Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's November!

Where did October go? Seriously?!

What's everyone up to today? I've got a meeting with fellow members of Romance Writers of New Zealand, and I'm really looking forward to talking, talking, talking *grin*

I know for a lot of you, it's still Oct 31st, so Happy Halloween!


Tracy said...

Ok - it's still October here! lol! But for you...Happy November!

Courtney said...

Happy November, Nalini! We just got back from trick-or-treating for Halloween. My daughter made out like a bandit in her little Devil outfit. She's happily munching on candy.

NaNoWriMo starts at midnight and I'll be with other fellow writers at an all-night restaurant in a few hours to kick it off with a bang and an endless cup of coffee. 50,000 words in 30 days! Insane? Yes. Possible? Absolutely! Just don't expect much quality. LOLOL

azteclady said...

Erm... still three and a half hours to go over here.

Happy November to you, though!

Me, nothing much. Some reading... some cross stitching...

(Good luck with NaNoWriMo, Courtney!)

Anonymous said...

Happy All Souls Day :)

Good luck Courtney - 50,000 in 30 days.....GULP :)

I spent the day gardening at my grandmother's....I'm hoping it won't rain tomorrow, but....I think it will.

Have a lovely weekend everyone :)

Anonymous said...

In Germany we don't go out at Halloween to get sweets. That's very sad because my son loves to disguise (not to mention he loves sweets...)

I'm starting NaNoWriMo for the first time!
(and I'm very exciting about it...)

Jennifer K. said...

Happy November, everybody!

I had to work last night for Halloween, so I missed all the costumes. Oh, well. Maybe next year.

Nalini, do New Zealanders go all-out for Halloween and go trick-or-treating? I know some countries don't really buy into the whole candy rush.

Have a good weekend.

Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

Working on research while preparing for grading are my plans for this weekend. I saw The Secret Life of Bees for Halloween ^_^

I saw people talking about my question about a book for Kaleb! I never questioned about him NOT getting a book because he isn't a "good" guy, I just see him as so important and interesting in the psy world and what is happening with in, I just assumed he would get a book (Well, you know what they say about assumptions, so perhaps I shouldn't assume...).
I personally would love to see his viewpoint, not just little scenes but an entire book's worth, on what is happening, and what he is *doing* in this. A book with him as the main guy I think would be extremely interesting--not just to see what makes Kaleb tick, but what his role in the psy world is (yes, he is a councilor, but there are so many things about Kaleb that have been hinted at that I am dying to know).

Lauren said...

Hi Nalini,
I'm just posting to say a big WOW! I have just read 'Slave to Sensation' and to say i loved it would be a massive understatement. I adored the Psy/changeling world and all the characters you have invented. This was the first of your books that I read and i'm hooked, I have just put an order in to get the rest of the series and a selection of your other books.
A very big thanks

Nalini Singh said...

Good luck for NaNoWriMo!!

Jennifer - no one really did it when I was a kid, but these days, we do get a few kids dressing up :)

Christina - no comment *g*

Lauren - thank you!! I hope you enjoy the other books in the series just as much :)

Caffey said...

Hi Nalini! Posting a bit late already 4 days have passed for November. I haven't gone to the stores in a while but my hubby said they are filling up for the holidays too. It really does fly! I have so much catching up to do with shopping for books! Lucky for us, just the four of us, and for the holidays we get one gift to each and make it totally fun and spend alot of time with each other so don't have to be out with those crowds (unless they are in Borders when I am, LOL). I actually am going into withdrawal here being in the house so much! But I do have my books I have for now, to keep me great company! I'm awaiting the snow, I actually love it (its beautiful).

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