Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hostage to Pleasure ARC Contest

Contest now closed.

I know a lot of you have been waiting for this, so without further delay, here are the rules/details of the Hostage to Pleasure ARC Contest.

1. One entry per household.

2. Since the purpose of an ARC is to get the word out about a book prior to its release, if you win an ARC, please review / talk about / discuss Hostage to Pleasure somewhere during August. You can review it online, talk about it to your bookgroup, tell your friends…the field’s wide open. What you say is, of course, totally up to you!

3. By entering, you give me permission to announce your name in my newsletter and on my blogs should you win. (I usually stick to first names and initials).

Details on how to Enter

4. Email me at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces) by July 10, 2008 (Midnight, PST), with:

a. HTP ARC Contest in the Subject line
b. Your name and postal address
c. The place(s) where you intend to talk about / review / discuss the book etc

5. Winners will be notified by email (so please make sure my email is on your “safe” list).

Good luck!!


azteclady said...

*jumping in*

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this contest! Dorian.... :)

loonigrrl said...


Discordia said...

Excellent, I've been looking forward to this, bring on Dorian!

bel_78 said...

Guau :)Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Already sent my email! I can't wait to get my hands on this book. Please don't make me wait until September.

Ashley said...

This book is going to be AWESOME!!!

limecello said...

I'm so excited for this book :)

alanajoli said...


I'm guessing that this is your main blog, and that I should rss you here as well as subscribing to your lj?

Anonymous said...

*drool* I can't wait!

Barbarita V said...

I can't wait to read Dorian's story. He is sooo sexy. Hmm!

Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says...

I am so there....ohh Dorian...sigh...jeez I'm drooling.. I swore I wouldn't.... ohh well he's so worth it!!! Thanks again Nalini for this great opportunity and take care!
Might I also add everyones avatars are looking awesome!!

Courtney said...

Yay! *crosses fingers*

DO we still qualify if we've won a previous ARC contest? I was a winner for CbI (can't even tell you how cool that was) but I hope I'm still in the running for HtP. :)

Anonymous said...

Sent my email.

Bridget Locke said...

Okay, this fries me! I sent off my contest entry & I got a delivery failure notice. I sent it to the right email. *sniffle* I will try again, but I'm so in for this contest. If it doesn't work where I can email you, can I just say I'll put it on both of my blogs??? :)

Bridget Locke said...

Okeydokey...seems to have worked this time. Would you let me know if you got it? Now I'm scared. :(

Nalini Singh said...

Bridget - it's arrived!

Alana - answered on the lj :)

Did I miss a question? Throw it at me again.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh. What a great contest! GOOD LUCK everyone!


Shaymless Aymless said...

OOhhh... OOhhh... pick me! pick me! >_< (fingers crossed).

Mandy said...

I just sent you an email. Hope I win this contest because I LOVE your books!


Shari C said...

Anxiously looking forward to reading 'Hostage to Pleasure'. Definitely enjoy your books and looking forward to many more in the future.

MoSher said...

read about the contast over on bookbinge...they got me very excited about the book!

Anonymous said...



Jennifer A. Ray said...

My email has been sent, and my fingers are crossed!!!

whcih mkes it hrad to tpye... *grin*

I cannot wait to read HOSTAGE TO PLEASURE! This is one of my favorite series... I kick myself every time I think of how long it took me to buy SLAVE TO SENSATION and now the books are on my autobuy list... LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm like Courtney. I was one of the winners for CBI last year, so I'm not sure if I can enter again. I figured I'd give it a shot. I've been waiting for HtP ever since I figured out Dorian and Ashaya would be a couple after reading MtP. Even if I don't win this arc, you can bet I'll buy this book asap once it's available. :)

Good luck to everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait. This series has totally got me hooked.-----kbwrob

Anonymous said...

Wow it is so great that you are willing to do contests like this...not many authors these days are!I just sent my email off and I am sooo excited. I've always had a soft spot for Dorian! I can't wait!

Natasha Noonan

Ana said...

I am so excited about this, I do hope I get one! : )

Prue said...

I entered and just in time. I have my fingers and toes crossed.