Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Update & Bookmarks

I'm deep into editing Indigo's book - hoping to get this draft finished by the end of next week.

What's happening at your place?

~ ~ ~

Edited to add: For booksellers, librarians, and book groups - I now have bookmarks for the Guild Hunter series. Please e-mail me at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com with your mailing address & how many you'd like and I'll get them away to you.

For readers who'd like one, I'm not able to send out singles, given the cost, but I'm happy to send them out in bunches of ten or more, so if there's a group of you (10+) who are happy to use one mailing address and pass them to each other, let me know. I'll also bring some along to the conferences I'll be attending this year, and I've already sent them to a number of bookshops, so your local one might have some :)


Cherry said...

Work and deep into writing my own story for my friend.

orannia said...

All the best with the editing Nalini!

And my local bookstore has bookmarks *happy dance* so I now have one :)

Jessica said...

I am struggling to balance work, reading, blogging, video gaming and writing.

Not going so well...

Perhaps tomorrow I can actually finish writing a chapter. : D

I am trying to remain optimistic. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Finally I have a few days off and now I can start reducing my waiting book pile (almost 15 books)....

Diane said...

I've got a nasty cold and haven't felt like reading this week; by the time I get home from work I feel exhausted. I'll get back to reading hopefully next week when I feel up to it.

Tiona said...

Good luck with the editing, Nalini! I'm deep into trying to balance time between work, reading, writing, and staying sane, hehe!

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