Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wolfsbane and Mistletoe

I managed to read this in between writing - it's an excellent anthology to "snack" on if you haven't got time to read a full-length book.

The stories are of various lengths (I think the shortest is 5, but most come in around 20-30 pages) and written around the theme of werewolves and Christmas. I loved all the stories - each author's voice is unique and the stories cover the spectrum from dark to laugh out loud funny.

If you'd like more details, check out this post at Darque Reviews, which has a short blurb for each story.

Definitely recommended.

Did you all do any reading over Christmas? Any recommendations?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


After those lazy Christmas days, it's back to work for me - I'm going to dive into BLAZE OF MEMORY.

How about you all? What're you up to?

Saturday, December 27, 2008


...who ate too much over the past couple of days? I confess I did. And there's still chocolate cake calling my name. *g*

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

Happy holidays everyone!! I hope you have a fabulous time, however you choose to celebrate it!! :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Hostage to Pleasure has been nominated as one of the Top Romance Books of 2008 over at Romance Novel TV. I'm keeping some stellar company, so swing on over and vote for your favorites! :-)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

North and South

I have to thank all the bloggers (especially KristieJ), who posted about North and South. I ADORED it!

If you loved the BBC's adaptation of
Pride and Prejudice, I think you'll love this, too. It's an adaption of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel by the same name.

The cast is fantastic - but I have to give a special mention Richard Armitage. Wow! I particularly liked how his character had all these layers that we got to see bit by bit.

I borrowed this from my local library, but I think I'm going to have to get my own copy. Those final scenes...sigh.

Have you seen it? Thoughts?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Patricia Briggs & Website

I have some wonderful news to share! Patricia Briggs, author of the rocking Mercy Thompson series, had this to say about ANGELS' BLOOD!

" was simply awesome. Powerful, terrifyingly, passionately awesome."


Also, the website has been updated, and included in this month's updates is a deleted scene from Caressed By Ice, as well as an "extra" scene between Lucas and Sacha. Enjoy! :-)

Friday, December 19, 2008

TKA Christmas Blog

I'm guest-blogging over at The Knight Agency blog ~ drop by and share some Christmas joy :-)

Special Release: ANGELS' PAWN

I have some more awesome news to share. You'll be getting an extra novella from me in 2009!

ANGELS' PAWN will come out before ANGELS' BLOOD next year as a special e-release. No confirmed release date yet, but it's likely to be in February, so make a note in your diaries!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cover Love!!

I love it!! Most especially I love that they're both on the cover since we know both Mercy and Riley from the rest of the series. Branded By Fire releases July 2009!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I'm blogging over at the Down Under Desirabelles today - and there's a very special giveaway - an ARC of Gena Showalter's The Vampire's Bride, so make sure you drop by!

Also, The Knight Agency is holding it's 2nd Annual Online Office Christmas Party on Dec 18th at 12.30pm Eastern Time. I have it on good authority that there might be presents *grin* Check out the full details here.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Psy/Changeling Release Date Change

I have some great news on the Psy/Changeling series!

I know it's a bit of a wait to BRANDED BY FIRE (July 2009), but the wait for the book after that will be much shorter :-)

The release date for BLAZE OF MEMORY (Dev's book) has been shifted up to November 2009, so you'll get two Psy/Changeling stories very close together!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Catchup & Abby Gaines

First up, BooksOnBoard is giving away The Natural, a novella by fellow NZ author Abby Gaines, so check it out.

What're you all up to this weekend? I'm doing some work on a special project that I'll tell you all about next week sometime. :-)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Eye Candy

I'm over at the Down Under Desirables today talking about hunks we'd like under the Christmas tree! :-)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

RT Nomination!

I just found out that Hostage to Pleasure has been nominated for a RT Reviewers' Choice Award in the Paranormal Action Adventure Romance category!! Woohoo!!

And talking of good books *grin*, I'm over at The Book Smugglers today, chatting about my favorite reads of 2008, so drop by and join in.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

12 Days of Christmas

The Down Under Desirabelles are currently blogging around the 12 Days of Christmas, with prizes every day. Swing by and say hi :-)

Monday, December 08, 2008

Bookworm Award

CindyW tagged me with the Bookworm Award. Thanks Cindy!

Here's how it works: Open the book closest to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence, as well as two to five sentences following there.

The war wreaked serious damage to the building, but even greater damage was wreaked by the flood of 1966 when many of the sacred books (Tora) were lost.

Along the avenues which encircle the city, halfway between the ancient northern gate (Porta San Gallo) and the eastern gate (Porta all Croce), one finds...

I'm going to tag the last five bloggers who commented on the blog as I draft this:
Jenny Schwartzberg
Little Alys

Have fun!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Weekly Catchup

Actually, that should probably be monthly catchup. What's everyone been up to? Plans for Dec?

I'm working hard on a couple of things - hopefully should be able to tell you more about it in the next few weeks.

Also, a link: The Book Smugglers are doing a Countdown to Smugglivus all this month, with guest authors talking about favorite books of 2008, their upcoming books and more. Today they've got an excerpt from Loretta Chase.

Now, tell me all your news!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Reader Interviews: Heather on Three Fates by Nora Roberts

It's time for this week's reader interview - focusing on books readers of my blog, livejournal and myspace page consider absolute keepers. If you'd like to participate, you can find all the details here.

