Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Hostage to Pleasure has been nominated as one of the Top Romance Books of 2008 over at Romance Novel TV. I'm keeping some stellar company, so swing on over and vote for your favorites! :-)


Shaymless Aymless said...

I am in totally agreement. It's on my top 2008 books!

Nalini Singh said...

Amy thanks! (I also just realized I'd put 2009 in my post LOL - fixed!)

Casee said...

It's well deserved, Nalini!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and I completely agree with the nomination!

Kati said...

Congrats, Nalini! You know I loved HtP! Can't wait for the next installment. The nomination is SO well deserved.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Congratulations Nalini!!

CarolB1977 said...

Congrats! It's a well-deserved nomination and I think you have a great chance of winning with as amazing as HtP was!

Also, thanks for sending the link, since it allowed me to talk up "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer, which really is an amazing book! I think all readers of paranormal/urban fantasy should read it, just because it is so unique and well written.


Barbarita V said...

Congrats! Happy Holidays to everyone!

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