Congratulations!! If you left a contact email, I'll be dropping you a note. Otherwise, email me your mailing address: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

Blaze of Memor

Must Love Hellhounds won Best Anthology (award shared with the awesome Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews & Meljean Brook)
Angels' Blood won Best Fantasy/Magical Romance
Branded By Fire won Best Shapeshifter Romance

To celebrate, I'm going to give away a copy of each of these books.
To enter the draw, leave a comment with your answer to the question at the end of this post by Sunday 4th April 2010, 4pm New Zealand time.

I'll pick four random winners. To make it easier on me to allocate the books, when you answer the question, leave a note if you'd like any one particular book. (Also, please either leave some way for me to contact you if you win, or check back on Monday to see if you're a winner.)
Question: If you could take one fictional character home (for tea, for drinks, for wild and crazy hijinks...whatever you desire! *grin*), who would you choose?
CONGRATS!!! I'd love the anthology or Blaze! I'm working my way through your books and don't have those yet. :) I'm so excited for you!
Oops, not sure if you need my email: kristidavis at gmail . com
I keep reading where everyone wants Hawk's book... Mine to Possess was my fav along with Hostage to Pleasure. Probably b/c they moved the overall plot along, more than just the romance.
Congratulations on the well deserved awards! If I were to win, I'd love a copy of ANGEL'S BLOOD. I own all of the Psy/Changeling series that are out and eager await the next one. I haven't been able to find Angel's Blood anywhere!
Again congrats on the well deserved accolades! =D
Congrats on the awards! I would like to take home someone from the Psy/Changeling series. At the moment I'm leaning towards Zach, though I'd be happy to spend time with any of them! I'd love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds, since it's the only one of the four books I don't have! Thanks for the chance to win a copy and congrats again!
rocket_kay at hotmail dot com
Congratulations Nalini! The accolades are well deserved! :-D
If I could take one...only one?...fictional character home with me, who would it be. *thinks, thinks* I like to life dangerously, so I'd have to say Raphael, for sure.
Congrats! I would love to bring home Lucas, very hot! I would love to win the anthology since I have all your other books =)
lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com
Congrats! Um, 4th April, I'm assuming?? :) Feel free to delete this comment...
I can't choose (read: I won't--too many favorites crowding on the 'most favorite' spot) but... HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON THE PEARLS!!!
Congratulations on all, Nalini, well deserved!
I think it would be very interesting and entertaining to meet up with the Net Mind.
Have all the books, so don't need to enter contest.
Should I say Lucas, hmm or maybe Riley, he is HOT.
Congrats on the winnings!!
Riley, of course! And we would definitely drink tea!
Chris, thanks!
I'm not surprised you won! It is well deserved.
To answer your question, I dream of Raphael nightly. *grin*
You can contact me via tibbyarmstrong@gmail.com.
All the best to you!
I am hoping that you meant April 4th. Congrats on the Pearl award. Who gives those out? I would enjoy Blaze of Memory although I already have it. If I had to chose I want Kaleb so I can interrogate him as to the memory of the star. Teri Anne teriannesis@clear.net
Congrats to you but I have them all so no need to enter me.
Definitely Hawke! I'd like to know all about what goes through his mind regarding Sienna.
Congratulations! That must be so exciting. I would love to win a copy of Branded by Fire.
If i could take a fictional character home, i would either take Illium home for a water balloon fight because i think it would be fun or (and this is random) i would take the Mad Hatter home for tea. I don't know why. It's just this urge I have.
Congrats on the awards!!! So exciting!
I would take home Illium and do all kinds of fun things that I'm not going to mention here. Hehe.
And I don't have Must Love Hellhounds yet.... :-)
Congrats again on all the wins! You had a super successful year! :) If I could bring home any character who would it be.... hum I think I have to go Curran. Nummy, need I say more?? If I could choose which book I win, I would want Angel's Blood. You can reach me at nicole.healy at cox.net
oh wow Congrats!! I just started reading Blaze of Memory. It's hard to find your books around here so i jumped right on it when one of the libraries i use had it. Loved Angel's Blood and Archangel's Kiss. If i had to pick a male fictional character from one of your books i'd pick Raphael or one of his 7. They're all good. Love Illium!
