Monday, June 08, 2009

Open Thread

I'm hunkering down to finish some copy edits over the next couple of days, so I'm turning the blog over to you guys - tell us what you got to over the weekend, share fun/interesting links, chat about fun gadgets you wish you could have (or maybe that's just me - I lust after shiny new gadgets!), basically discuss whatever takes your fancy!


Kat said...

I got a job interview on Thursday. I intend to nail it. A friend of mine gave me some tips and coaching so now I know where I went wrong with previous interviews. Ain't going to happen this time. This job is (hopefully) mine.

orannia said...

Good luck with the copy edits Nalini and good luck with the job interview Katherine!

My weekend felt like the one that wasn't - all I can remember are the chores, so I'm obviously going to have to be more organised this weekend coming, especially as I have some Foyle's War (WWII crime drama) DVDs to watch *rubs hands with glee*

Have a lovely week all!

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I saw a wonderful stage adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' Busman's Honeymoon. Very romantic as well as a great mystery story. It was at Lifeline Theatre in Chicago, which does great adaptations of books for the stage. I've see some of their adaptations of Sayers' other books and a few of Georgette Heyer's books. They do a fabulous job!

Mitch said...

Just came home from a weekend of partying with friends. We visited my best friend's uncle, who lives in the boonies. I discovered I am an expert chicken catcher. I also caught a fish that promptly wiggled itself off of my hook and got away from the boat before we could get a picture of me holding it. One of the guys caught a water snake that I got to hold.
My friend Megan, who was in the boat with me while I was holding the water snake said I needed to through it back (mostly because she's not really comfortable around snakes). She gave me the line, "If you love something, you have to set it free. If it doesn't come back, then it was never truly yours, but if it does, then it was meant to be." SO, I let the snake go, and about two minutes later I saw it swimming back up to the boat for me!
Unfortunately, Megan freaked out about it coming back and tried to smack it unconscious with the boat oar, so it swam off before I could grab it again.
Good times, good times.

Here's something that might be of interest to aspiring writers:
it's a writing contest (with the top prize of a guaranteed contract) that basically takes place over cell phones.

Good luck with the interview, Katherine!
Hope everyone is having a good summer! Except for Nalini, who is in winter ;P

jenyc said...

Went to bikram yoga practice, on both saturday and sunday morning. Mostly sat around watching the telly on Saturday. Sunday was full of activities; rode the ferry to the Jazz Age Lawn Party, people dressed up in 1920s garb and I did the Charleston! Then had dinner for a friend's birthday. Had the tastiest treats from a lovely little patisserie. A grand weekend!

Mitch said...

For any aspiring authors, or people who would be interested in reading new books on their cell phones, Dorchester is running an interesting contest:

JT Banks said...

I'm excited. I got the cover for my paranormal novel this weekend. It's the first of a series about Dogon-Hunters. The title is Scented Lust and it will probably be available next book as an ebook. See the cover here and tell me what you think


Tammy said...

Only ting I did this weekend was work on ceramics - well on Sunday I did, on Saturday, I read Skin Trade by Hamilton - it was sooooo good!

Anonymous said...

Katherine good luck with your job interview!

Copy edits sounds good Nalini:-). (Current I`m looking forward for your FAQ in July. - I`ve already collected some new questions for you *g*).

This week I`ve a lot to do. - Unemployment is rising constantly and my teamleader is this week on schooling so I`ve to work for two. [- Therefore I`ll eat a lot of chocolate and Magnum (a ice from Langnese) this week].


Unknown said...

I got great news this weekend. My application for a Comenius teaching-assistant was confirmed. (it´s a european program) That means, I will make a Erasmus semester (student exchange program) in september in Bath,UK and afterwards I will be a teaching-assistant in bradford, UK. Isn´t it great? I am very happy about it.

Pissenlit said...

This past weekend, my team played 3 softball games. The one on Saturday was the first one of the season. We didn't score any runs for the first 5 or 6 innings and in the end, we lost, 7-10. On Sunday, we had a double header and won both those. Yay! My left palm hurts from having caught a really fast ball, I have a bad bruise on my right thumb(I'm not sure why yet, I assume it's from batting, for some reason) and my right cheek is a bit sore from when a ball that bounced off my bat. Yay softball! :D

Diane (TT) said...

Good luck, Katherine, with your interview, and congrats to Julia! Best wishes on the copy editing, Nalini.

The only gadgets I lust after (mostly) are kitchen ones, which is why I'm a Pampered Chef consultant! Of course, I also love nifty baking pans and serving dishes, too - such a sucker for those. I love all the handy toys, and get WAY too many of them for the space in my kitchen. Self-indulgence in books has led to me seriously considering a Kindle (I'm SO far out of shelf space), but I love to lend people favorite books, too, so I'm not sure on that.

