I've had a few questions asking if Kiss of Snow is the title of Hawke's book. The answer is yes. The story is consuming me at the moment, in the best of ways.
Also, the website has been updated, so check it out.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews

Also, I think it stands very well alone, so you can dive straight into this even if you haven't read the first book in the series - On the Edge.
Excerpt on Ilona's Website.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I'm doing research for Kiss of Snow today, double-checking some facts. Even though I write paranormals, I still have to get factual things correct - for example, time differences between different cities and countries.
What're you all up to?
What're you all up to?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Guest Author: Emily Gee
Winner: Thank you for the fantastic discussion everyone. The random winner of Emily's giveaway is: Stephanie
Congratulations! I've forwarded your email onto Emily.
I'm so happy to host the talented and lovely Emily Gee on the blog today! Please give Emily a warm welcome everyone.
Hi everyone! I’m delighted to be here on the fabulous Nalini Singh’s blog!
Since I’m wrestling with titles at the moment, I thought I’d talk about the process of finding the right title for a book. Titles are tricky and elusive things! Sometimes the perfect title just appears out of nowhere – but just as often it doesn’t.
As an example, I’ll use a book of mine that came out in 2009 – a dark and romantic fantasy novel about a young woman (named Saliel) who is a spy. We’ll call it Saliel’s book, for now.
Saliel’s book started life as MASQUERADE, because both Saliel and the hero are spies and are (obviously) masquerading as people they’re not – in this case, nobles in the decadent and oppressive Corhonase court. The title fitted, but it was so generic that it had to go! (Visit amazon.com and see how many books have the title MASQUERADE. Lots!)
Next came the title WALK IN SHADOWS, which I still like for a number of reasons: Saliel and the hero are often in the catacombs below the Corhonase citadel (which are obviously dark and shadowy places); when they’re above ground in the Corhonase court, they’re constantly under the shadowy threat of capture and torture and death; and Saliel comes from the worst of her homeland’s slums, a taint that will forever be a shadow over her head. But that title was too like the title of my previous fantasy novel (THIEF WITH NO SHADOW). It made the two books sound like they were part of a series, which they weren’t – different worlds, different magic.
So Saliel’s book then became EYE SPY, which again fitted very well. The main characters are spies, and both Saliel and the sadistic spycatcher possess a form of magic called witch-eye. However, EYE SPY has a very contemporary and almost humorous ring to it, and Saliel’s book has a dark tone and is set in an oppressive Elizabethan world. So that title had to go.

Finally, my agent came up with THE LAURENTINE SPY, which is the title we went with. The title tells us that the book is about a spy, the fabulous cover shows Saliel and the hero in the catacombs, and while there’s no hint of magic in the title, the backcover blurb deals with that: Saliel has many secrets; her spying is one, her past as a pickpocket in Laurent’s slums is another, but her most deeply guarded secret is the magic she possesses. She walks a narrow path between discovery as a spy and being burned as a witch. Etc, etc.
So, there you have it: the evolution of a title! Any opinions? Did we go with the title you would have chosen for this book? Do you hate them all? Would you have chosen something completely different? Or do titles really have no importance on your book-buying and book-reading habits? (All commenters will go in a draw to win a copy of THE LAURENTINE SPY.*)
Emily's Website
*Contest closes midnight Friday 24th September 2010, New Zealand time. Winner will be chosen randomly via the random number generator at random.org and his or her name posted in the comments and on the top of this post. Void where prohibited.
Congratulations! I've forwarded your email onto Emily.
I'm so happy to host the talented and lovely Emily Gee on the blog today! Please give Emily a warm welcome everyone.
Emily Gee