Lisa B
Modokker AT yahoo DOt com
I already own them all so don't enter me. I just wanted to say CONGRATS!!! That is so awesome! And you deserve every one of those. Your writing is so good, Nalini. I enjoy all your books.
Congrats on your win I would love to take home Lucas he is an Alpha male with a caring side but definately no push over. He thinks of his family and loyality before himself but is not afraid to grab what he wants. Who could not want someone like that.
Awesome news! Like there was ever any doubt...
well deserved!
All those books were excellent... wonderful characters, exciting stories... Congratulations!
If I could take one fictional character home, I'd probably chose Illium (sp?)... the blue tipped angel! He's not as intense as Raphael... more lighthearted... so would be more fun to hang (or fly) with! I'd love another copy of Angels' Blood (signed??)! You can reach me at flj100 AT yahoo DOT com.
Question: If you could take one fictional character home (for tea, for drinks, for wild and crazy hijinks...whatever you desire! *grin*), who would you choose?
I'd have to choose Hawke from your Psy/Changeling series, only it won't be tea or drinks he and I will be "involved" in, LOL! I just love him! *sigh*
Oh and I have no preference in which of the books you send me Nalini! Got distracted there...
Congrats, Nalini! You deserve it!
I would have to say "Must love hell hounds" because that how i discovered your world. I know corny but true, 3 of my now favorite Authors are in that book and i love all the stories.
Now to the question: For a fling it would be Dmitri the vampire i think he would show a girl a very good time.lol. But for long term i would like Bas, Mercy's brother. He's smart, employed and a leopard. What more could you ask for?
Ho'omaika'i 'Ana (Congratulations)! I'd would take home Illium aka Bluebell for tea... and then some *sigh*.
I would love to take home
Must Love Hellhounds.
Contact: clarepili@gmail.com
I LOVE your books! Especially the Hunter's Guild.
So, my 'take home' character would have to be Raphael!
Congrats, Nalini!
As for taking a character home, it has to be Hawke. Love him in all his Alpha glory.
Would love to have any book of yours, if you sign it..
Yay! Congratulations, Nalini!
As for who I'd like to take home... Hawke ;) For tea, or hijinks... Heh. *angelface*
I'd love to have Branded by Fire or Blaze of Memory.
Congratulations! I'd love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds as I've got all the others already.
As to the answer to your question, it's gotta be Judd. He's my all time favourite.
Great Big Congratulations on the PEARLS! Wow, way to go!
If I could take a fictional character home for drinks, or something wild,....or drinks AND something wild, I'd take True Blood vampire, Eric! Ooooooh, that man is HOT, dangerous, scary, but HOT HOT HOT! Yummy!
If chosen, I'd love a copy of Branded By Fire.
Have a great day every one!
Kate (aka YzhaBell's BookShelf)
Congratulations! I would love any copy of your books signed, as I love your entire catalog.
If I could bring one character home it would either be Illium because he's adorable or Judd, because he's got a great dry sense of humor. But with Judd I'd have to invite Brenna as well so he would talk. :)
Thanks for a great contest!
Congrats and so well deserved! I'd love the anthology or Angel's Blood.
I'm so excited Branded by Fire won an award...that is MY FAVORITE!
You rock Nalini!!!
If I could take one fictional character home I would choose Acheron from Sherriyln Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. He could bring Simi with too!
I would choose Angels' Blood or Branded by Fire
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Congrats on your awards!!
Oh I would definitely want to bring home Blue. I am just fascinated by him.
If I could take a character home, it would definitely be Curran from Ilona Andrews's Kate Daniels series. LOVE HIM! I have no preference book-wise.
Congrats on all the wonderful news! This is a hard question to answer because I have to choose just one....but it would probably be Rhage from J.R. Ward's BDB. He just seems like an entertaining date, and yeah, I'd love to get him home, lol
I don't have a preference which book. I've never read any of your work and would be willing to give any of it a try!
Wow, Nalini, you kicked ass! Congratulations!
One fictional character home with me...well, I'd have to say it's a tie. I would borrow Judd from Brenna and we'd spend the afternoon...ah, well, let's just say Brenna would claw my face off afterwards.
