Hello…and thanks to Nalini for letting me drop in on her blog!

Where do you get your ideas?
Writers get that question a lot. I can’t speak for other writers but my ideas can come from anywhere and everywhere in between—a documentary, a random conversation with my husband, a book. And sometimes, I just wake up and there an idea is—like it was waiting for me.
That’s what happened with my current release, The Missing.
Actually, it was more like there was a character stuck in my head. Just there, waiting for me.
The first character to come into my head wasn’t the hero or the heroine, though.
It was Jillian—the hero’s daughter.
I had this little girl’s image in my head, the entire scene, really.
She was sitting in an airport, drawing a picture. When she was done, she shows it to her dad.
She’s drawn three kids, one in each corner of the page. He asks her who they are, and she says, “I don’t know…they are the missing…”
That was the start of the idea. The whole idea emerged from that, and this is one of those ideas that kind of bubbled and brewed in the back of my head for a while before I even attempted to write it. I think it was a year or two.
By then, the characters for the hero, Cullen and the heroine, Taige, had also started to form in my head, too, and once they were there, the story came pretty easily.
But it all started with the germ of an idea—that scene with Jillian, and I don’t know really know where Jillian came from. Of course, Jillian likes to hang out in my head, because not long after that idea popped into my head, another one came.
And this one involves a story where Jillian is grown up. That one won’t be written for at least a few more years, I know—in my mind, she’s still just a kid and I can’t write her story until I stop seeing her as a kid. She’s still in my head, though, and it’s just a matter of time, I think, until I write her story.
And since I’ve got a book out and I should probably do the standard author promo bit…here it is… (and stay tuned, I’m giving away a prize…)
The Missing is now out in mass market…
As a teenager, Taige Branch was able to do things with her psychic gift that others couldn’t understand—except for Cullen Morgan, the boy her stole her heart. He did his best to accept her abilities, until his mother was brutally murdered—and he couldn’t forgive Taige for not preventing her death.
Now a widowed father, Cullen Morgan has never forgotten Taige. But what brings her back into his life is another tragic event. His beloved little girl has been kidnapped, and Taige is his only hope of finding her.
Working together against the clock, Cullen and Taige can’t help but wonder whether—if they find his daughter in time—it isn’t too late for the overpowering love that still burns between them…
And now here’s the prize. I get characters stuck in my head. A lot. Sometimes they are mine…like Jillian. Sometimes they are belong to other authors…like SL Viehl’s Cherijo & Duncan from the Stardoc books, or Nalini’s Elena & Raphael, Jeaniene Frost’s Cat & Bones, or JD Robb’s Roarke & Eve. They get stuck in my head, and not just a particular story, but the characters themselves.
This ever happen to you? What characters get stuck in your head and why? Leave your answer in the comments and everybody who enters will get entered for a $15 GC to Amazon. I will draw a winner from the comments and post the name here in the comments sometime during the next week. Contest open across the globe!
Shiloh Walker
When a book is really good its characters stay with mw for a long time. I can't stop thinking about the. For example: Acheron by S. Kenyon or Sadie from Broken by M. Hart.
Oh couples get stuck in my head all the time... like Curran and Kate, Elena and Raphael, Elysetta and Rain. They just roll around in there making me re-read there stories. Its rare when one single character stick and its usually someone I really want to have a story of their own like Torin from Gena Showalters Lords of the Underworld.
Curran and Kate (from Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews) keep strolling around in my head... I can't wait for the next installment!!! Out next year :(
And I keep wondering about Hawke and that Lauren girl... (from the Psy/Changeling series)
Cherry Mischievous
mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
Istvan from Susan Sizemore's Laws of the Blood series. Because he's cool. :) He's the vampires' boogieman and one of those super-dangerous-unless-you're-inside-his-circle kind.
I really wanted another book about him, but that series didn't take off like her Prime series did. Urban Fantasy before it was cool.
I have been know to talk to characters in books too. Yep I do get characters stuck in my head. Especially one that I reread frequently
The couple, which stays in my head since I read the first time about them was: Mr Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet in "Pride & Prejudice"
Their story is written with great inspiration and wit, full of sparkling humour and delicious irony.
Their story is more than a love story, it's just life.
