Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Book Club

Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


Anonymous said...

I took a break from reading the Rock Kiss series to read Accidental Heroes by Danielle Steel. I normally don't read her books, but this one was really good. Now I'm back to re-reading (for the gazillon time) Rock Wedding.

Looking forward to the new books coming out soon. :)

Patricia S

library addict said...

I read books 2-4 in Sydney Somers' Spellbound series (Don't Let Go, Whatever It Takes,and Must Be Magic) with Whatever It Takes being my favorite by far.

I also enjoyed Carla Neggers' The River House (Swift River Valley #8) and Kit Rocha's Ivan (Gideon's Riders #3).

Ararose said...

I've paused on Elizabeth Hunter's books, because I finally got my grasping little fingers on Dark in Death by J.D. Robb. So I'm reading that, plus a poetry book called the The Gold Cell by Sharon Olds, and listening to the audiobook Play of Passion by Nalini Singh.

TxDee said...

Just finished Lake Silence by Anne Bishop. Her world of "Other" beings that rule over humans really intrigues me. Started Snake Agent by Liz Williams.
Finished Mine to Possess in audio; on to Hostage of Pleasure. Such a pleasure to enjoy these books again but in a different way.

Eva said...

Read Sam J. Millers Blackfisch City and loved it (release date 19.04.18).
If you`re into SiFi/Fantasy (a floating city, nanobonding with animals...) this book should be worth trying.

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