If I can't have Judd, Kate Daniels and I would down a couple bottles of Boone's Farm Hard Lemonade and get up to no good. If all goes according to plan, Curran and/or the Order would be bailing us out of jail the next morning.
If I win, I'd love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds. :D
Congratulations!!! Your books are fabulous and deserve many awards.
I'd like Archangel's Kiss
Which character??? There are sooo many to choose from: Vaughn,Hawke,Curran,Roarke, Ilya Prakenskii, Kane (Lora Leigh Feline)....the list goes on and on
Congrats Nalini! That's fantastic (and well deserved :)
Hmmm...I think I'd like to take home...decisions, decisions...Dmitri. I'm currently reading Archangel's Kiss and oh *fans self* he's yummy...and very scary! And if I was lucky enough to win I'd love a copy of Angels' Blood please. BTW, am really enjoying how dark Archangel's Kiss is!
Cripes, I don't know I have to say...Dracula, he's just such a classic and Dracula was one of first novels I ever read and his character...wow, I think I love reading so much because of him.
I would love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds, it's the only book (or novella as it is) of yours I don't own.
email is bittybye2000 @ hotmail .com without the spaces of course.
They were well earned awards! I was so excited as I read them on twitter....I have all of your books so no need to enter me in the contest...just wanted to say Congratulations!
Don't need a book, but I'd love to take Judd home with me, but since he's spoken for *g* I'd like either Bastien, or a leopard just like Zach. I'm sure he has a cousin or something!
Congratulations on all the wins Nalini!! You're books are awesome and the awards are much deserved!
As for which character I'd love to take home...mmm...at the moment I'd have to say Jonas Wyatt from Lora Leigh's Breeds. I'm currently reading his book now and that man needs just one day where he can have a little peace and quiet!
If I win, I'd like a copy of Must Love Hellhounds, it's the only book of the choices I don't already own. Here's my email address, mrm1994@yahoo.com
Congrats on the awards! I would love to take Dmitri home - and not for afternoon tea ;-) He's scary and totally hot but there is something beneath the surface...
I would like the Must Love Hellhounds anthology.
HUGE Congrats ! You are awesome.
I haven't read any of your books, And i would really like to start with Angels' Blood ! it sounds great.
Pick Me please :)
uniquas at ymail dot com
mmmm, Lucas of course! Although I just finished Blaze of Memory for the second time and think Dev has a lot to offer :)
Very big Congrats on your well deserved honors!
Congrats, you deserve those awards- I love all your work!!
Answer: Bluebell! ILLIUM! I'm not kissing ass here either- I have a sick fascination (obsession?) with that blue winged angel.
Book: Must Love Hellhounds or Angel's Blood
Email: rexreadingrobot at gmail dot come (www.rexrobotreviews.com)
congrats on the awards! for you and all the odd-shots ladies! Love all the stories that won, though I would have to say the Guild Hunter series is winning me away from the psi-changling series.
I have all these. :D
Congrats on all the awards. They're well deserved.
A big congratulations on your awards, they were well-earned!
If you're talking about your characters specifically, I'd love to talk to someone human, like Ria or Talin. Get the inside scoop, as it were.
I'd love a chance at Branded by Fire, thank you! :)
So excited I forgot to leave my email, lol:
julieguan AT gmail DOT com
Thanks again!
I would love Must Love Hellhounds! And please let me have Judd Lauren over for some fun, i mean, conversation ;)
Congo rats. XP anyways to answer your question I would love to take Bran from Pat Briggs Alpha Omega series home...o.o or Hawke....mmm Hawke. Anyways my email is malak1598@hotmail.com and I would like Must Love Hellhounds.
Congrats on your awards!! I am so happy for you.
Since I am a obsessive baker and cook I would need somebody that can and wants to eat.
So when I think of it I would love to have some shifters over. A little Barbecue. I would love to get to know Mercy.
Congratulations! I'm not surprised at all that you won, you're an amazing author.
If I got to take any character out for a day, I would love to get to take out any one of Raphael's Seven--or at least Illium out for a night on the town. I know we'd have a ridiculously fun time... :)
Thanks so much!
chichai_hana at hotmail dot com
Congrats Nalini - I really enjoyed reading "Branded by Fire".
