The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super elite, top secret, family-run business.The raw emotion in this book really packs a punch. The romance was fantastic. I also enjoyed the interactions of the entire Kelly family as a whole. I can't wait to read the next book in the series! Very much recommended.
Qualifications: High intelligence, rock hard body, military background.
Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the US government can’t…
It’s been one year since ex-Navy SEAL Ethan Kelly last saw his wife Rachel alive. Overwhelmed by grief and guilt over his failures as a husband, Ethan shuts himself off from everything and everyone.
His brothers have tried to bring Ethan into the KGI fold, tried to break through the barriers he's built around himself, but Ethan refuses to respond… until he receives anonymous information claiming Rachel is alive. The Kelly Series
To save her, Ethan will have to dodge bullets, cross a jungle, and risk falling captive to a deadly drug cartel that threatens his own demise. And even if he succeeds, he’ll have to force Rachel to recover memories she can’t and doesn’t want to relive—the minute by minute terror of her darkest hour—for their love, and their lives, may depend on it.
Here's the excerpt link!
Have you got your eye on any books coming out this month?
I can't wait to read this book! I have it preordered to my Kindle, ready to go! There are a lot of great books coming out tomorrow. Too bad I'll be in class for several hours. I also somehow managed to be one of the winners of the huge Berkeley Fall Giveaway. I requested Play of Passion as one of my Top 3 choices (#1 of course!). Hope it's the one I won!
I am dying to read this. I tried to win an ARC but have since ordered it and am anxiously awaiting it's delivery. For Maya I like a paperback when they are available - so I can take it everywhere with me(no kindle yet)until I have devoured it.
This looks good, I might get a copy.
As for what I am looking forward to this month?...."No Mercy" - S Kenyon is the only one I can think off.
Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews the second book in the Edge series is out at the end of the month (one of the few I know I'll be getting).
@Myranda: I also managed to be one of the Berkley Fall Giveaway winners! With two copies of Play of Passion in the running, we may both get lucky.
I've wanted to read this for a while now! I'm going to pick up a copy tomorrow when I get No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Other than No Mercy and The Darkest Hour, the only other book I'm really looking forward to this month is Taken by Midnight by Lara Adrian
Healer's Choice, by Jory Strong, comes out today. It's the third in her post-Apocalyptic series and I've really enjoyed the first two, so I can't wait to see what she does with this one.
Well, although it actually came out late August, still waiting for my book club to send me my copy of Kresley Cole's latest IAD, 'Demon From the Dark'! Can't wait! The reviews have been great!
Eat Prey Love by Kerrilyn Sparks and Loco Motive by Daheim
Congrats to the winners of the Berkeley Giveaway! I guess I will have to wait till Nov for POP. Oh, well, there are lots of books out this month that I want including Cruel Enchantment by Anya Bast, An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire, Trickster #2 by Rob Thurman, The Edge #2 by Ilona Andrews, and Venom by Jennifer Estep.
I do like May Banks' writing, but...I must confess the cover kind of puts me off. (It reminds me of the cover of Lora Leigh's special ops books, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but...it's too familiar if that makes sense :) Saying that, your recommendation Nalini has me dithering...
I have no idea what is being released this month - my brain is currently fried and I'm so behind with books. Oh if I could have a month (actually, make that two :) to just read!
I just finished The Darkest Hour. It was amazing. I didn't even think it was like Lora Leigh's books. In fact I thought it was better because I could actually get into the family right away instead of having to work at it. I cannot wait until the rest of the series comes out!
I can't wait for Venom by Jennifer Estep - the third book in her Elemental Assassin series. The premise behind these books is awesome (assassin out to avenge her foster father/handler's death), and Estep's characterization of the main character, Gin, is dead on.
This one! It is on its way along with its friends Renegade and Riding the Night!
@Amanda: I hope so! I can't wait to find out what book I'll be receiving. It's like Christmas! ;)
Today was exciting in book release terms. I got No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Veil of Shadows by Shiloh Walker, The Darkest Hour, and Cruel Enchantment by Anya Bast. I finished the first two and I just started The Darkest Hour.
Books coming up this month that I'm excited about:
Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews
Taken by Midnight by Lara Adrian
Masques by Patricia Briggs
Chains of Fire by Christina Dodd
Now I have another series to get intersested in. I have four I'm trying to keep up with already, but I do love a good book and this one sounds good, the excerpt made me want to find out more about what happens to them.
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