Thursday, October 05, 2023

Angels' Blood


Alt Text - quote from Angels' Blood: Option 1: Attempt to back out. Probable result: Death after painful torture. Option 2: Do the job and hope. Probable result: Death but probably no torture (good).


Anonymous said...

That's the first book that my mom and me read from Savannah Georgia and we fell in love with it immediately book and audiobook

library addict said...

An intriguing start to the GH series.

Patricia Schlorke said...

This is when we meet Izzy for the first time when he gives Elena the diamond rose.

In order to understand the dynamic between Dimitri and Elean, you almost have to read this book. When he ties her up after Elena shoots Raphael and then feeds her, I almost have to laugh. In Dimitri's and Honor's story, I roll my eyes when Dimitri tells Honor about it.

Kim said...

As much as reading this book filled in a lot of important plot details for me (since I started at the end of the series a couple years ago, and have read more of the most recent books than the early ones), the graphic violence and graphic sexuality were definite problems for me. I'm currently stalled out on reading the early books as a result of that continued theme. I'm so glad the most recent books haven't felt the need for the same thing, because the characters really are worth discovering.

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing start to the series. It was gritty and raw which made it seem more realistic than most angel stories. It absolutely draws out the reader’s emotions as you connect with the complex depth of the characters. I also adore the cover art.