Also, if you'd like to read previous interviews, click on the Reader Interviews Part Deux tag at the bottom of this post.

Today's interviewee is Heather!

Heather on Three Fates by Nora Roberts

a) What's the book about?

This a story about 3 siblings and a mystery surrounding the lost three fates st
atues, throw in a greedy woman bent on taking them at any cost.

b) What do you love most about this story?

The interaction between all the characters but most especially the interaction between the siblings

c) How many times have you read this book?

So many times that it has fallen apart.

d) Who would you recommend it to?


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I have a scary question for you today...have you done your Christmas shopping?!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Jo Leigh Auction

The For Jo Leigh auction is now live. Lots of goodies for readers and writers, including critiques from agents, authors and editors, book bundles, signed copies of books (including Slave to Sensation, Visions of Heat and Hostage to Pleasure) and more fun stuff. Follow the link for all the details!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

For the Chocoholics

Fancy shoe shopping? How about "a handmade gourmet shoe with a 14cm heel" from (Link and description via Sideswipe.)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Emerging from the writing cave to say...

Happy Turkey Day to everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving! :)

Plus, Barbara Vey's Beyond the Book blog has an awesome roundup of Christmas themed books, including The Magical Christmas Cat, so swing by and check it out if you're in the mood for some mistletoe!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday Links

A few links I thought might interest :-)

A great interview with Marjorie M. Liu at Shanghai Scrap (link via The Knight Agency blog). Also via TKA, agent & author Deidre Knight talks about writing on agent Lucienne Diver's blog

Dear Author offers up The Romance Apologia Scale (warning: do not read with coffee in mouth)

Cara King presents Jane Austen's Twilight

The Book Smugglers interview Kim Harrison

Kate Rothwell (Summer Devon) is offering a free download of her novel The Ratcatcher (link via Meljean Brook's blog)

And that's everything I caught on my very quick scan of my blog feeds this morning. Leave a note in the comments if you've posted and/or seen something interesting around the blogsphere. Have a great day everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Favorite Movies

The Down Under Desirabelles are talking favorite "desirable" movies, so swing by and add your picks. What was mine?

Here's a clue:

"Farm boy, fill these with water - please."

"As you wish."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Interview with Karina Bliss

Updated to Add: The random winner of Karina's giveaway is Azteclady. Congratulations! Can you please contact Karina at karina AT with your mailing address. :)

Sneaking back very early (shh) from the writing cave to post something special - an interview with Karina Bliss, celebrating the release of her new book, "Second-Chance Family." Not only is Karina a friend and fellow NZ author, she's also one of my favorite writers. Her stories have real heart - I can never put down her books once I pick them up.

Please give Karina a warm welcome to the blog everyone!

1. Who is Karina Bliss?

This sounds like a 'Where's Wally?' question. :-)

The great thing about being a writer is that you're anonymous except for gender, and some writers even get around that. Eg: J.K Rowling, C.S Lewis and Lionel Shriver (a female writer who uses a male name).

But for lack of literary stature, I can confirm I'm female, older than I want to be, a former journalist and a New Zealander. I sold my first book, Mr Imperfect, to Harlequin Superromance in 2006 and am currently working on book number six.

2. You write for Super Romance - what defines this line of books?

The line's taglin
e, 'Romance has never felt more real' sums it up in a nutshell. Think contemporary, believable romance with a modern tone. Because Super’s core value is home and family there can sometimes be a misconception that the books must be cozy (dare I say tame). Wrong!

Here are some examples of recent plotlines.

* An Atlanta businessman uses an abandoned baby to beef up the public’s perception of him as a great guy (Abby Gaines, The Diaper Diaries).
* A developer inherits custody of three kids with his ex wife, the woman he divorced because he blamed himself for (spoiler deleted!). (Second-Chance Family, Karina Bliss).

* A heroine opens the door to an adult son she gave up for adoption at sixteen...the product of rape. The hero is one of the suspects. (Tara Taylor Quinn – Sara's Son).
* A hero who fathered not one but two babies to different girls as a teenager, then married out of duty and lost the woman he loved. (Joan Kilby – How to Trap a Parent.)

Hugely di
verse in tone, plot and writing styles, what all Superromances have in common is family relationships complicating the hero and heroine’s life and their romantic happy-ever-after. I've recently written an article about writing for Super for Romance Writers of Australia. If there are any would-be writers out there, it's posted on my website under ‘writer in progress.’

3. Tell us about your November release, "Second-Chance Family."

The idea for the book - A guy inherits custody of three kids with his ex wife – started as fun and somehow got darker and more emotional. I really love reunion stories but one of my writing friends has trouble buying into a couple splitting up and getting back together...Why would it work a second time if it didn’t the first? How DO you write a believable love story when you’ve
already proved that love doesn’t conquer all? What kind of history would these two have?

The other thing I wanted to do with this book was write ‘real’ kids not plot contrivances. As a new mother I once threw a romance against the wall because the heroine had three-month-old twins who went to bed on the dot of six and slept twelve hours. After which she dressed her slender body sexy, served her new love – the hero - dinner by candlelight and engaged in passionate all-night bonking. Yeah right!

4. I thought this was a really emotionally wrenching book - as a writer, how do you get into the "head space" to write about such a tough situation?

