Tuesday, March 27, 2018

When I Finish A Book

I think this is a picture of me. :D Are you like this with your favorite books and series?


library addict said...


But more I am just impatient for the next book if an ongoing series so I tell myself to knock it off as I know authors need longer to write a book then it takes me to read it. So if the author wrapped things up well then I have a happy book sigh and know I can always reread the book/series.

Unknown said...

Really depends on the book. Some books just draw me in more than others. But then I have to process it for days after I'm finished reading it.
When it's a series I sometimes wait until I can read 2 or 3 books in a row, since that will sate my hunger more than reading one after another with longer pauses^^

Anonymous said...

Totally me! Sometimes I try to continue the story in my head (that's probably why I love added epilogues :-))

Ararose said...

Awwww the dreaded end-of-book depression! Also known as the hole of despair, where you are not yet ready to start a new story, but the knowledge that no new books are coming (at least not any time soon) sends you into deep darkness that you must slowly drag yourself out of in agonizing inches.

Yeah, I might relate to that feeling a little. ;)

ladyreadsalot66 said...

I plan to print and frame this so my family understands when I get restless and twitchy and the end of a series. I typically read a book every two days but at the end of a series it can take me two days to decide what to do next. This is also why I buy my favourite author's books so I can reread as medically necessary (LOL)!

Anonymous said...

If it's an author I really like, I feel the same way.
If it's an author I am so-so with, I feel relieved I got through the book.
If it's an author I use to like but don't anymore, I don't read the book or series.

Krystle said...

That was so me when I finished reading the guild hunter series and the psy chanelling series. I'm very picky when selecting books, so the ones that I read - I'm really invested in those. And, when they end ..everything just becomes so depressing, what am I supposed to do with all this free time now ?

Christine Leo said...

Yup, just finished Archangel's Viper. Probably just going to re-read it. LOL!

KiwiQ4 said...

This is the major reason I give in and buy ebooks - if I finish one book in a series, it's the middle of the night/early morning and I have that 'I want it NOW' tantrum (yes, there are times I remind myself of my child!!) I can buy and read it then and there...books have a way of destroying my impulse control!
Of course, I then end up with the paperback versions as well because physical books are just so much better - covers, blurbs, the scent of ink & paper....

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