Since I’m wrestling with titles at the moment, I thought I’d talk about the process of finding the right title for a book. Titles are tricky and elusive things! Sometimes the perfect title just appears out of nowhere – but just as often it doesn’t.
As an example, I’ll use a book of mine that came out in 2009 – a dark and romantic fantasy novel about a young woman (named Saliel) who is a spy. We’ll call it Saliel’s book, for now.
Saliel’s book started life as MASQUERADE, because both Saliel and the hero are spies and are (obviously) masquerading as people they’re not – in this case, nobles in the decadent and oppressive Corhonase court. The title fitted, but it was so generic that it had to go! (Visit amazon.com and see how many books have the title MASQUERADE. Lots!)
Next came the title WALK IN SHADOWS, which I still like for a number of reasons: Saliel and the hero are often in the catacombs below the Corhonase citadel (which are obviously dark and shadowy places); when they’re above ground in the Corhonase court, they’re constantly under the shadowy threat of capture and torture and death; and Saliel comes from the worst of her homeland’s slums, a taint that will forever be a shadow over her head. But that title was too like the title of my previous fantasy novel (THIEF WITH NO SHADOW). It made the two books sound like they were part of a series, which they weren’t – different worlds, different magic.
So Saliel’s book then became EYE SPY, which again fitted very well. The main characters are spies, and both Saliel and the sadistic spycatcher possess a form of magic called witch-eye. However, EYE SPY has a very contemporary and almost humorous ring to it, and Saliel’s book has a dark tone and is set in an oppressive Elizabethan world. So that title had to go.

Finally, my agent came up with THE LAURENTINE SPY, which is the title we went with. The title tells us that the book is about a spy, the fabulous cover shows Saliel and the hero in the catacombs, and while there’s no hint of magic in the title, the backcover blurb deals with that: Saliel has many secrets; her spying is one, her past as a pickpocket in Laurent’s slums is another, but her most deeply guarded secret is the magic she possesses. She walks a narrow path between discovery as a spy and being burned as a witch. Etc, etc.
So, there you have it: the evolution of a title! Any opinions? Did we go with the title you would have chosen for this book? Do you hate them all? Would you have chosen something completely different? Or do titles really have no importance on your book-buying and book-reading habits? (All commenters will go in a draw to win a copy of THE LAURENTINE SPY.*)
Emily's Website
*Contest closes midnight Friday 24th September 2010, New Zealand time. Winner will be chosen randomly via the random number generator at random.org and his or her name posted in the comments and on the top of this post. Void where prohibited.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Psy-Changeling Fan Art
Aren't these fantastic?! The artist is Rootslove - follow the link to see her gallery on Deviant Art.


As always, if you'd like to use the art as an avatar etc, please ask the artist for permission.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Play of Passion ARC Winners

Without further ado, the winners are:
Bella Franco
Jeanette Juan
Jeanette Juan
Congratulations! Emails are on their way to you.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Guest Author: Jaci Burton
Winner: The random numbers have spoken and the winner of Jaci's giveaway is Chelsea B! Congratulations! Please email me at nalinisinghwritesATgmailDOTcom so I can pass your details onto Jaci.
I'm so delighted to have Jaci back on the blog, talking about her smoking hot Wild Riders! Please give her a warm welcome everyone!
Jaci Burton on her Wild Riders
First, I want to thank Nalini for letting me guest blog. My first thought was…hey, let’s all talk about Nalini’s books. I could talk for hours about Nalini’s books. I could fill up my entire blog post, in fact, talking about my love for Nalini’s Psy/Changeling series. It’s one of my top five all time favorite series ever. Nalini knows I stalk her for her books. It’s a love thing, really.
But I guess instead of waxing poetic about my love for all things Nalini, I should probably talk about my own series, since that’s why Nalini asked me here. My Wild Riders series, specifically, since the 5th book in the series, RIDING THE NIGHT, released last Tuesday.
It’s no secret I have serious mad love for my bad boy bikers on Harleys. It’s also no secret that I don’t tend to write one and out kind of books. Even when I try to write a single title, I can’t help but give my main characters brothers or sisters or best friends, and those brothers and sisters or best friends can’t help but stick their noses in the book I’m writing, interfering with my main characters with their larger than life personalities, and coming up with some of their own back story and dem
anding that their own stories be told. And my Wild Riders? Well, those guys pop up in each others’ books all the time, and making them wait for their own books was nothing short of impossible. My guys don’t know the meaning of the word patience. But I can’t tell you how excited I am that the final book has been released.
I knew starting out that there would be six Wild Riders—Mac, Diaz, Spence, Rick, Pax and AJ. I figured I’d write six books. What I hadn’t figured was that Pax and AJ would end up in the same book, which meant there are only going to be five Wild Rider books. Best laid plans and all that. But after a few books in, I figured out that Pax and AJ shared their women, and then I thought, well, no problem. I’d just write AJ’s book, give him his happily ever after, then write Pax’s book.
Yeah, the guys weren’t having any of that. You see, Pax and AJ are best friends, and they decided that once they found the woman of their dreams—and notice I said ‘woman’, not ‘women’, that was going to be it for them. One woman forever for the both of them.

