Monday, December 22, 2008

Patricia Briggs & Website

I have some wonderful news to share! Patricia Briggs, author of the rocking Mercy Thompson series, had this to say about ANGELS' BLOOD!

" was simply awesome. Powerful, terrifyingly, passionately awesome."


Also, the website has been updated, and included in this month's updates is a deleted scene from Caressed By Ice, as well as an "extra" scene between Lucas and Sacha. Enjoy! :-)


orannia said...

Thank you so much Nalini! Ohhh, more Lucas and Sasha :) Unfortunately, I don't think I've been a good enough girl this year for Santa to leave Lucas under the Xmas tree....although it would probably help more if I actually put up my Xmas decorations!

I am really looking forward to reading Angel's Blood!

orannia said...


I LOVE, just LOVE that scene with Sasah & Lucas! I was sitting reading it with the silliest grin on my face! Thank you so, so much! That is definitely my best Xmas present!

Anonymous said...

I really love reading these little snippets into Sascha and Lucas' life. They still remain my favorite couple. So thanks for the extra scenes and I can't wait for Angels' Blood!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini! I loved the CBI deleted scene (I heart Vaughn!), and the Lucas and Sascha extra scene was so fun. My favorite part was the visual of Lucas working out (rowr!*g*) and him complaining about Sascha's version of a home cooked meal.
Thanks for these tasty tidbits, these would help to tide me over until your next book comes out. :D

Kati said...

Hey Nalini - You were nominated for Paranormal of the Year over at RNTV. Just wanted to be sure you knew.

Casee said...


I can't effing wait to read this book.

Una said...

Thank you so much for the early Christmas gifts! I can't wait to read them!

I am really looking forward to your release of the Guild Hunters!

Wishing you and yours ALL the best this Holiday Season!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the deleted scenes! -They`ll definitely ease the long waiting time. And your planned short pieces are always welcome:)

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2009 !
[engl.: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!]


azteclady said...

What Orannia said! *warm and fuzzy*

Thank you, Nalini!

Nalini Singh said...

I'm so glad you loved the scenes! It was fun writing them :)

Kati - thanks for the heads up!

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