Character's in series definitely get stuck in my head. Like Eve and Roarke, Curran and Kate, Mercedes and Adam. I think you really are invested a lot more in characters from series because of the character development e.g. Leo from Lisa Kleypas historical series.
Harry from Harry Potter was stuck in my head for a long time. Also, Katniss from The Hunger Games!
Hi Nalini... thanks for having me here... hope you have a safe trip. I think I'll see you in a few weeks????
Kate & Curran!!! Yes. Elena & Raphael... YES!!! *G*
MaryK, I think I'd read those Sizemore books... they were good.
Judd and Brenna tend to pop up in my mind quite often, and I always hope for moments with them when I read one of Nalini's books. They are both strong characters who overcame dark events, and I really enjoy reading about characters who fight the odds
Lora Leigh's characters from her Breed series always get stuck in my head, especially Mercury and Ria because their story was so powerful and emotional it stayed with me. I always remember that specific couple.
lilazncutie1215 @
I have several stuck in my head and when a new book comes out it's like visiting an old friend. Here are some of mine. Eve and Roarke, Curran and Kate, Elena and Raphael, Acheron
Lilly and Rue from Eileen Wilks series, Devlin and Lissa from A Vampire's Claim, and Jean Claude, Nathaniel and Anita from LKH's series.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Those characters are something else. I can be watching a movie, buying grocceries, in line at the bank and BOOM! They just show up. It's incredible, I keep record of all the books I read, sometimes the characters from a 15 year old book just come to life. Characters that visit me are :
1. Zsadist -Black Dagger Brotherhood- JR Ward
2. Acheron -Kenyon
3. Mac- Fever Series- Karen M. Moning
4. Calder Hart-Deadly Series- Brenda Joyce
5. Capt. Blackwell- Captive - Brenda Joyce
You guys make our lives richer everytime your write a book.
Yes, Eve and Roarke are two that I think of first. Lizzie and Dimitri from Angie Fox's Demon Slayer books comes to mind too. I can't wait to read your latest.
seriousreader at live dot com
Characters that get stuck in my head are Kate and Curran (Ilona Andrew's Kate Daniels Series) and Bob and Harry (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files). I am always eager for their next adventure.
I had Z and Bella's characters stuck in my head for AWHILE after reading Lover Awakened by JR Ward. I would just kind of zone out and imagine what their life together would be like....They definitely deserved their HEA!!
Some characters (or couples) that continue to populate my head even after the last pages are:
Zsadist & Bella (BDB series)
Mac & Barrons (Fever series)
Val & Kate (Midnight Bride)
And latest greatest, Hawke and speculation about his HEA (a certain Cardinal Psy!).
After reading and agreeing with the characters you named, I was stumped. Then the parade in my head started piping up with the immortal words, "add me, add me". So in the interest of not writng a treatise, I will add 3 couples to your list and hope the rest of the parade with let me slide: Patricia Brigg's Anna and Charles from her "Alpha and Omega" series; Manolito and Maryanne from Christine Feehan's "Dark Posession" (the "Dark" series noise over there got so loud I had to turn the volume off!); and Adams and Clamp's Tony and Sue from their "Sazi" series.
This was hard but fun so thank you for the contest.
There are several:
Kate and Curran
Sascha and Lucas
Hawke of course!
Elena and Raphael
Vane from Dark Hunters
Sebastian St. Cyr
Edward and Bella
Mercy Thompson and Adam Hauptman
Jonas Wyatt from Breeds
Aeron from Lords of the Underworld
Cat and Bones
Some characters are just able to resonate within you (at least that is how I can best explain it) and can dominate your thoughts.
I have quite a few characters that stay in my head. It's always a sign of a book that will be one of my favorites.
Elena and Raphael
Amelia and Cam- Lisa Kleypas
Mary and Rhage- J.R. Ward
Cade and Holly- Kresley Cole
I have that happen a lot especially if I am reading a series in order. Ive had Eve and Roarke, Cat and Bones, Kate and Curran in there among others. And they almost get stuck until the next book.
Kaleb. I devoured Bonds of Justice, and I still hold that he needs a book (please?) He and Sienna are characters that stand out for me. The only other one is Nix in Kresley Cole's IAD.