As for which fictional character, it would be Lora Leigh's breed, Mercury...I'm also partial to Riley. :-)
Anyway, I've thoroughly enjoyed your psy/changeling series, but if I won, I'd like Angels' Blood. Haven't tried that series yet.
Hi Nalini, sending some blessings your way in form of lots of angels like Inspiration, Creativity, flexibility, regeneration and lots of others!
hard question ... depends on my mood ... right now I would invite myself over at Mercy's for a good fight, workout and training.
So, even I have all your books, I would like branded by fire, signed when possible, because this is the most worn by now out of those four pearls of yours.
I am excited about Indigo and .... Andrew and PLAY definitely attracts me ...
twi twi ... Moninanu
I'd love to take home an angel, your Raphael or Joey W. Hill's Jonah.
My book choice is Must Love Hellhounds, it's the only one I don't have.
Congrats on the well deserved awards!!!
I want Hawke his the kind of man I love. if I win I would like Must Love Hellhounds.
Congratulations!! It's very well deserved!
If I had to take one guy home to do with as I please (:D)...I honestly can't decide! There are just so many great characters out there!
I would love to win a copy of Branded by Fire!
Ooooh....I'd love to take Raphael home :) Congratulations on the awards - very well deserved! Would love to have Angels Blood - or Blaze.
Congratulations on the awards!! I'd take back either Aodhan (loved meeting him in AK) or Rule or Lawe or mercury from Lora leigh's breeds. I have all the books (loved them all)so I don't need to be entered in the competition
Congratulations! Great news indeed.
I would love to have over Jack and Georgie from "On the Edge". They seem like pretty cool kids.
I would love to have: Must love Hellhounds, Blaze of Memory or Branded by Fire :D
I would choose Illium. :) I would love to have a copy of Must Love Hellhounds.
OH CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It comes as no surprise to me though. What does surprise me is why ALL YOUR BOOKS haven't won!! Oh , to have the talent you have *sigh*......
My choice of a "character" would have to be the most gorgeous and yummy Illium.I would so love to fly with Bluebell and see if we could get some of that blue angel dust shakin' off those wings and all over me. If I could pick what my guardian angel looked like it would be that stunning hunk with the beautiful blue wings.
Congrats again Nalini, and I am SO HAPPY to hear about the upcoming audio book releases. I checked out the Tantor media site and if the narrator they have listed is indeed going to be the one who reads, Justine Eyre, she is perfect.I researched her other books and she is really good. She does wonderful accents and put emotion into her reads. I am so excited!! Now we just need all your other books on audio and world can listen to the fabulous Nalini Singh!!
Congratulations Nalini! / Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Hmmm..this question brings me in a conflict:-D.
"X"-Talking with Sienna.
Katana lessions with Ming.
Baby-talk with Sascha.
Traveling with Vasic to a beautiful place somewhere in the world and dessert (that am I;)) with Dmitri.
I`d love to win BbF or BoM.
Congrats!!! Well deserved
Illium hands down. Loved him the moment I met him.
any Psy/Changling would be great.
email: daj8700@aol.com
I would take Hawke home and give him a lie detector test and grill him about Sienna.
Ho'omaika'i 'Ana! on your achievement!
I would love to take Illium out for tea and then some *wink*.
Must love hellhounds is the book im looking for.
Contact: clarepili@gmail.com
Congratulations again!
My pick would be Stephanie Plum, would be fun to help her on one of her cases! tWarner419@aol.com
My pick would be Stephanie Plum, would be fun to help her on one of her cases! tWarner419@aol.com
Oh geez I totally spaced answering the question! LOL If I could take someone home...I'd say Hawke definitely. I love brooding bad boys. (although I am not sure how my hubby would feel about bringing him home! LOL) Although I think even he would be impressed with the shapeshifting ability!
Congrats congrats!!
I would bring Suriel from Sophie Renwick's Velvet Haven! I just finished reading this books, and I really hope he gets his own! I loved his character!
And if I won, I would like Angels' Blood.
Congratulations on winning those awards!