Sometimes characters don’t make it easy on a writer.
And then they had to go and choose a woman with a lot of issues. Okay, one big issue. And it was a difficult one for her to overcome.
Good thing she had a couple remarkable men on her side to help her out.
I hope you give Pax and AJ, and all my Wild Riders a try.
Can we talk about Nalini now? ;-)
Talk to me about your favorite secondary characters in books you’ve read, and which ones you couldn’t wait for their books to come out.
I’d love to give away one of my Wild Rider backlist books. Winner’s choice—Riding The Night not included. Contest is open internationally.*
You can read about all my Wild Riders books here - http://www.jaciburton.com/berkley.html#wildriders
*Contest closes Monday 20th September 2010, midnight New Zealand time. Void where prohibited
N: This is not a Wild Riders book but I couldn't resist posting the cover. No need to thank me *g*
The Perfect Play releases in February 2011.
I'm so delighted to have Jaci back on the blog, talking about her smoking hot Wild Riders! Please give her a warm welcome everyone!
Jaci Burton on her Wild Riders

But I guess instead of waxing poetic about my love for all things Nalini, I should probably talk about my own series, since that’s why Nalini asked me here. My Wild Riders series, specifically, since the 5th book in the series, RIDING THE NIGHT, released last Tuesday.
It’s no secret I have serious mad love for my bad boy bikers on Harleys. It’s also no secret that I don’t tend to write one and out kind of books. Even when I try to write a single title, I can’t help but give my main characters brothers or sisters or best friends, and those brothers and sisters or best friends can’t help but stick their noses in the book I’m writing, interfering with my main characters with their larger than life personalities, and coming up with some of their own back story and dem

I knew starting out that there would be six Wild Riders—Mac, Diaz, Spence, Rick, Pax and AJ. I figured I’d write six books. What I hadn’t figured was that Pax and AJ would end up in the same book, which meant there are only going to be five Wild Rider books. Best laid plans and all that. But after a few books in, I figured out that Pax and AJ shared their women, and then I thought, well, no problem. I’d just write AJ’s book, give him his happily ever after, then write Pax’s book.
Yeah, the guys weren’t having any of that. You see, Pax and AJ are best friends, and they decided that once they found the woman of their dreams—and notice I said ‘woman’, not ‘women’, that was going to be it for them. One woman forever for the both of them.

Sometimes characters don’t make it easy on a writer.
And then they had to go and choose a woman with a lot of issues. Okay, one big issue. And it was a difficult one for her to overcome.
Good thing she had a couple remarkable men on her side to help her out.
I hope you give Pax and AJ, and all my Wild Riders a try.
Can we talk about Nalini now? ;-)
Talk to me about your favorite secondary characters in books you’ve read, and which ones you couldn’t wait for their books to come out.
I’d love to give away one of my Wild Rider backlist books. Winner’s choice—Riding The Night not included. Contest is open internationally.*
You can read about all my Wild Riders books here - http://www.jaciburton.com/berkley.html#wildriders
*Contest closes Monday 20th September 2010, midnight New Zealand time. Void where prohibited

The Perfect Play releases in February 2011.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Archangel's Consort: Backcover Blurb