I’ve had a lot of exposure to bereavement – my own and that of people close to me. And I’ve seen people demonstrate amazing character, courage, love and resilience in the face of loss. There’s always been humor amidst the pathos... I guess it’s the spark of survival. W
ith that inspiration, I found it a surprisingly easy book to write. It proved a real ‘heart’ book for me.

5. Which of the characters in "Second-Chance Family" is your favorite?

Truthfully, I loved every one of them, even the dead ones. :-) I ran a contest on my website to name a character and then emailed my choice and said, ‘Um, do you mind if I give your suggested name to one of the deceased because Julia Evans really suits the woman I have in my head?’ Fortunately the reader had no problem with it.

6. I gotta mention the kids - talk about realistic! You mention in your dedication that your nieces and nephews provided the inspiration for them - any particular events in the bo
ok that come directly from your experience with them?

The two youn
ger children are pretty much an amalgam of my son and all the kids in my extended family. I borrowed their best lines and quirks (lucky they’re too young to sue J). Even the pathos was sparked by their behaviour after my father died. Kids offer such a unique window on the world when you’re writing fiction and readers trust their perceptions so they’re a great way to give insight into your hero and heroine.

7. Staying with the kids - how do you balance writing a romance, with the family aspect that's integral to S
uper Romance?

Ha! It’s a work in progress. I’ve certainly indoctrinated my son who once suggested I go to a fancy dress party as a plot hole (he was ten at the time). And he writes books (mainly to tell me how much faster he can write than I can). My husband thinks all the heroes are modelled on him, and he’s right, (with a teeny sprinkle of Brad).

8. Your books are loosely connected - can a reader new to your work pick up any of your books, or would you recommend starting at a specific one?

I’d love to say, ‘Oh of course you have to buy the first one and read them right through.’ G> But no, they can be read as stand-alones. For purists, the series run in this order: Mr. Imperfect, Mr. Irresistible, Mr. Unforgettable and Second-Chance Family.

9. Anything else you'd like to add?

I have a prize draw for Nalini’s Hostage to Pleasure currently running on my website. Come visit on And many thanks for the interview, Nalini. You’re an inspiration to me as a writer and an auto-buy for me as a reader.

Karina is giving away a signed copy of Second-Chance Family to one lucky commenter, so feel free to grill her (or just say hi!), by midnight, Sunday November 16th, 2008 New Zealand time.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Website & Blog Hiatus

The website's been updated, complete with the full backcover blurb for ANGELS' BLOOD so swing by and check it out.

Also, I'm buried in work, so the blog is going on hiatus until I dig myself back out. While I'm gone, why don't you tell me what you're reading?

Catch you all in a week or so! :-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Reader Interview: DD03 on The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub

It's time for this week's reader interview - focusing on books readers of my blog, livejournal and myspace page consider absolute keepers. If you'd like to participate, you can find all the details here.

Also, if you'd like to read previous interviews, click on the Reader Interviews Part Deux tag at the bottom of this post.

Today's interviewee is DD03!

DDO3 on The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub

a) What's the book about?

A 12 yr old boy discovers that there is another realm in which most people have a "twin" of themselves. He is one of the few who is an individual in both worlds. He learns that his mother, the Queen of B movies, is dying, as well as her counterpart, the Queen, in the other world. He must find the Talisman and bring it back to them in order to heal them...and in essence save the worlds (because there are layers upon layers of them...each a reflection of the other, some more advance, some less so). There is of course an antihero/villain that is trying to get the Talisman as well, so that he can control all the worlds.

b) What do you love most about this story?

The journey and the development of Jack, the 12 yr old boy. He meets so many wonderful and awful characters along the way. Jack is such a courageous character.

c) How many times have you read this book?

Oh, dear. I first read this when I was 14 or 15 yrs old. I kept checking it out from the library, until they finally told me someone else wanted to read it! teehee.I've reread it about every 1.5-2 yrs ever since.= approximately 15 times

d) Who would you recommend it to?

Everyone.It's a coming of age book with some fantasy mixed in. There is no sex, well other than icky men wanting Jack because he's beautiful made...his spirit, his aura. There is love, courage, action, magic of a sort, werewolves (one is his BFF)'s simply awesome.

e) Anything else you want to add?

One of the lines I've never forgotten is... "fushing feef!! fushing feef!!"It's a spider calling Jack a f***ing thief for getting near the Talisman. Also...I've never been able to eat seafood, besides shrimp and some fish. There was a very vivid scene of a seagull tearing at a didn't help! Can't stand the sight of someone picking out lobster from the shell!!*shudders*

bugs n hisses,


Monday, November 10, 2008

Winners & Link

First up, the winners of the Meljean Brook giveaway (thanks to are:

DEMON NIGHT by Meljean Brook - Pam P
NIGHT KEEPERS by Jessica Andersen - Lili
HEART DANCE by Robin D Owens - Eshani W

Congratulations! Can you all please email me your mailing addresses at - nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com :)

Also a link for you - a great interview with Diana Gabaldon, author of the Outlander series.

Hope everyone's having a fantastic start to the week!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Weekly Catchup

Sorry for being a bit AWOL on the blog the past few days, everyone. But, to make up for it, I have some photos to take you into the weekend. Thanks to Eva, I've discovered Luca Toni - I may now have to start watching football *grin*
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! And don't forget to drop you name into the Meljean Brook giveaway if you haven't already.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

OOTB Tour: Dark Magic by Cheyenne McCray

It's OOTB Tour time! Check out the details below :)

DARK MAGIC by Cheyenne McCray

Jake Macgregor has his hands full. As San Francisco’s Captain of the Paranormal Special Forces unit, he and his team are facing a powerful enemy that threatens to bring down the city. With the weight of the world already resting on his broad shoulders, the last thing Jake has time for is romance. So why—after a long, hard day’s fight against evil—are his nights filled with dreams of Cassia?

