I'm working on copy edits for Play of Passion at the moment, so not online much, but I wanted to let you know about a few things.
Fiction Kingdom has a review and giveaway for Bonds of Justice. Here's a snippet from the review: I was a little hesitant when I heard that the main couple was going to be a human/psy pairing, but Nalini makes it work beautifully. Talking of giveaways, Jill Myles has an interview with Kasey Mackenzie over at Oddshots, and they're giving away Kasey's debut book - Red Hot Fury. I had a chance to read Red Hot Fury early and thought it was fantastic. If you're looking for an original new urban fantasy, check it out.
You all know how much I love Meljean's work - Demon Blood (out July) is no exception. It's rich and dark and lushly emotional. A beautiful read.
If you haven't tried this series, you definitely should. Meljean's giving you a chance to do just that by giving away 20 copies of Demon Blood over at Oddshots, so swing by and enter.
Plus, for those of you who've been following the series, she's just announced that she's been contracted for two more books - including Michael's! I can't wait to read it!
I read Lauren Dane's Laid Bare a while back, but realized I never mentioned it on the blog. It's a great book - erotic and deeply emotional at the same time, with a wonderful cast of characters.
I really enjoyed that we got to see the bonds of family in the book as well as, and alongside the romantic relationships. You can read more about Laid Bare on Lauren's website.
Your turn - what've you been reading and loving lately?
I've had emails about whether Bonds of Justice would be available in Kindle format on release date (July 6). The answer is yes - for both the Kindle and for other ebook formats (no live links yet but keep an eye out).
Also, I wanted to share some great reviews for Bonds that have just gone live in the blogsphere.
Every time I read a Psy-Changeling novel, it feels like I'm coming home. Nalini's characters are like family to me....Bonds of Justice delivers a jammed packed, adrenaline rush of a story and an amazing couple with Max and Sophia.
I was lapping this book up like the best dessert ever. The kind with the good calories. I love this series and it’s so rare that I get to say that when we’re this many books in. I loved Max and Sophia’s hot romance and I am still just as excited about this series as I ever was back in its beginnings.
The chemistry is definitely hot between the two main characters , but they have to overcome tremendous odds to be together...It is a wonderful story...
I'm getting so excited about the release date! I'll actually be in the U.S. around that time so I plan to lurk in bookstores ;-)
In truth, I'm going to be attending RomCon in Denver. It's a reader focused convention being held in Denver, Colorado, July 9-11th. If you're in the area, or close, do check it out. It looks like it's going to be a whole lot of fun!
I've now got a (very) rough first draft of Hawke's book, and it's time to start the second draft. This is where I begin to smooth out the chapters, fill in any gaps, move scenes around, add and occasionally delete scenes, and more.
I'm currently about two thirds of the way through Justin Cronin's The Passage, and finding it compelling reading. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend.
Winner: I've run the random numbers and the winner is Cathy M! Congratulations. An email is on the way to you.
If you didn't win, it's not long now till the July 6th release date! I hope you all enjoy Max and Sophia's story.
Guess what I have? An early finished copy of Bonds of Justiceto give away!
To enter the draw, just leave a comment with your answer to this burning question:
If you could take home any character from the Psy/Changeling world, who would it be and why?
OR, if you haven't read the books yet:
What's caught your interest about the series?
Open to everyone*. Entries close 12 noon, Sunday June 20th 2010, New Zealand time. Please leave some way for me to contact you, or check the blog on Sunday night to see if you've won. If I don't hear from the winner within 72 hours of posting their name, I'll redraw. Good luck!
I'll have something special for you later today, but for now, a couple of links I though you might like.
Fellow NZ writer Helen Lowe is giving away an advanced copy of her fantasy novel, The Heir of Night, on her blog. Her publisher Eos, is also giving away copies.
And, it's Take Home Tuesday at the The Knight Agency - this week's giveaway is Jonathan Friesen's Rush.
I'm getting some great fan art sent to me. Check out these! (I've got some more saved for next week).
This image was created by Laura/Arualy, inspired by the Guild Hunter series.
This one was created by Melanie Bradshaw, and inspired by the Psy/Changeling series. Melanie also has another piece at this link.
If you've done fan art, let me know, or leave a link in the comments :) And as always, if you'd like to use the artwork in any way, please contact the artist(s).
Also, the Q & A is still going on - you've got until Sunday to get your questions in.
I'm opening the floor for questions (both series). But, make sure you read the rules below before posting!
1. Before asking a question, check that it hasn't already been answered - either in the earlier comments on this post, on the website, or in either of the previous Q&A sessions.
2. No questions about Hawke, as I'm working on his book at present.
3. Please keep any "fine detail" questions to a minimum - ie. specific ages etc. It just takes me a little longer to answer these as I need to refer back to my notes.
4. If someone else asks a question and you know the answer, feel free to help me and answer! :-)
I'm currently reading Lois McMaster Bujold's Beguilement (Book 1 of the Sharing Knife series) and loving it! I stayed up way too late last night after telling myself I'd read just one more chapter. Ten chapters later...
Beguilement is a fantasy novel, but it's also deeply romantic - the two main characters are just wonderful. Totally recommended. If you'd like to read a detailed review, check out the one at Dear Author.
Check out this awesome article at Salon.com about "Your Guiltiest Summer Reading Pleasures" by Sarah Wendell. You might see a book that looks familiar. *grin*
Here's another cool piece of fan art! It's the artist's take on Dorian.
I've been catching up on my reading over the past couple of weeks, so I'm going to be doing some book posts this week.
First up, Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs. It was awesome. I just love the developing relationships both between the main, and the secondary characters, as well as how the world itself continues to deepen and grow.
Seeing more of Samuel was wonderful - I can't wait to see where Patricia Briggs takes this storyline.
I know a lot of you are fans of this series too - what do you love most about it?
p.s. If you haven't yet read this series, start with the first book, Moon Called.