Okay...if you're sure....
Nalini Singh steps back into the shadows of her “heartbreakingly original”* world where angels rule, vampires serve, and the innocent can pay the greatest price of all…
Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux and her lover, the lethally beautiful archangel Raphael, have returned home to New York only to face an uncompromising new evil…
A vampire has attacked a girls’ school—the assault one of sheer, vicious madness—and it is only the first act. Rampant bloodlust takes vampire after vampire, threatening to make the streets run with blood. Then Raphael himself begins to show signs of an uncontrolled rage, as inexplicable storms darken the city skyline and the earth itself shudders.
The omens are suddenly terrifyingly clear.
An ancient and malevolent immortal is rising. The violent winds whisper her name: Caliane. She has returned to reclaim her son, Raphael. Only one thing stands in her way: Elena, the consort who must be destroyed…
*Errant Dreams Reviews
There will be a full chapter excerpt in back of Play of Passion. I'll also put it up on the website. And look, a shiny new countdown widget for Archangel's Consort in the sidebar! Feel free to repost!p.s. Don't forget to enter the Play of Passion ARC Contest before it closes this Sunday.
Archangel's Consort
Guild Hunter
Play of Passion
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Play of Passion Countdown Widget
Look! Pretty widget in sidebar! -->
Feel free to grab and repost on your blog, Facebook, LJ...wherever you want :-)
Thanks to Frauke at Croco Designs for the lovely work.
Feel free to grab and repost on your blog, Facebook, LJ...wherever you want :-)
Thanks to Frauke at Croco Designs for the lovely work.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Play of Passion ARC Contest
This contest is now closed.
If you'd like to go in the random draw to win the ARC of Play of Passion, just leave your name in the comments before 6pm, Sunday September 19th 2010, New Zealand time.
If you have a problem commenting, email your entry to naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom with "Play of Passion ARC Contest" in the subject line, and you'll be added to the draw.
Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, I'd ask that you please post a review somewhere before the release date (November 2nd) - on a blog, on Amazon, B&N, Goodreads...it's up to you, but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere. The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.
A note about the ARC - it's substantially the same as the final book, but since ARCs are printed prior to the final round of edits, there are some errors in the text that aren't in the final book.
Also, make sure you leave some way for me to contact you, or check to see if you've won. I usually make an effort to track down winners, but because this is an ARC, if the winner does not contact me with their mailing address within 48 hours of their name being posted, I'll pick another name.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Book Club

Recently, I read ARCs of Julie James' A Lot Like Love and Meljean Brook's The Iron Duke. Both are fantabulous books that I loved to pieces, so keep an eye out for them! More closer to their release dates.
Talking of ARCs, you might want to make a note to drop by the blog next week. Just sayin'... :D
Okay, your turn, what've you been reading and loving this week?
Friday Book Club
Julie James
Meljean Brook
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Mass Market Release - Must Love Hellhounds

The anthology includes novellas by Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, Meljean Brook and me. My novella, "Angels' Judgment," tells the story of Sara and Deacon from the Guild Hunter books, but is written to stand alone, so if you'd like to dip your toe in the GH waters, here's your chance :-)
Link to excerpt of Angels' Judgment.
Angels Judgment
Guild Hunter
Must Love Hellhounds
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Guest Author: Shiloh Walker - Veil of Shadows
Contest Closed
Thank you for all your great comments everyone, and thanks to Shiloh for such a fun post!
I've run the random numbers and the winner of Shiloh's giveaway is: Mary Frazier! Congratulations! An email is on the way to you.
I'm delighted to have Shiloh back on the blog to talk about her new book, the intense and emotional Veil of Shadows, set in the same intriguing world as Through the Veil. I'm really looking forward to seeing where she'll take her world next.
Please give a warm welcome to Shiloh everyone!

You know, when it comes to thinking up a book, I've got a million ideas. Or at least it seems that way--and they usually pounce on at the worst time--like when I'm in the middle of three other projects with no time for others. And talking to friends? I never run out of things to talk about.
But thinking up a thing to guest blog about… that always leaves me…empty. I can't wax eloquently about what inspires me, I can't get all deep and pensive--I'm best at being weird and/or rambling.
I reckon I should talk about Veil of Shadows, my September release, but the thing is…I never know what to really say about any of my books, and this one isn't much different.
It's a book. I wrote it. It's got a pretty cover. I really dig the guy's sword (and stop thinking dirty thoughts) the hero is holding a sword…. See? And it's not even exactly positioned in a manner so it looks sexual. Not thrusting up from the pelvic area or anything. Just holding it down, by ready to use it if he needs to.
If anybody is wondering why there's a guy with a sword standing in front of the ruin of a city…well, it's a war-torn sort of world, and although they've got some serious tech, they can't always rely on it. Good, old-fashioned steel, though? Different story.
The guy, by the way, his name's Xan--pronounced with a Z sound. He heads into the base one day, takes one look at Laisyn AKA Syn, the second in command and…well, for him, that's all she wrote. All I wrote--his first, last, only thought was want. Eventually want turned to need and need turned to love, but then all sorts of problems came up because he's got things he hasn't told the pretty Captain.
The pretty Captain, AKA Syn, has enough problems him getting all secretive--a gift for magic that she can't use, demons tearing things up around her home, food and supplies are running thin, too many refugees pouring into the camp. Xan is the last thing she planned on. Actually, she never planned on him.
But there he is. There they both are, and like it or not, they are stuck with each other, because the voices in my head say so. And once I actually got the story rolling, I kind of liked what the voices in my head had to say about these two.
And hey…whaddya know? I managed to ramble somewhat coherently…about the book, even. To wrap it up, I guess I can mention what the book is about a little more formally.
And just because you were so patient listening…um… reading my ramble, I'm going to do a giveaway. But since I didn't do much of anything awe… or commenting… inspiring...instead of asking you a question somehow related to my non-sensical ramble, how about this? We'll relate to the nifty cover.
Xan looks like he's either A) looking at something or B) thinking really hard. Which do you think and telling either what he's looking at or what's he's thinking. One random commenter wins a $20 GC to the online bookstore of their choice--open across the globe*, but I do have to be able to buy the GC from the US, though, due to geographical restrictions and all that. (Contest closes midnight, Friday 10 September 2010, New Zealand time).
Shiloh Walker
*Void where prohibited
Thank you for all your great comments everyone, and thanks to Shiloh for such a fun post!
I've run the random numbers and the winner of Shiloh's giveaway is: Mary Frazier! Congratulations! An email is on the way to you.
I'm delighted to have Shiloh back on the blog to talk about her new book, the intense and emotional Veil of Shadows, set in the same intriguing world as Through the Veil. I'm really looking forward to seeing where she'll take her world next.
Please give a warm welcome to Shiloh everyone!
Shiloh Walker
Shiloh Walker