Cassia is a D’Anu witch whose birthright ensures power and honor beyond imagination. It also forbids the one thing Cassia wants the most: the love of mortal Jake Macgregor. When she intervenes in a skirmish to save his life, the consequences are inescapable—even though the magic they make together is too luscious, and potent, to resist…



New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Cheyenne McCray has a passion for writing urban fantasy, paranormal, and suspense novels. Among other accolades, Chey has won the prestigious Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for “Best Steamy Romance of the Year.”

Chey penned her first poem in kindergarten, and has been writing ever since she can remember. She always knew one day she would write novels, hoping her readers would get lost in the worlds she created, as she did in her favorites.

Now, she gets to write full time and loves what she does. For St. Martin's Press, she writes the bestselling "Magic" series. She also writes suspense novels, including the upcoming “Lexi Steele” series, starting in February 2009 with The First Sin. In June 2009 Demons Not Included blasts off a new urban fantasy series.

Chey has three sons, three dogs, a messy house, and she will do anything to get out of cleaning, which may be why she writes so much.

REVIEWS for Dark Magic

4 ½ Star TOP PICK!

“McCray does a stellar job layering the danger, passion and betrayal. Awesome!”

~Romantic Times BOOKreviews.

5 Stars “What an absolutely stunning conclusion Cheyenne McCray has penned for her ‘Magic’ series. “Dark Magic” is everything I would have wished for and couldn’t have imagined!”


“[McCray]…delivers in a spectacular way.”

Night Owl Romance


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Demon Bound - Meljean Brook

Demon Bound is part of Meljean Brook’s Guardians series. Follow this link to read all about what makes Meljean's world unique.

The series is defined by brilliant characterizations and intricate world-building. But don’t let the latter scare you – I find Meljean’s writing style wonderfully easy to read. If you want to check things out for yourself, the author has a ton of excerpts on her website.

Demon Bound is the story of Jake, one of the new and inexperienced Guardians, and Alice, an older (and rather creepy) Guardian. Alice keeps pet spiders. Yes, big, black, crawly spiders.

I’m going to be honest. When I realized Jake was the hero of DB, I was skeptical. Sure, he was cute in the other books, but a hero?*

Well, that’ll teach me to doubt Meljean. This book is wonderful! Not only is Jake a great hero, Alice is a brilliant heroine, spiders and all. I think what I love most about Meljean’s books
is that her characters are all very unique individuals—and they remain true to who they are even as they grow and change through the books.

As well as
the love story, there are some major developments in the overarching backstory—I’m hoping Meljean writes the next book really fast, ‘cause I want to read it right now!

Needless to say, Demon Bound is totally recommended!

If you haven't tried the series yet, I've got something to tempt you - leave a comme
nt on this post about anything your heart desires, and I'll throw you into the draw for a signed copy of Demon Night, the previous book in the series...Drifter, mmm...

Plus, because it's November, I'll pick two more winners, one of whom will get Jessica Anderson's Night Keepers, while the other winner will get Robin D Owens' Heart Dance - both signed :-)

Comment away! Contest closes Sunday Nov 9th, 2008, midnight New Zealand time. I'll announce the winners next week.

*I wrote this up when I first read Demon Bound, but this morning, I saw this "What the hell was I thinking?" post by Meljean. *g*

Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's November!

Where did October go? Seriously?!

What's everyone up to today? I've got a meeting with fellow members of Romance Writers of New Zealand, and I'm really looking forward to talking, talking, talking *grin*

I know for a lot of you, it's still Oct 31st, so Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 31, 2008

I Love Your Blog Award

Look, Bridget Locke gave me this cool I Love Your Blog award! :) I'm supposed to pass on the love, but that's a toughie - I have a seriously ridiculous number of blogs on my feed reader.

So after much umming and aaahing, here's what I have to say.

I love professional/writing blogs, but I have a special place in my heart for reader blogs - and in this category, I include writers and industry professionals who blog about books they enjoy. I love the energy that comes from reading a post written by someone who just loves books. It's thanks to reader blogs that I'm now addicted to Lisa Kleypas, and I've read or tried out countless other books after seeing a particularly passionate post on it by a reader.

So, to all of you who read and blog about books, I love your blog :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

OOTB Tour: The Darkest Touch - Jaci Burton

I've got an OOTB tour for you today. Check out the details below!

He’s a hunter, a savior, a seducer.

And she just can’t get enough…

by Jaci Burton

Ryder. The man was just as sexy as she remembered him:

Tall, lean and dangerous, a demon hunter with the body of a god…

But archaeologist Angelique Deveraux has little time for lust. She’s been hiding a gleaming black diamond, a prize everyone wants—including Ryder—and now she’s running for her life. Hot on her trail is Ryder, a legendary demon hunter she desires but can’t quite trust, a man with an insatiable need for danger and a few dark secrets of his own…

As sparks ignite between the rogue hunter and his latest prey, Angie’s world is rocked again when her twin sister vanishes, stolen away by the same dark forces stalking Angie and the black diamond. With Ryder offering protection— and more —suddenly a woman who’s never trusted anyone is falling for a man who isn’t afraid of anything…except losing his heart. Now, as an all-out demon war erupts and Angie’s family secrets unravel, Ryder’s demon-hunt and Angie’s quest to save her sister are about to collide. And when they do, it’ll send these two wary hearts on the wildest adventure of their lives—and maybe even save humankind in the process…



Jaci Burton was born and raised in Missouri but now lives on an acre-and-a-half in Oklahoma with her husband Charlie and five unruly dogs. Jaci loves to write about passionate relationships with sometimes stormy outcomes but always a happily ever after.


