Monday, April 29, 2013

Awesome birthday cake!

Isn't this a fabulous cake?! Saiqa's sisters surprised her with it for her birthday. (The bottom book is Blaze of Memory).

I love it!!  Happy belated birthday to Saiqa. :-)

(Photos courtesy of Saiqa.)


Anonymous said...

That is the coolest cake I have ever seen!

Happy Birthday Nalini. We're exactly a decade apart! I just turned 20 :D
Hope you had the best day ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, WOW! Now THAT's an amazing cake!

Happy belated birthday to Saiqa!
(With that cake alone it must've been a fanstastic day! ;-) )


Biki said...

That is too sweet! I should do something similar for my sister (who got me addicted to you, lol)

Saiqa said...

Oh wow, I just heard that the pics of my cake are up. Thankyou for the kind wishes everyone. My sisters know I am obsessed with nalini, so every year they try and do something nalini inspired. But this year they surpassed themselves.I didnt even want anyone to eat it!I am honoured that nalini and you guys like it.

Sofia said...

Wow Saiqa, your sisters must love you and know you inside and out!that cake is inspired!
Hope you had a fantastic birthday, and it's great to know that others are 'Nalini' obsessed (in a good way)as much as I am...We are not alone lol!


Kim Whaley said...

Love the cake!

azteclady said...

What an awesome thing to do for someone you love--seriously sweet and cool.

Happy belated b-day, Saiqa

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday!

That cake rocks!

Sherri L. said...

Love the cake they did a terrific job on it. Happy belated birthday.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a nice cake! Makes me want to read a Nalini book - and eat cake lol!

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