Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Catch-Up Time


Some flowers for you from my garden. 😊

What are you up to this week? I’m at my writing desk (and sometimes in the garden!)


library addict said...

This week I am reading (as usual).

Also looking forward to the return of some network TV shows here in the US after last year's strikes.

And finally I'm taking my sister out tomorrow for her birthday.

Kim said...

Enjoying the season premieres of some of my favourite tv shows, (finally), and trying not to fall on the extremely slippery streets and sidewalks! (we had freezing rain a little over a week ago, thankfully the subsequent snow a few days later was sufficient enough to provide at least some traction.) Very glad for my ice cleats on my boots!

AlwaysV said...

Thank You so much for the Super Gorgeous Flowers 💝 Please know how much you've lifted up & brightened up my days.

I've just discovered the fun of MAX|HBO ON DEMAND subscription!!! For the first time!! I wasn't able to read much for many months so I learned to listen & watch instead! Got lured/sucked into watching the series disguised as A Mystery ~ BUT it was ABSOLUTELY A HORROR!!!! True Detective NIGHT COUNTRY Series. Season 4: 6 Parts altogether. Part 6, the Finale will air this Sunday ~ 2/18 @ 8:00 EST. Can't wait to be scared to death!

I also reread Devraj's Blaze of Memory 💝 An Amazing Hero! (The Only Metal/Tech Cardinal?) ~ The Forgotten seem to be mysteriously forgotten! Wishing he'll return & play a major role one of these days. . .

Eva said...

This week I´m testing the free month audible abo. It's really tempting. But since I still enjoy reading myself, I'll only be able to do it every now and then.

Otherwise, I'll finish crocheting my doll. Originally I only wanted to crochet one; now there are already six. lol.

And reading wouldn't be bad either... - Ahhhh... I'm currently running out of free time...