~Romantic Times Bookreviews~ Gifted Burton adds more dark thrills and sexy danger to her well-paced story as these protagonists must fight to choose their destiny.

~Wild on Books~ THE DARKEST TOUCH is a brilliant addition to this saga that cannot be missed by fans of erotic paranormal romance!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chat in 2 hours!

Sorry for the late notice everyone, but I'll be chatting at Coffeetime Romance at 9pm E.S.T., Tuesday 28th. (That's 2pm Wednesday for those of you on my side of the world). :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Diwali

Today is Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Wishing you all a Happy Diwali! :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Q&A and Psy/Changeling Series Info and Writing

How about that long title? I decided to go for descriptive today *g*

The Q & A is almost over - I'll leave the thread open for questions until tonight my time (end of Sunday in the States), so if you've got something to ask, make sure you get it in before then.

Also, during the Q & A, several readers volunteered to collate general information about the Psy/Changeling series (did I tell you yet that I love you guys? :)), so I've set up a thread for that. Everyone is welcome to join in!

And, this quote came across one of my writers' groups the other day and I had to share.
"Many people hear voices when no-one is there. Some of them are called mad and they are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same."(Meg Chittenden)
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend :)

Psy/Changeling Series - Reader-Collated Info

I'm setting up this thread as a result of a discussion in the recent Q & A, where several readers volunteered to collate some general information about the Psy/Changeling series ie. things like when a character was first introduced, how he or she is related to other characters, and any other relevant facts.

So this thread is for things already established. If you'd like to speculate on future books or storylines, swing by the Hostage to Pleasure Spoiler Thread.

Everyone is welcome to join in! :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Q & A

As promised, I am now open for questions. The Psy/Changeling series, the Guild Hunter series, writing related questions, it's all good.

To kick things off, I have a question AND answer for you.

Which Psy/Changeling book is now available for pre-order?

I'll leave this thread open all weekend, and answer directly in the comments, so all the info will stay in one place.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


That's what I'm doing today. :) What about you?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Reader Interview: Katy Brand on Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi

It's time for this week's reader interview - focusing on books readers of this blog consider absolute keepers. If you'd like to participate, you can find all the details here.

Also, if you'd like to read previous interviews, click on the Reader Interviews Part Deux tag at the bottom of this post.

Today's interviewee is Katy Brand! (And she's talking about a book that's among my personal favorites, too!)

Katy Brand on Pamela Morsi's Simple Jess

a) What's the book about?

It is the story of a man named Jess who lives in a small community in the Ozarks and his developing relationship with a local widow. It's hard for Jess to learn things and you see examples of this throughout the story, but he is also a man of common wisdom. The story revisits a community where other stories have been written, so you also get lots of side tales and old friends to meet again.

b) What do you love most about this story?

I love the realism of this story. Jess isn't the brightest, but he has learned strategies and routines throughout his life and he uses them to make the most of his life. He sets out to win the girl, but goes up against men who have seemingly much more to offer. I love the fact that he's not a superhero or mega-rich or a genius. He's just an ordinary man with drawbacks and with strengths. The heroine is also someone trying to make her way in life. She is a mother and has realistic view on life. She and Jess's relationship is a struggle that has you rooting for them the whole book. It's hard to describe why I love this book so much. It just feels so pure and fun and wonderful to me. It makes me want to meet these people and visit this town.

c) How many times have you read this book?

Too many to count. At least once every couple of years since it was released. I still keep it in my nightstand drawer in case I want to pull it out and re-read it again.

d) Who would you recommend it to?

I recommend it to any and all!

e) Anything else you want to add?

Though this book is different from Nalini's, I think that one of the things I like about both is the well developed characters. They have quirks and faults. They have idiosyncrasies. They also have a sense of community and justice.

:) Katy Brand

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

RNTV & Contest Links

I'm helping to celebrate Halloween over at RNTV today :)

Also, a couple of contest links! (These widgets are pretty nifty.)

First up, a contest being run by Dear Author, SBTB & Erin McCarthy.

I'll be posting about Demon Bound soon (great book!). Check out the contest Meljean is holding prior to its release.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lisa Kleypas

I blame the bloggers in romancelandia for my new addiction. I admit it – I’d never read a Lisa Kleypas novel until about two weeks ago. In my defense, I’m really, really choosy about my historicals, so great as Ms Kleypas’ books looked, I wasn’t convinced they’d work for me.

Then she came out with Sugar Daddy. A contemporary. I resisted. If I’m choosy with historicals, I’m downright picky about contemporaries. Then she wrote Blue-Eyed Devil, and I swear, I couldn’t go to most of my favorite blogs without tripping over a glowing review for this book.

It was too much. I had to know what everyone was talking about!