You know, when it comes to thinking up a book, I've got a million ideas. Or at least it seems that way--and they usually pounce on at the worst time--like when I'm in the middle of three other projects with no time for others. And talking to friends? I never run out of things to talk about.
But thinking up a thing to guest blog about… that always leaves me…empty. I can't wax eloquently about what inspires me, I can't get all deep and pensive--I'm best at being weird and/or rambling.
I reckon I should talk about Veil of Shadows, my September release, but the thing is…I never know what to really say about any of my books, and this one isn't much different.
It's a book. I wrote it. It's got a pretty cover. I really dig the guy's sword (and stop thinking dirty thoughts) the hero is holding a sword…. See? And it's not even exactly positioned in a manner so it looks sexual. Not thrusting up from the pelvic area or anything. Just holding it down, by ready to use it if he needs to.
If anybody is wondering why there's a guy with a sword standing in front of the ruin of a city…well, it's a war-torn sort of world, and although they've got some serious tech, they can't always rely on it. Good, old-fashioned steel, though? Different story.
The guy, by the way, his name's Xan--pronounced with a Z sound. He heads into the base one day, takes one look at Laisyn AKA Syn, the second in command and…well, for him, that's all she wrote. All I wrote--his first, last, only thought was want. Eventually want turned to need and need turned to love, but then all sorts of problems came up because he's got things he hasn't told the pretty Captain.
The pretty Captain, AKA Syn, has enough problems him getting all secretive--a gift for magic that she can't use, demons tearing things up around her home, food and supplies are running thin, too many refugees pouring into the camp. Xan is the last thing she planned on. Actually, she never planned on him.
But there he is. There they both are, and like it or not, they are stuck with each other, because the voices in my head say so. And once I actually got the story rolling, I kind of liked what the voices in my head had to say about these two.
And hey…whaddya know? I managed to ramble somewhat coherently…about the book, even. To wrap it up, I guess I can mention what the book is about a little more formally.
With demons running amok throughout the forests and mountains, a rebel army has been established to win back the land--and a new soldier has appeared out of nowhere to join them.There you go… a blurb to go with the pretty, nifty cover.
His name is Xan, and his past is a mystery to everyone, including Laisyn Caar--a beautiful captain in the rebel army--who is shocked by the powerful, all-consuming desire she feels in his presence.
But now isn't the time for distraction. The future of her land--and of her people--is in her hands. On top of that, she's been stripped of her magic--and without it she feels like part of her soul has been stolen away.
But when she discovers the dark secrets of Xan's agenda, it will be up to her to determine whether the man she's starting to love is a friend of her people--or a dreaded enemy…
And just because you were so patient listening…um… reading my ramble, I'm going to do a giveaway. But since I didn't do much of anything awe… or commenting… inspiring...instead of asking you a question somehow related to my non-sensical ramble, how about this? We'll relate to the nifty cover.
Xan looks like he's either A) looking at something or B) thinking really hard. Which do you think and telling either what he's looking at or what's he's thinking. One random commenter wins a $20 GC to the online bookstore of their choice--open across the globe*, but I do have to be able to buy the GC from the US, though, due to geographical restrictions and all that. (Contest closes midnight, Friday 10 September 2010, New Zealand time).
Shiloh Walker
*Void where prohibited
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
The Darkest Hour - Maya Banks

