Friday, October 06, 2023

Friday Book Club

Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?  


library addict said...

Mostly rereads for me this week.

I also liked Meg Benjamin's The Pumpkin Butter Murder (Luscious Delights #2).

Kim said...

Read MoonFlower by Kacen Callender - a children's fiction book about a suicidal nonbinary (12 yr old) child who finds their reason to live, as well as learning about self acceptance and such things. It had some really great moments and messages, and a few questionable ones. (And a lot of ableism, though for valid reasons).

Currently reading another diversity related children's book Macy McMillan and the Rainbow Goddess, by Sheri Green. This one's about a deaf child (also about 12) whose family unit is changing and who gets thrust into a relationship with an elderly neighbor who doesn't sign (but refuses to let that interfere with communication), and finds themselves dveloping a friendship there, which leads to (I'm guessing) a better ability to deal with the family unit changes. Oddly, even though it's written in more of a poetry format, it reads like it's written in prose, so that's not been the barrier I expected it to be. So far, I'm enjoying it.

Kim said...

Oops. Make that *Shari* Green. Damned typos!

Anonymous said...

"Dark Memory" by Christine Feehan...fabulous!