As for my own, I am writing the first book in my own series, but the character that brought it all to life is a minor character, and her own book (if I ever get that far!) is way down the line, but she just jumped in and became so real that the whole world fell into place.
Blay and Qhuinn (from the Black Dagger Brotherhood) are characters that definitely have stuck with me. I love their story and am very excited to see where it goes.
Some of the characters that have stuck with me are: Kate & Curran, Mercy & Adam, Cat & Bones, Sascha & Lucas, Mercy & Riley... The list goes on and on!
I just finished Anna Campbell's My Reckless Surrender. I can't help thinking about Ashcroft and Diana. I wonder what lengths I would go to for love.
Congrats on the new book!
Georgina Kincaid from Richelle Mead's Succubus series us probably the one character that I can't stop thinking about. There is just something about this succubus who tries so hard to be the opposite of what she ought to be, by nature. Her choices, right or wrong, always come from a good place. The challenges in her relationship with Seth is very real and honest.
Hmm. In answer to your question I find it's the characters that speak to me on an emotional level that hang around. The ones that make me shine a light into forgotten corners of my soul...that make me see myself a little differently. Nalini's Tally (from Mine to Possess) did that. So too did Lisa Kleypas' Haven from Blue-Eyed Devil and Tim from JB McDonald's By Degree.
Oh, Shiloh your book sounds interesting - all the best for the release!
Wow, so many great characters. Don't want to repeat, so I'll add some more:
James Malory fr. Johanna Lindsey
Noah Maitland fr. Julie Garwood
Miles Montgomery fr. Jude Deveraux
Gabriel "Archangel" Jones fr Cindy Gerard
@ Dana
You guys make our lives richer everytime your write a book.
that's lovely... thank you.
@ Audrey, egads. how could I forget Anna and Charles? I LOVE them.
I'm heading to bed soon but I'll back through more tomorrow. I think I overbooked myself. LOL.
Definitely Curran and Kate, Elena and Raphael, and Ender Wiggin. Definitely Ender. He's been with me since the beginning of high school.
At the moment, it's Merit and Ethan from the Chicagoland series by Chloe Neill.
But I also have my own characters stomping around in my head, and the latest visitor...
Let's say she's very interesting, very difficult to write (in a readable manner), and very persistent.
Anita Blake - strong woman character who is petite (I am 5'4") but she has her weak moments too.
Eve and Roarke - I think EVERY woman needs at least one Roarke in her life <=..=>
Hawke from Psy-Changeling series he seems so contained and sad, doing his duty thinking he will always be alone..sometimes envious of the mated pairs.
Dez your Halle Berry lookalike in Missing...will she get a story?
Suzanne and Ryder - Erin McCarthy's stock car series!!! Can't wait, can't wait for that story in August. Did I say can't wait ;-)
Cassie from the Breeds, gotta be hard to be her. (For those of you who don't know Lora Leigh's books)
The characters that get stuck in my head are those that are tortured souls and couples who draw me into their journey to find their HEA. Some examples are JR Ward's Zsadist, Sherrilyn Kenyon's Zarek and Acheron, Lisa Kleypas' Derek and Sarah and St. Vincent and Evie.
Hi Shiloh!
congrats on your newest release :)
characters get stuck in my head all the time like Joanne and David (Rachel Caine) or Jaz and Val (Jennifer Rardin)...
greetings, Ina
I totally get characters stuck in my head; of course Raphael and Elena, Cat and Bones, Edward and Bella, Curran and Kate,Acheron and Tory, Anna and Charles from A/O, Eidolon and Tayla from Larissa Ione, and Claire and Jamie from Outlander and right now Merit and Ethan from Chloe Neill's Chicago Vampire series.
I get songs in my head most; but often aomething that happens, something someone says or does, or just a sight I view can start me thinking about a book or a character from book I have read or am reading.
ladyacct asked:
"Dez your Halle Berry lookalike in Missing...will she get a story?"
Actually, yep... she's getting one. It's titled The Departed... will be out probably in 2012, or late 2011, maybe. Dunno. But yes, she's getting one. :o)
I can hardly answer that because I'm a re-reader (several times over) if the book is good, and then they all get stuck in my head. However, here are a few:
- Jamie and Alec (The Bride, Julie Garwood)
- Colin and Penelope (Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, Julia Quinn)
- Sascha and Lucus (Slave to Sensation, Nalini Singh)
- The Quinn brothers (Nora Roberts)
Right now I just finished Twice Bitten by Chloe Neill and her characters are in my mind: Merit and Ethan, what will become of their relationship?