The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super elite, top secret, family-run business.The raw emotion in this book really packs a punch. The romance was fantastic. I also enjoyed the interactions of the entire Kelly family as a whole. I can't wait to read the next book in the series! Very much recommended.
Qualifications: High intelligence, rock hard body, military background.
Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the US government can’t…
It’s been one year since ex-Navy SEAL Ethan Kelly last saw his wife Rachel alive. Overwhelmed by grief and guilt over his failures as a husband, Ethan shuts himself off from everything and everyone.
His brothers have tried to bring Ethan into the KGI fold, tried to break through the barriers he's built around himself, but Ethan refuses to respond… until he receives anonymous information claiming Rachel is alive. The Kelly Series
To save her, Ethan will have to dodge bullets, cross a jungle, and risk falling captive to a deadly drug cartel that threatens his own demise. And even if he succeeds, he’ll have to force Rachel to recover memories she can’t and doesn’t want to relive—the minute by minute terror of her darkest hour—for their love, and their lives, may depend on it.
Here's the excerpt link!
Have you got your eye on any books coming out this month?
Monday, September 06, 2010
Fan Art: Guild Hunter

Isn't this art amazing?! It's a form of anime called chibi-art. The word "chibi" means "small" in Japanese, and chibi-art is all about creating cute or small characters or versions of characters.
Click on the images to increase the size.

The person who sent it to me wishes to remain anonymous, but has given permission for the images to be used in sigs etc as long as you don't claim you created the art, or attempt to profit from it.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
Forbidden - Christina Phillips
A slight change from the usual programming today, as I wanted to give you a heads-up about a new Berkley Heat author from down under.
I haven't had a chance to read Christina Phillips' Forbidden yet, but it's got centurions, druids, emperors - sounds awesome!
Here's more info on the book and the launch party direct from Christina.
(The book club will return tomorrow!)
I haven't had a chance to read Christina Phillips' Forbidden yet, but it's got centurions, druids, emperors - sounds awesome!
Here's more info on the book and the launch party direct from Christina.
Christina Phillips
Christina Phillips
He was a master of seduction - but no match for the magical allure of the woman he wanted most...
Carys knew from the moment she first spied on Maximus in his naked barbarian glory that he was a dangerous Roman centurion - his taut, battle-scarred flesh marking him as a fearless warrior. But her desire for him was as undeniable as it was illicit.
Charged by his emperor to eliminate a clan of powerful Druids in Britain, Maximus never expects his mission to be thwarted by the clan's ethereal princess, Carys, his daring voyeur. Falling under her spell, he doesn't realize her true heritage - until he captures her heart as well as her body.
As Carys's loyalties are twisted, and freedom is no longer her single-minded obsession, an avenging former lover threatens to crush Maximus's people into oblivion. Now Carys and Maximus must overcome the devastation of war and face the ultimate sacrifice if their forbidden love is to survive.
Excerpt (Over 18s only)
To help celebrate the release of Forbidden, Christina Phillips's debut Roman/Druid Ancient Historical Romance from Berkley Heat, she's holding a launch party with lots of amazing authors and fabulous giveaways!
In addition, Christina's giving away a signed copy of Forbidden to one lucky person who helps spread the love. All you have to do is mention the party (you can copy and paste this blurb), being held from 1st to 6th September at http://christinaphillips.blogspot.com.
You can Tweet about it, blog, Facebook, MySpace or anything! And then drop her an email at ChristinapPh @ gmail dot com (no spaces) to let her know. Please put Forbidden Launch Party (or something similar) in the subject line. The winner will be drawn for that on Monday 6th September.
And if you'd like to also put the trailer up on your sites, please do!!! The YouTube link to embed is here
(The book club will return tomorrow!)
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Berkley's Fall Giveaway
...is now open at Dear Author, and includes two copies of Play of Passion! Swing by and enter before the contest closes on Saturday.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Subscribe to: