Thursday, December 31, 2009

Teaser: Indigo's Book

A Happy New Year present from me to you - a little teaser from the current draft of Indigo's book (final version may be slightly different).



Another nip—this one on her shoulder.

She narrowed her eyes. “Watch it or I’ll nip that nose right off.”

He made a growling sound of disagreement, his canines flashing.

Reaching out, she tapped him sharply on the muzzle. “We’re heading back right now.”

Color under her hands, the timber-colored wolf shifting into a human with lake-blue eyes and rain-slick hair. “I don’t think so.” He was on her before she knew it, cupping her face in his hands, his mouth on hers.

The caresss was hot, hard, a slamming fist that held her motionless. And then…an inferno punching through her body, making her tangle her hand in that thick brown hair, tug back his head. “What,” she said on a gasping breath, “are you doing?”

“I thought it’d be obvious.” Laughter in his eyes, the lake seared by sunshine as his thumbs stroked over her cheekbones. “I want to lick you up right now.”

She didn’t take it personally. “You’re high on adrenaline from the hunt.” Pushing off his hands, she angled her head. “And loss of blood.” It ran a clean, water-diluted line down his side. “You definitely need stitches.”

“No, I don’t.” He kissed her again, pushing her down to the earth.

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Nalini Singh


e_booklover said...

You weren't joking. This was a teaser! :D Thanks.

Kati said...

*dances around*


Twimom227 said...

Oh MY! That was so hot and such a tease! How much longer until we get the book?! Actually, is there a release date for Max yet? Thanks for sharing!!

Has said...

Ohhhhhh man
That was delcious!!
Thank you!!! :D

Nalini Singh said...

Glad you like!

Max's book is out July 2010 and Indigo's is tentatively scheduled for November.

Anonymous said...

So is Indigo's book is scheduled for Nov. does that mean Hawke and (Sienna's) book is due out in Feb 2011? ;-)


Nalini Singh said...

Nope, it would be July 2011 :) But I can't give any kind of confirmation because release dates can change year to year.

Nalini Singh said...

Also, no confirmation on the heroine *grin*

KT Grant said...

I'm all for licking up and down. ;)

Now for Kaleb's book...

Louise said...


That was a great christmans present!!
Know I'm dying to know who her mate is....(maybe that could be a 2010 welcome present?)
Thank you again!!

Jackie said...

Nice!!! Thank you and what a lovely giftie to start off our New Year with this short but oh so hot tidbit from the next installment....

Jackie B Central Texas

Shannon said...

Nice teaser! I simply cannot wait now. I admit, I was wondering about Indigo, but then I was worried about Dev and he certainly changed my tune! LOL!

June 2011? Oh, but I can't wait to read that wolf's book either!

Happy New Year, Nalini!

Madhura said...

You are a smart one Nalini, Saw your comment about Hawke and Sienna's book date and was grinning ear to ear :D
And then you had to add that bit about not confirming the heroine, not fair, I tell ya.. :p

Thanks for the excerpt. Did I miss who her mate is or is that still under wraps? Am thinking its Andrew..

Anonymous said...

At first:
A Happy New Year!/ Guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2010!

"Also, no confirmation on the heroine *grin*" - LOL. I believe firmly in the fact that you love your readers Nalini!

Thank you for the wolf teaser!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Love that teaser! Cannot wait...its going to be tortue waiting for November!


Julie said...

щ(゚Д゚щ) щ(゚Д゚щ) щ(゚Д゚щ)
I want this, stat. *curls up to wait*

Manulifee said...

hey nalini,

a WOLF??? I was almost sure it would be a Psy or some other changeling, but not a wolf. I had thought about the ghost, Walker, Vastic, even Aiden, ... a Wooolf? can't believe it and sooo excited. NOT fair, so NOT fair.
If I ever get to choose a superpower I might throw shape shifting and choose time traveling or forsight instead, so I don't have to wait all thaaaat long for the books to come out!
happy new year, tiger ... rauuurr

Biki said...

omg, yummy! I can't wait for Indigo's book. I totally have my hopes its a certain special wolf and I can't wait until we get confirmation. lol, I wish it was the end of 2010 already so I'd have all the yummy books coming out next year!

Pam P said...

Oooh, sure was a teaser. Happy New Year, Nalini!

Kat said...

Regarding Indigo's hero: Definitely Andrew.

Regarding Hawke' heroine: The fact that Nalini had to add that disclaimer in a seperate post was all the confirmation I needed. Not that I have any doubts on the matter. After all this time, who else could it be?

Ina said...

ohhhh, that's not fair - great snippet, but it was far to little... you know us, we can't get enough ;)
July 2011?? *grumbel* way too long :(
I wish you and yours a Happy New Year and may your wishes come true!
Greetings from Austria,

Tracy said...

You SO made my day! :)

And I agree with Katherine. Yep, yep, yep.

Anonymous said...

A teaser indeed! I am with Katherine on this. I am convinced that Indigo's mate is Andrew! I can't wait.

Cherry said...

That was so mean. So short. But I am appeased. For now

orannia said...

Oh, thank you Nalini!

... the timber-colored wolf shifting into a human with lake-blue eyes and rain-slick hair.

*thinks* We haven't met him, have we?

Bridget Locke said...

You are so cruel. lol. Who is it? Crap...I can't remember if you told us who her hero is...

Happy New Year, Nalini! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the teaser, but now I'm so curious! I love your books!

Happy New Year Nalini and hugs from Italy!

kismet said...

I think he 's Andrew because:

1. Nalini said that we already know Indigo's hero.

2.Indigo is a dominant female => she must have a wolf more dominant than she => so the wolf in this teaser can be Hawke or Andrew. Hawke have silver hair, so he can't be (i want him with Sienna)
=> it must be Andrew!!!!!!

3. It must be a book an Andrew....

4. I think andrew haw brown hair...but I can't find his description

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

Yum! And we have to wait for November. Groan. I comfort myself with the thought of February and July... I suspect Nalini will surprise us all in the end and that we should not be so sure about Indigo's hero...

Barbarita V said...

Love the teaser,any hints on the hero?
Happy New Year 2010!!!

Heather said...

so not fair about the teaser, I so want to know who the hero everyone else I suspect that it is Andrew as he is the only wolf that I can think of, may have to re-read the series to figure it out.

Also what a teaser about Hawke and Sienna as if anyone else can his mate.

Anonymous said...

Indigo's timber-colored wolf cannot be Andrew. The following is from "Hostage to Pleasure" (chapter 37):
"[Dorian] nodded his thanks to Andrew as the other man made good-bye motions. An instant later, the SnowDancer shifted in a shower of multicolored sparks and then a sleek silver wolf was shooting away in the opposite direction."

Besides, Indigo (a lieutenant in SnowDancer's hierarchy) outranks and therefore is theoretically more dominant than Andrew (a soldier, also in SnowDancer's hierarchy).


Heather said...

Adnana, I was just going to post the same thing as I am reading Hostage to Pleasure and just read that scene..

So if not Andrew who?

Nalini Singh said...

Catching up on comments - love the speculation! As a New Year present, I can confirm the hero for you if you like as that is well and truly set in stone, but I think it'll be more fun to read the entire chapter one excerpt to find out - you'll have to wait a while for that though, but I reckon it'll be worth it ;)

Also one more thing - you guys are awesome with your research! But this teaser is from a rough working draft and does contain errors which have been fixed in the current draft. Nothing is gospel until the final, final version, so don't read any part of it too deeply yet!

ST said...
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ST said...

ooohh I love excerpts and teasers!
When are we getting the full chapter 1 excerpt, Nalini?
I can't wait to find out who mates with Indigo.

Manulifee said...

anyone thought about Tai? ... a bit young maybe, but definitely a wolf we know ... anyone?

Ladyhawke said...

I'm thinking it's Andrew too...since, in regards to who Andrew is in the hierachy...I believe he's the Snowdancer's equivalent to DR's "Hunter" that he brings in changelings that go rogue. (Basically, like Lucas). I can't remember where Nalini said was possibly a question she answered in her latest chat, on her unofficial board, or it was in response to an email she sent me (I'm leaning towards one of the two formers, and not the latter)...making Andrew just as dominant as Indigo.

Of course, my desire for it to be Andrew could be coloring my perspective...but I don't think so...I think it's Andrew.

Hawt. I'm soooo excited.

Anonymous said...

I know. I noticed that My Nalini's favourite books are the one about the Kincaid family.
(but I'm sure Hawke book will be the best ones!!)

so i'm hoping for andrew:)

lenaleal said...

I was kinda hoping Bowen would be Indigo's heroine coz of the way they carried on in Branded by Fire... :)

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