sinclair's books. Really enjoyed Club Shadowlands (and the rest of the Masters of Shadowlands series) as well as Master of the Mountain. Now I'm just bummed I have nothing else of hers to read.
I just started Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich.
I've been rereading LK's Hathaway series, because Love in the Afternoon is coming out next week. I'm so excited for Beatrix's story!
-Sarah M.
Apart from re-reading Kresley Coles Immortals After Dark series i've read Larissa Iones Demonica Series. Very good series of books=D
Madhura- I loved the hunger games and the sequel! The third and final one comes out in august! WOOO!
I'm going very slowly with my reading at the moment. I must go and tally up my reading figures for the last couple of months, because I think my reading dropped out this time last year as well. Maybe it's something to do with winter.
I'm reading and enoying Mira Grant's "Feed", which I recommend as a zombie book for people who don't like zombies. The zombies are part of the world building, but the book is as much about mystery and people and biology as just zombies. No splatter and gore, but lots of blood tests and bleach.
Next up will be "The Last Stormlord" by Glenda Larke for a book group read and, like everyone else I'm looking forward to "Bonds of Justice".
I'm re-reading all of the changeling books before Bonds of Justice comes out and then I just bought Crazy for Love by Victoria Dahl. I'm excited to start that one. :) Have a great weekend.
I love Lauren Dane's books - can't wait for her next 2 releases in July.
Currently reading and enjoying Gena Showalter's The Darkest Passion.
My copy of Love in the Afternoon is in the post! Should get here either today or tomorrow - everything else is just filler until I get my hands on that. So excited :D
Listening to books 1,2,&3 of Sookie Stackhouse books. It's interesting to hear someone read them, you get a different feel to the books. I'm starting to see the attraction to audio books.
Finished Track of the Cat by Nevada Barr, the first Anna Pidgeon novel. The book was a little rough (expected for a first book in a long series) but the ending totally rocked. I can't wait to buy the next one. :)
Vampire Academy im up to the 7th book cant wait till the next one comes out :)
I'm reading Gena Showalter's The Darkest Passion, a Lords of the Underworld novel. I'm having a hard time getting into it, but the reviews have been great I blame my own distraction.
I'm working on my third novel in my Dogon-Hunters series. My first review for Scented Dreams was great, 4.75 out of 5.0!!
I read Lions Heat by Lora Leigh. It was really good! I plan to read the third book in Shelly Laurenston's Pride series this weekend.
Read three great books this week.
Shelly Laurensten's, The Mane Attraction, her shifters are amazingly amusing. Especially the wild dogs!
Cat Adam's, Blood Song, New series by C T Adams. Well done and fresh. It's still urban fantasy, but instead of dealing with shifters in her Sazi series, she's dealing with Vampires.
And finally, Suzanne McLeod's, The Sweet Scent of Blood, deals with Fae, Vamp's, and Shifters. It has that early LKH Merry Gentry feel to it, and I was happy to discover it. The second book is out, but seems to be only available in England?
I finished Heist Society and then read Something About You by Julie James. Both of those were pretty good with action and timing. ^^
Then, I finally finished Wicked Becomes You by M. Duran and read the delicious Ten Things I Love About You.
I started Kitty and the Dead Man's Hand and will probably start reading A Groom of One's Own by M. R. next. ^^
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