I opened it one Saturday, proceeded to ignore every other person in the house, took it with me to dinner, then to bed. Needless to say, I was hooked.

Next, I got my hands on Secrets of a Summer Night, wondering if I’d like her historicals even half as much. Shall we just say that I went through Autumn, Winter and Spring in rapid succession, and am now waiting to devour A Wallflower Christmas (Marcus is my favorite by the way).

I also have Sugar Daddy (calling to me in a seductive whisper saying read me, read me...). I’m an addict. I hope all you LK bloggers are happy *grin*

The awesome thing about coming late to the party is that Ms Kleypas has a delicious backlist. So, help me feed the addiction – which Lisa Kleypas book should I read next?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

NYT!!,Transcript & Catchup

First, some news! The Magical Christmas Cat hit #21 on the New York Times Extended Bestseller List!! :)

Also, the transcript from yesterday's fabulous chat is now up.

So, what're you all up to this weekend? (I'm hoping to check out the Diwali Festival in my neck of the woods.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chat Reminder

Interrupting the cover love to bring you a reminder about tomorrow's today's chat!

Location: The Knight Agency Chat Room (Enter a username and login. Easy!)
Time: Thursday 16th, 9 pm E.S.T.

I've done some timezone conversions:

Berlin, Germany: Friday 17th – 3 a.m

Bangkok,Thailand: Friday 17th – 8 a.m

Sydney, Australia: Friday 17th – 12 noon

New Zealand: Friday 17th – 2 p.m.

If you’re in another timezone, go to, choose the Meeting Planner option, then put in your city, and New York (which is on Eastern Standard Time). You’ll get a side-by-side chart that’ll let you work out what time it’ll be in your timezone

For those of you who can’t get to the chat

There will be a transcript, and I’ll also be doing a question and answer session on the blog from the 24th to the 26th of October.

See some of you at the chat! :)

Angels' Blood Cover!!

I love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Merry Merry

These Snarkface greeting cards made me laugh. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reader Interviews: Mariana Arias on Cry No More by Linda Howard

It's Tuesday and time for a reader interview - focusing on books readers of this blog consider absolute keepers. If you'd like to participate, you can find all the details here.

Also, if you'd like to read previous interviews, click on the Reader Interviews Part Deux tag at the bottom of this post.

Today's interviewee is Mariana Arias!


Mariana Arias on Linda Howard's Cry No More

a) What's the book about?

Milla Edge and her doctor husband are now living in Mexico where he is posted. She is a first time mother that truly loves her child. On her way to the market she is attacked and her child vanishes.

This is a story about a mother's fight to make sense of a gigantic loss; her struggle to find her son at the cost of everything. Milla becomes obsessed with finding what happened to her son. She founds a company, Finders, that reunites lost ones with their family; to help those in her same circumstance. In her search, she receives a line that may lead to her son. In her investigation she meets dangerous and silent Diaz. Will he help or hinder?

It is the story of determination and a mother's true love.

b) What do you love most about this story?

I love this story because I can understand the need to ensure a child's safety no matter the cost. I love that Milla is strong and determined. I love that Diaz loves her as she is and still can underestimate what her son's well being means to her. I love that I can still read this story and be moved by it.

c) How many times have you read this book?

I have bought this book in all it's formats and have read every format multiple times; don't know the count though.

d) Who would you recommend it to?

I recommend this book to everyone; those I know and those I see in book stores :)

e) Anything else you want to add?

I asked a friend to read this and she said she doesn't like books where children are harmed or exploited. There are many that feel the same, and I get that. But I feel this books is beyond that. Love is central in this book, between the characters themselves; and I feel between the writer and the characters.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Links

Here are some fun links to start off the week.

Amanda Ashby has just put up her fantastic cover for Zombie Queen of Newbury High (isn't that an awesome title?!)

RNTV has given THE MAGICAL CHRISTMAS CAT a great review. The reviewer had this to say about Stroke of Enticement -"
I absolutely, positively loved this novella." :)

And staying with RNTV, they're kicking off their fabulous
13 Days of Halloween extravaganza this Wednesday - with guest authors, contests and prizes, so don't forget to swing by!

What are budgie smugglers? Guess. Then click over and read
this article on Australian English. So, who got it right? *g*

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bollywood Break

We haven't had any Bollywood on the blog for a while, so today, I give you Hrithik. This man can dance!

Here's the trailer for the movie itself (it's about the cat and mouse game between a master thief and the cop out to catch him.) It's a really great movie - action, romance & some very cool stunt-work.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

Friday, October 10, 2008


I've got an interview up at Christina Phillips' blog. Follow the link to read :)

Mercury's War - Lora Leigh

I'm a huge fan of Lora Leigh's Breed books - I haven't managed to get my hands on the entire series yet, but I think Mercury's War might be my favorite Breed book to date.

I closed it with a sense of complete and utter satisfaction, and this gut-deep sense that Mercury and his heroine would make it, that they were absolutely meant to be together. Happy sigh :)

What've you been reading this week? Any books coming out soon that you're looking forward to?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

OOTB Tour: Red Fire - Deidre Knight

I've got an OOTB tour for you today. Check out the details below! Spartan warriors? I'm so there! I've been wanting to read this since I first heard about it.

RED FIRE by Deidre Knight
Out Now!