Answer: Not an easy choice. All of the seven are delicious. I also love me some psy, especially Judd and Kaleb. Not to mention that changeling wolves are very hot, Andrew and Hawke especially. But in the end I'd have to say my choice would be Galen.
contact at ladyeleonora(at)gmail(dot)com
decisions decisions, I think that it would be a toss up between Judd, Hawke, Vasic, and Riley.
I would love Angel's Blood as I can't find it anywhere here.
forgot to leave my contact info...mhsandsfamily@gmail.com
My sister turned me on to your books and I am in love with them!!! If I were to win I would love a copy of Caressed by Ice, Judd's story.
Oops I forgot to tell you my email address - tkmiller81002@yahoo.com.
Also as much as I love Judd's story I would have to bring home Lucas, he would be a lot of fun to have around :)
CONGRATS! I loved all of these books, and I am so happy that you are receiving the recognition you deserve :)
Must Love Hellhounds is the book I am interested in :)
I would take Drew to dinner because I think the wolf has a great sense of humor, I love this family, and I bet he is one hott piece of tail!
Have a great day :)
Hi Nalini!
Regarding your question... I would take "home" Hawke (and if it's not possible... well, my second choice would be Judd :p).
Greetings from Italy
Ps: is it possible to have the copy "signed" ?!
Ah, my e-mail: zetaa2002@libero.it
Hi Nalini,
Congrats on the awards...you definitely deserve them.
For me it's a choice between Raphael and Hawke for drinks and since a certain archangel is taken by a certain angel and that she would kick my a** for touching her man, I'll go with Hawke as he's technically not taken yet! I think we'd go for tea...long island iced that that is. Lol!
P.S. I'd love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds.
Congrads on your wins, you earned them.
If i had to pick a character from your books, Hawk would be mine.
But I am reading Diana Gabaldon and I would have to pick Jamie Fraser. He is almost too perfect
Would love to win Must Love Hellhounds since that is the only one I do not own!
Congrats on your awards !! Hum... I would love to have Illium for tea and more... I would also enjoy "Must Love Hellhounds"
You can reach me at dayo_112@hotmail.com
WTG, congrats on the kudos!
I've been dateless for a while so I'd be happy to take any of the above mentioned guys home! And I'd love any book signed by you!
Maybe I could just steal Nalini for a couple hours and drill her on some Changeling/Guild Hunter secrets....
For tea...and maybe a couple glasses of wine ;)
I would love a copy of Angel's Blood (Mine is all worn down!)
Jaenelle Angelline Black Jewels Trilogy Anne Bishop
Must Love Hellhounds
talaminari @ gmail.com
:) Congratulations! It's a big honor to get those awards!
I would love to have Raphael over. I mean, come on! I need to see those wins for myself :)
I'd love to get a chance to win a copy of Branded by Fire =]
Ooh, Raphael! Therefore, if I win, I'd love a copy of Angel's Blood.
Congratulations - I love your series and am counting to 2011...
I would like to have tea with Mercy, she sounds like a great fun friend.
I don`t have the anthology yet.
happy easter
At the moment I'm rereading Angel's Kiss so I'd have to say Galen.
I'd love a copy of Must Love Hellhounds!
I'd love Angel's Kiss.
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
Take one home, for anything, oh no, mind get back here!
I'd take home Rand al-Thor from Robert Jordans WOT fantasy series. Perhaps he could show me some magic ;)
Congrats! and i'd want to take home Dorian or Vhaughn. *grin* They are so handsome.
If i win i'd like Angels Blood since i havent started that series yet or Must Love Hellhounds. I have all but Bonds of Justice from your changling series.
You can reach me at moonsongsinger at yahoo dot com.
What well-deserved recognition for you and your books--Congratulations. Angel's Blood would be my first choice, but I'd enjoy any of the four books. If I could take home a fictional character, I'd give a nod to my first romance read, GWTW, and choose Rhett Butler.
Congrats! I think all of these books are still on my TBR list, so I have no preferences among them. (I can be reached at bookwyrmknits (at) gmail (dot) com.)
As to a fictional character I'd want to bring home... at the moment, I'm on a Victorian kick due the Sherlock Holmes movie and the steampunk novella I'm in the middle of. I think I'd actually want to take Holmes home with me for tea -- and several friends -- and see what kind of stuff he came up with.
