Congratulations!! If you left a contact email, I'll be dropping you a note. Otherwise, email me your mailing address: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

Blaze of Memor

Must Love Hellhounds won Best Anthology (award shared with the awesome Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews & Meljean Brook)
Angels' Blood won Best Fantasy/Magical Romance
Branded By Fire won Best Shapeshifter Romance

To celebrate, I'm going to give away a copy of each of these books.
To enter the draw, leave a comment with your answer to the question at the end of this post by Sunday 4th April 2010, 4pm New Zealand time.

I'll pick four random winners. To make it easier on me to allocate the books, when you answer the question, leave a note if you'd like any one particular book. (Also, please either leave some way for me to contact you if you win, or check back on Monday to see if you're a winner.)
Question: If you could take one fictional character home (for tea, for drinks, for wild and crazy hijinks...whatever you desire! *grin*), who would you choose?