Tuesday, December 23, 2008

North and South

I have to thank all the bloggers (especially KristieJ), who posted about North and South. I ADORED it!

If you loved the BBC's adaptation of
Pride and Prejudice, I think you'll love this, too. It's an adaption of Elizabeth Gaskell's novel by the same name.

The cast is fantastic - but I have to give a special mention Richard Armitage. Wow! I particularly liked how his character had all these layers that we got to see bit by bit.

I borrowed this from my local library, but I think I'm going to have to get my own copy. Those final scenes...sigh.

Have you seen it? Thoughts?


limecello said...

I just bought it from B&N (have a membership + had a coupon) :D
I've actually never read North and South :X only Wives and Daughters - but I'm excited!

dancechica said...

I bought it last year when KristieJ first began her campaign to get bloggers to watch it. I'm glad I did. I loved it. It's one of my favorites on the DVD stand. I agree that anyone who enjoys BBC’s Pride and Prejudice should definitely check it out.

azteclady said...

Oh man, arghhhh!!!

*covering ears* lalalalalalalalalalala... I can't hearrrr yoooooooooooooouuuuuuuu


Anonymous said...

maybe this is a different series, but back in the 1980's Patrick Swayze starred in a miniseries version of North and South that was PHENOMENAL. If you haven't seen it, it was really really good.

Anonymous said...

I watched it earlier this year. I remember KristieJ mentioning it and when a colleague at work said they had it....

Oh, and I completely agree with you Nalini about Richard Armitage :)

Jamie - I remember the North & South series with Patrick Swayze. Same name, different author :)

Bridget Locke said...

Love it! Watched it too many times to count. I blame it on Kristie J, of course.

If you love period dramas, I can't recommend the recent adaptation of Jane Eyre starring Toby Stephens and Ruth Wilson. It's so full of PASSION! :)

Bridget Locke said...

Wives & Daughters was also an awesome miniseries. I'm all about the period dramas. :)

Alas, I am basically snowed in, so I'm going a bit stir-crazy. However, it is almost Christmas. Trying to keep up the holiday cheer, though I haven't gotten any shopping done and can't get out of my house. *sniffle*

ShellBell said...

I have been meaning to watch North and South for ages. I did try to buy the DVD but when I went to the checkout the assistant couldn't find the discs! I'm a huge fan of Pride and Prejudice - I have 3 versions on DVD (BBC version from 1980's, Colin Firth version from 1990's and Keira Knightly version from 2005). Richard Armitage is just YUMMY.

Eleni Konstantine said...
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Eleni Konstantine said...

It's fantastic isn't Nalini. Both the leads are so well done...and all that emotion with just a look or a touch.

I remember seeing the N&S version Jaime mentions about the US Civil War I believe. Patrick Swayze and Jonathan Frakes (ala Star Trek: TNG).

Kristie (J) said...

*Huge, Huge Grin* I'm SO glad you finally got to watch North and South!! Isn't it just EVERYTHING we said it was?? And *laughing* as what's happened with so many, once you see it and you've rented it, you just have to get a copy of your own - to watch whenever the mood strikes.
Richard Armitage - dreamy. I'm planning on this being my Christmas Eve entertainment.

Carolyn Crane said...

OH, funny. Another crusader! It took me a while to hop on board, too, but I'm so glad I did! That little series was so fun and delicious. Hmmm. Maybe time to watch again!!

Cindy W said...

I LOVED North and South- the train station ending... sigh...!!! I also have in my tbw (to be watched) pile Jane Eyre and The Inheritence. Movies on my wish list are Wives and Daughters, Daniel Deronda, Horatio Hornblower and Our Mutual Friend!

BBC's Pride and Prejudice is still my #1 favorite.

Janicu said...

Oh I love the train station scene. I will hit replay if no one else is around to watch me watch it again and sigh happily.

KT Grant said...

I am horny over John's neck and the way he wears his cravat. That so cannot be normal.

Anonymous said...

I lost count how may times I´ve already watched it. When he says, "Look back, look back at me." OMG, love it, love it, love it!


Nalini Singh said...

The train scene...I kept hitting repeat, too! I didn't want to return the dvd to the library LOL

KT Grant said...

The passionate kissing on the bench at the train stations must be one of the most romantic kisses in all of movies and tv.
But it doesn't happen in the book :(

Nalini Singh said...

Nooooo.... But then again, Darcy and Lizzie don't kiss in P&P either. I'll just pretend it's a scene the author decided not to show us *g*

sula said...

Such a fab film. I must watch it again and SOON! That kiss on the train platform...pretty much sums up romance. le sigh.

Anonymous said...

My sister recommended North & South to me since it received fabulous reviews on Amazon.com. Another one I would recommend is Persuasion, the 2007 version. One reason: Captain Wentworth.

ShellBell said...

I totally agree Orangebeaker - Rupert Penry-Jones is rather dishy. I loved him in Spooks.

Nalini Singh said...

Orangebeaker / ShellBell - Me, three! I'm still wondering if I'm ok with the whole running through Bath scene, but Mr. Penry Jones made up for it!

flowerlady said...

I am in the UK so I watched it when it first came out.It was family night in with my sisters and mum watching it together. It was great! If any one is interested in Richard Armitage he is in the BBC series Robin Hood (he's a Baddie)and a TV series called the spooks but not the early series.
The BBC has also done an adaptation of Wives and Daughters, Which was fantastic.

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