When a character really makes an impact or I really relate to them do they stick in my head. The ones whose names still linger in my head and the epic scenes are from Anne Bishop's Black Jewel series.
Characters that get stuck in my mind:
Raphael and Elena
Cat and Bones
Mac and Barons
Kate and Curren
Bowen and Mariketa
Jonas Wyatt
Oooh, exceptional question. Raphael, Kate Daniels, Bones, definitely-- also, Claire Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series and Antonia from Willa Cather's My Antonia.
I remember Nancy Drew as a character who clearly stuck in my head growing up-- I thought she was the greatest. =)
Usually characters get stuck in my head when i can identify with them or when i feel sorry for them. Currently its a character from a webcomic that i've been reading thats stuck. Tomorrow it could be anyone because i read a lot.
Right now I am reading Toni McGee Causey's When a Man Loves a Weapon.
It's my first time reading a book by this author and I know Bobbi Faye will be stuck in my mind for a long,long time. It's a great read!
Hi Shiloh, congrats on the new one!
LOL, Like most everyone here I get some "stuck" in my head every so often. Mainly Roarke and Eve, but I've also had certain Psy/Changelings in there.
Raphael and Elena would be the two characters that get stuck in my head the most (along with some members of his Seven who are very mysterious, as I want to know their stories). I think they just "fit" each other so well, and both are strong, dynamic characters who are very likeable. That's followed by Hawke & Sienna (I want them together SO BAD, lol) and Kenyon's Acheron. I also really like Zsadist & Bella and Kate & Curran. :)
Characters that get stuck in my head are Cat and Bones by Jeaniene Frost, Barrons by Karen Marie Moning, the Brothers by JR Ward, Dimitri by Richelle Mead, and of course Elena and Raphael!
The only time I can remember characters is if I've read the books more than once, usually a series I revisit once a year.
Harry, Hermione, Ron
Mac and Barrons
Nick Gautier
Dale and Lauren
Callan and Merinus
Red and Abra
Mercy, Adam and Sam
The whole Queen's Thief series cast by Megan Whalen Turner.
Kit and Rue from Shana Abe's The Smoke Thief. There's something about those two, I think it's mostly because they're not human and that they're the alpha pair.
And Emma and Restell from If His Kiss is Wicked. The dialogue between those two are to die for.
There are characters that stay with me like Brody Brown and Elise Sorenson from Lauren Dane's Coming Undone.
it happens to me all the time! Harper Connelly from the series by Charlaine Harris seemed so real to me and just stuck in my head for the longest time. So have: Mercy &Riley(Branded by Fire), Katniss, Gale, &Peeta from Hunger Games, Adam from the Mercy Thomson series, and most recently Bones! from Jeaniene Frost's books :)
Helen G says...
Hi Shiloh!!!
Love your books since, well forever I'm pretty sure!!!
Ok so as far as Characters that get stuck... lets see...
Definetly agree with Elena and Raphael, or else why would I re-read books 1 and 2 each at least 6-7 times now.. ok I might get just a tad obsessed...
Also I love Autumn Dawn's Xera and Ryven from No Words Alone... for a futuristic romance that I found and bought on a whim..OMG!! What a find it came out in Dec. of '08 and I re-read at least 3-4 times a year now I love those guys!!
And we went even go with Sascha and Lucas from Nalini's Slave to Sensation!! Let it be known that I bow down to that one way tooooo much!!!
And last but certainly not least I definetly love and keep close at hand your Antho. of Mythe and Magick- I LOVE Pepper and Arys!!! I wish I could meet them in person!! Well if they were real!! I just love them to pieces!!!
Ok, well thanks for your time!! and lots of love!!!
Helen G.
Hey guys... I've drawn my winner, and the winner is Host...
Host, if you can contact me at shilohwalker(at) with your contact info, I'd appreciate it!
Thanks to everybody who dropped by!
Anita Blake by Laurell K Hamilton is my favourite character to have stuck in my head.
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