“Powerfully sensual and mind-blowing,”* Deidre Knight’s novels have set the standard for boldly erotic paranormal romance. Now she unleashes an electrifying new series in which seven Spartan warriors, immortal protectors of humankind, battle their passions—a collective weakness that could lead to their downfall.

Eternity has become a prison for Ajax Petrakos. Centuries after he and his Spartan brothers made their bargain for immortality, Ajax struggles to maintain his warrior’s discipline. His only source of strength is his hope that he will soon meet the woman once foretold to him—the other half of his soul, Shay Angel.

Ajax searches for his destined mate on the haunted streets of modern-day Savannah, but he isn’t the first to find her. Shay, the youngest of a powerful demon-hunting clan, can see the monsters that stalk the steamy Southern night—an ability that draws the deadly attention of Ajax’s worst enemy.

As she and Ajax race to solve a chilling prophecy—one that could spell Ajax’s death if they don’t succeed—a fated passion arises, threatening to sweep away everything in its path.

*Romance B(u)y the Book



Deidre Knight is president of The Knight Agency, which she founded in 1996. Since that time, she has grown the agency to national prominence, landing authors on every major bestseller list. Deidre began her writing career at age nine, when her award-winning essay on Barbie was published in her hometown newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She has been writing in one form or another ever since. After nearly a decade of working with Knight Agency clients, helping them discover their creative potential, her fiction debut with NAL in 2006 marked the fulfillment of her own lifelong writing dream. She is excited to embark on yet another new and fulfilling creative journey.


“White-hot immortal warriors, heart-pounding romance, and thrilling action. It doesn't get any better than this!” --Gena Showalter, New York Times Bestselling author of The Darkest Pleasure

"Deidre Knight has created a fascinating world of gods, demons, and immortal warriors. Her heroine, Shay Angel, is both strong and sympathetic, a woman discovering powers she never knew she had. Legendary Spartan Ajax is handsome, seductive and haunted -- a hero to inspire delicious dreams. I can't wait for more!" –Angela Knight, New York Times Bestselling author of Master of Dragons

“Hot Gates, hot men, myth and magic in modern day... Red Fire flies above the rest. Sign me up for more Gods of Midnight!” – Jessica Andersen, bestselling author of Nightkeepers

"Scorching hot with a pace that never lets up." --Christina Dodd, New York Times Bestselling author of Touch of Darkness

“Knight provides an intriguing new twist to both Greek mythology and legendary Spartan warriors with this searing new series, as she sets up an alternate world that begs to be explored.” – Jill M. Smith, Romantic Times, 4-Star Review

“Here is a story as rich and as vibrant as any myth, and for those who are interested in the paranormal, Red Fire is a real feast for the hungry and a no holds barred winner.”—


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Release Day! & Website

Oct 7th is the official release day of THE MAGICAL CHRISTMAS CAT, so let's celebrate!

If you haven't checked out the excerpt for "Stroke of Enticement", follow the link above.

Both the anthology and Stroke of Enticement have been getting great reviews. Check out some of the review links below!

"I have loved every story in Nalini Singh’s PSY/CHANGELING series so far, but I do believe that Zach and Annie’s story is my new favorite! Everything about this tale totally worked for me."
~ Wild On Books

"And, can I say, OH MY about this hero. I wanted to lick him all over." ~ Gwen for TGTBU

"Honestly? It made me want a Leopard Changeling of my own." ~ Book Binge

"Zach is the kind of hero I love to read and dream about – devastatingly handsome, charming, intelligent, protective, and slightly mischievous...made me sigh and wonder where I could find a hero like him. ~ Shayna for Joyfully Reviewed

"Verdict: I love Nalini Singh’s love stories, and specially her male protagonists – the changelings that are so strong and yet so ready to die (and to kill) for their mates." ~ The Book Smugglers

"STROKE OF ENTICEMENT has sizzle, snap, and genuine joy." ~ Sarah W for Romance Junkies

"The Magical Christmas Cat is a fantastic holiday anthology...I absolutely adored getting to visit all these different worlds with all their different types of characters in one book." ~ ParaNormal Romance

Also the website has been updated with lots of great new info, especially on the Psy/Changeling Behind the Scenes page. The links for the BRANDED BY FIRE and ANGELS' BLOOD excerpts accidentally disappeared off the front page, but they'll be going back on. :)

Hope you're all having a great start to the week!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Novella Love

Today's post is over at the Down Under Desirabelles blog. Come on over and join me! :)

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Claiming His Runaway Bride - Yvonne Lindsay

Reading this book really brought home to me all the reasons why I've always loved category romance - the intense focus on the romantic relationship, the raw emotional power of a story when it's done well, and the sheer un-put-downability factor. This book had all of them.

Here's the blurb:

He Didn't Want Her To Remember...

The accident that had taken Belinda's memory had provided Luc with the perfect means for revenge. His beautiful bride had no recollection of fleeing her groom on their wedding day...or the real reason behind their union. All she recalled was the unbridled passion they still shared--and the steely-eye mogul planned to take full advantage of it.

Full disclosure - Yvonne is a very close friend of mine and she sent me a signed copy as a gift, but the instant I started reading, all I cared about was the story. I curled up in a chair, opened it to the first page and didn't get up again until I'd turned the last page. I had to see if these two would manage to heal their relationship, but not only that, if their HEA (Happy Ever After) would be believable.