Shaymless Aymless said...

Good Luck Katherine! *crosses fingers*

I spent the weekend baking bread and teaching a couple of 5-year-olds to play Wii golf and bowling! I'm getting better at MarioKart! I think it a good thing that I don't actually own on since it would be all that I do. Its very addictive.

Midnight said...

I went to the Indy 550 Race at Texas Motor Speedway. It was enjoyable. Worked last night (6/7) from 9pm-6:50am ... talk about tired ... trying to finish Sydney Croft's series, on book 3. Then just sleeping

Courtney said...

Copy edits, yay! Write, Nalini, write.

The big thing going on with me is still my new baby. He is almost five weeks old and is doing so well. His big sister loves him, but is not all that hot about having to share Mommy and Daddy. Acting out and other assorted wacky toddler behavior ensue regularly. Oy.

His new thing is that he wakes up whenever we place him into his bassinet on his back. It is a testament to my fatigue that I didn't think of the perfect solution on my own because we had the same problem with our first. So when some friends suggested putting him to sleep on his side, I pulled a face-palm because that was exactly what worked the first time. He now sleeps like the dead when we lay him down on his side.

I haven't been knitting nearly enough. I did start a blanket for my son, but my daughter got a hold of it and kind of messed it up. That's okay, though, I'm going to rip it out and re-do the pattern so that it won't take as long. Next I'm going to get a hold of a friend of mine and finally arrange to start the socks I told her I'd knit for her. Hopefully I will get them done before it is cold where she lives.

And I'm eating too much junk food. It's a function of breastfeeding making me ravenous. I'm currently on a potato chip (or crisps, as non-North American English speakers would say) kick and am thinking of moving on to cheese. A nice fresh mozzarella sounds heavenly. Or hot chevre on crackers. Mmmmm...

Una said...

Good luck with the copy edits, Nalini, hope it all goes smoothly.

Good luck on your job interview Katherine!

Congratulations Julia on the acceptance of your application. The teaching job sounds great!

Courtney, glad to hear you and the baby are doing well!

I spent the weekend resting, baking banana bread and cookies and reading. It was GREAT. I also performed a solo at church which went well. Other than that, it was a long weekend. Due to economic issues, our office cut back my hours so I have three day weekends now, starting last Friday. It was difficult to drag myself to work today...three days gone and I didn't want to come back! I have so many books to read!

orannia said...

Courtney - am so glad to hear that both you and your son are well!

Except for Nalini, who is in winter ;P

Actually Mitch, it is winter where I am too...but then I'm in the same country as Nalini :) And today it is wet!

Bridget Locke said...

Went to a book signing on Friday night. Met Kim Harrison & Kelley Armstrong.

Yesterday was lazy (yay!), but today was insane. I'm finally chilling out and about to go to bed. It's only 8, if that tells you anything. *yawn*

azteclady said...

*bringing out the brownies* Worry not, Nalini, we'll hold the fort.

Gadgets: I lust after a Sony reader :sigh: and lately, I've been wondering about the Palm Pre...

Courtney Lee, yikes, very belated congrats on the baby!

Una said...

It is the beginning of summer where I am (west coast United States). It has always thrown me for a loop to think that while I'm in one season, everyone on the other side of this earth is in the opposite season. I haven't been able to travel that far, but I hope to one day.

I would love some sort of iPhone or phone/pda/etc device. To be able to be plugged in (receive phone calls, emails, surf the net, read this blog) where ever is just very appealing!

Unknown said...

Ouch, I managed to trip over my own feet! I were phoning my sister and simultaneously i run after the train. bad combination! I landed right on my face and my nose really hurts! Ouch, ouch, ouch! When I think about it, even my teeth are hurting. I don´t like bleeding at all!
Luckily I have fancy tapes but there is no way that I go out on the streets with a tape on my nose!

Good luck, Katherine I am sure you will make it!
And thanks for all the congratulations!

Nalini Singh said...

What a fun thread. I think we need to do these more often.

Good luck with the job interview, Katherine!

Congratulations, Julia. (And ouch!)

Courtney, hey! :)

Heather Neely said...

Ok,am an avid reader and have been for as long as I can remember. So I thought to myself, you know what you like reading why not try to write a book? (I find myself with a lot of time on my hands now that I have been laid off)
I never would have dreamed that I would spend an hour laboring over the wording in a paragraph!
Holy crap Nalini this is HARD-LOL
At my whopping rate of 3pages per day my book is going to take forever.

Unknown said...

Hey Katherine, how was your job interview?

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