I would love a copy of Angels' Blood or the anthology. Thanks for the contest and congrats on the PEARL Awards!
Oh, and Illium would be my pick ;-).
Congrats! I've actually read Angels Blood(Amazing!), I would be happy to get any of the other three.
Ohh, I would love to take home Syn from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Born of fire.
Congrats on your PEARL achievements!!
Now for my answer to the trivia: I would bring Hawke home 'coz he's the alpha!
I would like Blaze Of Memory please 'coz that is the only one of the four that I haven't got a copy yet :)
mischivusfairy-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love the anthology as I have the others. And to answer the question Hawke of course.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Without a doubt, Raphael (Hunter Guild series) for the "wild and crazy" option! ;)
I would love to have Lucas for tea, Dorian for dinner, but it's too much, isn't it?
So, I would chose to have Vaughn for supper. Wow, what a dream...
Having "Branded by Fire" in my hands would be delightful.
Thanks a lot for the fun
I would like either Blaze of Memory or Branded by Fire.
If I could spend a night with any character it would be Adam from the Mercy Thompson series.
forgot my email
bbricke AT yahoo DOT com
Hmm, though he's gay Adam from Jenna Black's series as a best friend. But as a lover , Im thinking a toss between Adam the werewolf on Mercy Thompson's series or Lugh from The Morgan Kingsley Series. AARGH So hard to choose , I want them all LOL :)
I'd love a copy of "Blaze of Memory".
I've not read a futuristic romance in awhile and this one sounds fascinating.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
(='.'=) Happy Easter from Bun!
Oh, yay! Congrats on your winnings! Your books are great and they deserve some recognitions.
Only ONE character? Darn, this choice is tough but one character that I would die to spend one day alone with would be Dmitri. *sigh*
I hope to see more of Dmitri in the next installment. =]
First of all congrats on the awards...
as for the character, i'd love to do a little flying over the city with the sexiest archangel ever, Raphael.
If I were to win, I'd love a copy of ANGEL'S BLOOD
Congrats again, my e-mail is mariaca112@hotmail.com
It's completely impossible to choose a character to meet... I'd probably pick one of the archangels, though...
I'd love to win Angels' Blood but I don't have any of them yet, so I'm not picky. ; )
Thanks for the giveaway.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Elena for sure..oh the stories she could tell .thanks for the giveaway.
would love a copy of branded by fire..
Congrats! Picking one is too hard. I am currently obsessed with Rapheal, Illium and Barrons (Fever Series). I am about to start the Psy-Changling series so I would like to have Branded by Fire.
Congrats! The accolades are well deserved!
I would want Jason...or Ilium...or...Lucas...or...(this could go on forever!)!!!
I would pick Judd or Lucas.
I would love to win Must Love Hellhounds.
The charachter I would most like to take home is Dev Santos, for tea, he definitely loves Kayta. He loves her so much that he can't stand to lose her, from pleading for her life to having her hooked up to life support, yet knowing that he had to let her go, was heart wrenching, telling himself one more night. I cried through that chapter. Who wouldn't want to be loved that much. His reaction was so intense.
Congrats on the awards. I love all your books,re-reading them on several occasions. However, I don't have must love hellhounds.
Can't wait for Max's story in July, I have my calendar marked, so I'll remember to go and get it as soon as the bookstore has it in stock.
Angels' Blood ... Branded By Fire.. Ahh!! I can't choose! So I think I'll leave it to you. :)
Brenna. A high tea to discuss the faults and strengths of psy men ^__^
Branded By Fire would be my choice.
The characer I would like to take home would be Ranger from the Stephanie Plum novels. He just sounds so sexy too me.
I'd love to sit with Ilium or Kaleb. They are so different yet so fascinating at the same time. :)
Congratulations on the Pearl awards. I'd love Blaze of Memory or Archangel's Kiss.
Araggedyann1 @ gmail dot com
Winners: Thank you for all the lovely messages of congratulations everyone! I've run the random numbers and the winners are as follows:
Congratulations!! If you left a contact email, I'll be dropping you a note. Otherwise, email me your mailing address: nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.
Angel's Blood makes me your fan !! Raphael makes my blood boiled & Bluebell intrigues me..bravo to Nalini !!
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