A Happy New Year present from me to you - a little teaser from the current draft of Indigo's book (final version may be slightly different).
Another nip—this one on her shoulder.
She narrowed her eyes. “Watch it or I’ll nip that nose right off.”
He made a growling sound of disagreement, his canines flashing.
Reaching out, she tapped him sharply on the muzzle. “We’re heading back right now.”
Color under her hands, the timber-colored wolf shifting into a human with lake-blue eyes and rain-slick hair. “I don’t think so.” He was on her before she knew it, cupping her face in his hands, his mouth on hers.
The caresss was hot, hard, a slamming fist that held her motionless. And then…an inferno punching through her body, making her tangle her hand in that thick brown hair, tug back his head. “What,” she said on a gasping breath, “are you doing?”
“I thought it’d be obvious.” Laughter in his eyes, the lake seared by sunshine as his thumbs stroked over her cheekbones. “I want to lick you up right now.”
She didn’t take it personally. “You’re high on adrenaline from the hunt.” Pushing off his hands, she angled her head. “And loss of blood.” It ran a clean, water-diluted line down his side. “You definitely need stitches.”
“No, I don’t.” He kissed her again, pushing her down to the earth.
I'm deep into editing Indigo's book - hoping to get this draft finished by the end of next week.
What's happening at your place?
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Edited to add: For booksellers, librarians, and book groups - I now have bookmarks for the Guild Hunter series. Please e-mail me at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com with your mailing address & how many you'd like and I'll get them away to you.
For readers who'd like one, I'm not able to send out singles, given the cost, but I'm happy to send them out in bunches of ten or more, so if there's a group of you (10+) who are happy to use one mailing address and pass them to each other, let me know. I'll also bring some along to the conferences I'll be attending this year, and I've already sent them to a number of bookshops, so your local one might have some :)
Here are some shots from my travels around beautiful, beautiful Scotland. The shot above is of the piper on the border of England and Scotland.
And below is a picture of part of the famous Rosslyn Chapel (Da Vinci Code). It was undergoing restoration work while we were there, so we got to watch some of the restorers at work.
Below is a scene from the Highlands. It was an amazingly clear day when we went up - you could literally see blades of grass reflected in the water, it was so calm.
The next picture is from Kyleakin on the Isle of Skye.
Below is Blair Castle - the grounds and the building are beautiful, and its fascinating inside, especially the entrance hall which is set up to display hundreds of weapons!
And, for a historical romance fan, no visit to Scotland would be complete without stopping off at Gretna Green! Here's me posing ;-) The famous Blacksmith's Shop where the weddings took place is the building in the background.
I'm in deep editing mode on Indigo's book at the moment - lots of shifting/fine-tuning of scenes and additions going on. I'm also very behind on my emails, so if you've emailed me, my apologies! I'll get back to you soon :)
And it's Christmas Eve here! How did that happen?!
Winners: I've run the random numbers and the winners are Allison & Natascha. Emails will be on the way to you shortly. :)
I was tidying up my office when I found two spare magnets for the Psy/Changeling series. They're postcard size, and feature all the books to date. If you'd like one, just leave a note in the comments by Saturday 26th Dec 2009, midnight, NZ time, and I'll draw a couple of random winners. Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you, or I'll redraw after 48 hours.
Hope you're all having a good start to the holiday season. Are you all prepared?
I give you the magnificent Chatsworth House, which acted as Pemberley for the most recent movie version of Pride and Prejudice.
Looking down toward the house from the top of the stunning staircase fountain.
There was an exhibition of modern art going on in the (fabulous!!) grounds when we went - this piece was one of my favorites.
This room was used in a scene in P & P.
The library! Isn't it gorgeous?
Costumes from The Duchess, which was also filmed at Chatsworth.
And a shot of the grounds near the house.
If you ever get a chance to visit Chatsworth, I would absolutely recommend it. Make sure you go on a beautiful sunny day as the grounds are utterly beautiful. You could walk for hours and still not see everything.
There's a fun interview and giveaway over at The Knight Agency blog featuring Marjolie M. Liu, Christie Golden, Rachel Caine, and someone you might know called Nalini. Swing by and say hi :)
I'm going to be writing another Guild Hunter novella for release in 2011 (I think). The lineup of authors is stupendous. One of those authors is the awesome Meljean Brook. I'm not sure if the other two authors have announced it yet, so I'll wait to mention their names, but you'll like it, trust me :-)
Late post today. I've been reading some fascinating research material on wolves for the past couple of hours.
This afternoon, I'm working on a hard-copy draft (printout) of Indigo's book - I always do at least one draft like this - there's just something about working on the printed page.
After a break last week, I'm back with some more photos from my travels around Ireland. I really love the shot above - the scenery seems so desolate and beautiful at the same time.
A picture of the famous Killarney Jaunting Cars. Totally fun! I recommend a ride if you're ever in the area.
We met this friendly little guy at the Buratty Castle and Folk Park. Isn't he adorable?
Above and below are two shots taken at the absolutely stunning Cliffs of Moher within the space of perhaps half an hour. The fog was amazing. It swept in and covered everything, and then minutes later, you'd look and it was drifting back out.
And to close with, another shot of the beautiful scenery.
Hope you're enjoying the cyber-tour of Ireland :-)
We've just done a major website update, so there's lots of new stuff to explore - and thanks to my awesome web-person, Gabrielle, the site now has a cool little favorites icon (look on the left of your address bar). Isn't it nifty? I love it!
The excerpt for Bonds of Justice is now on the main site and easy to find, the News page has been updated, and I've also added a stand-alone short story called "Star Kissed." If you swing by the front page, all the updates are listed there with links. Enjoy! :-)
It's time to talk all about the books you've been reading and loving this week!
I read Anna Campbell's Captive of Sin, and thought it was absolutely fantastic! Gideon is just such a wonderful hero, and his character is so beautifully drawn. I'm really hoping Gideon's friend Akash gets a story, too.
If you want to check out an excerpt, here's a link to Anna's site, and Anna did a guest blog here about COS as well.
Some awesome news to start off with - I just this morning found out that both Angels' Blood and Branded By Fire have been nominated for Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Awards!! :-)
Also, I did a really long post about my favorite books this year for Smugglivus - it was so interesting going back over the books I'd read the past year. As a Smugglivus present, I'm giving away a copy of Angels' Blood and one of Blaze of Memory (even if you have both books, I hope you'll swing by and join in the discussion).
And last, but not least, several new episodes of Project Paranormal have just gone up, including a segment all about gift suggestions for paranormal/urban fantasy readers. There may even be a highly professional *coughdorkycough* greeting from yours truly.
It's book club time! What are you reading and loving this week?
I managed to get my excited hands on the new The Lost anthology, and have so far read the first two novellas (by JD Robb & Patricia Gaffney). Loved them both! Looking forward to the stories by Mary Blayney and Ruth Ryan Langan.
The Knight Agency is giving away Leslie Parrish's Black at Heart in their Take Home Tuesday post.
Ilona Andrews has a pretty, pretty cover for Magic Bleeds.
The Book Smugglers have kicked off Smugglivus with a post and giveaway by author Joel Sutherland. I'm also taking part in Smugglivus and will be posting next week :)
Rowena at The Book Binge is spotlighting Julie Garwood - Ms. Garwood has written some of my most favorite historicals ever. Saving Grace, Ransom, Honor's Splendor...I have a whole JG keeper shelf.
The Galaxy Express has a post about the upcoming SFR Holiday Blitz, where you can read posts by and win books by authors of science fiction romance.