I'm happy to say that by the end, I really felt that Belinda and Luc had come through the fire and would make it. For me, the pivotal point was Luc's realization in the final part of the book about an integral aspect of his nature and how it had affected his relationship with his wife - it was a very, very powerful emotional moment, and something you rarely see in these hard-edged alpha heroes.

So needless to say, this is highly recommended! You can read an excerpt on Yvonne's website.

Any other category fans? Who are your favorite authors? Favorite types of category stories?

Friday, October 03, 2008

Weekly Catchup

It's Friday already!! This week has just zipped by (though lazing in bed suddenly seems like an excellent option *grin*). I've been working on the proposal for the next Guild Hunter book (Angels' Blood will be the first one), plus the first draft of the next Psy/Changeling book. I'm also looking forward to the Oct 7 release of The Magical Christmas Cat.

What've you all been up to? Any weekend plans?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Jaci Burton's Riding Temptation & A Birthday!

A little bird told me it's Christine's birthday - hope you're having a great day, Christine! :)


Today, I've got something special for you. An exclusive excerpt from Jaci Burton's October 7 release - RIDING TEMPTATION! This is the second book in Jaci's Wild Riders series. If you like bikers, serious heat, and a dash of action, this one will fit the bill.

Here's the backcover blurb:
He’s a biker working undercover for the Feds. She joined the Wild Riders for reasons of her own. Together, they’re burning up the asphalt and tearing headlong into danger and passion…

Naked under leather.

Ever since runaway Jessie Matthews teamed up with the gang of special ops bikers, the Wild Riders have thought of her as their kid sister. Except for Diaz Delgado. Over the past few years he’s been watching the budding of a ripe young woman. Jessie’s glad somebody finally sees her for who she is—and she’s thrilled it’s Diaz. His dark good looks and killer body have tempted her since day one.

Diaz’s unbrotherly urges have been hard to fight but the last thing he’d want to do is hurt Jessie and break up the gang. But when they both go undercover to infiltrate a group of killer survivalists, he knows it’ll be hard to keep his distance—especially when the mission takes a risky turn. Now Diaz has no choice but to open himself up to the one woman who may be strong enough to take him on.

Onto the excerpt! Don't combust now ;)

Excerpt - Jaci Burton's Riding Temptation

Diaz cursed when he heard the knock at the door. He pushed back from the too small desk, cursed again when he bumped his leg, and hobbled to the door, mentally letting loose another string of obscenities when he saw who it was through the peephole.


He unlocked the deadbolt and pulled the door open.


She arched a brow. “Wow, you’re grumpy. Do you need a nap?”

“No. Just some solitude.”

“Too bad.” She slid her way past carrying a bag and two cans of soda, which she laid on the nightstand next to his bed. “I brought dinner, figuring you wouldn’t order anything since you had some sort of research to do.”

She kicked off her sandals and climbed onto his bed, pulling one of the pillows out from the bedspread and tucking it behind her back. “Hope you like turkey.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Weren’t you listening? I brought dinner.” She opened the bag and laid two sandwiches on the nightstand, then popped open the top of one of the soda cans. “I’ll take care of setting things up, so, don’t let me disturb you.”

Too late. One look at her and he was distracted. One whiff of her as she passed by, her breasts brushing his chest, and he was definitely disturbed. Deeply, profoundly disturbed. She smelled like sunshine, outdoors, and Jessie. He wanted to lick her neck.

How the hell was he supposed to work with her in the room?

“Are you hungry yet?” she asked.

Yeah, he was hungry all right. But not for a turkey sandwich. “No.”

“Is that a laptop?”

He took the chair and resumed his spot at the desk again. “Master of the obvious, aren’t you?”

“Smartass. I didn’t know you brought one. What are you doing?”

“I told you. Research.”

She slid off the bed and came up behind him. He tried not to breathe her in, but he couldn’t avoid it. The scent of her was right there, as was her body as she leaned over him.

“The Devil’s Skulls have a website?”

“Yeah,” he managed, though he wasn’t concentrating on the screen anymore. “Most of the prominent groups have their own websites so they can show off pictures, list their activities and where they’re going to be. I figured if the Skulls were big enough, they would, too.”

“Show me.”

He flipped through the pages of the website, showing her pictures of bike rallies and fundraisers, lists of their officers and members, some of the charities they gave to.

“Do they have a calendar of events?”

“Yeah.” He clicked on it. “It brings up the current month as well as future months and what’s happening.”

“It says they’re going to be at the rally.”


“Hmm. Wonder why they weren’t there today?”

“No clue.”

She laid her hand on his shoulder, leaned farther in, her breasts pillowed against his back. For the love of God, the government could use her as a torture device. She could break a man in less than ten minutes rubbing her breasts across his back. His balls were already twisting up in a knot.

Diaz always prided himself on his self-discipline. Torture him? Fine. He could handle it. He had a high threshold for pain, could tune it out and focus inward on something else. There wasn’t much that could faze him once he decided to power his concentration on the task at hand.

He tried that now, focusing his attention on the computer screen, trying to cull as much information as he could about the Skulls so they could come into the group well informed.

It wasn’t working. Jessie was devastating to his senses and the information on the laptop was a total blur.

“Well, this is surprising,” she whispered, her breath warm against his neck.

“What is?” He hoped he hadn’t missed critical information. How would he explain something right in front of him? I’m sorry but your breasts distracted me?

End of excerpt...but if you follow this link to Jaci's site, you might just find that the chapter continues. Enjoy!