Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Veronica Wolff - Sword of the Highlands

Winner: The random numbers have been run and they chose tetewa as the winner! Tetewa, please email me with your address at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

14 days till the release of ANGELS' BLOOD and 8 till you can get your hands on ANGELS' PAWN!

We're going things historical style this time around, with the prize being a signed copy of Sword of the Highlands from Veronica Wolff.

Here's the


One minute, she’s New York heiress and art curator Magda Deacon, enraptured by the sexy Scotsman captured in an old portrait. The next, she’s falling through time to 17th century Scotland—and embarking on the most erotic journey of her life…

Infamous playboy James Graham, First Marquis of Montrose, doesn’t know what to make of the strange woman who’s stumbled into his life. Her accent may be foreign, but Magda plays golf and rides like a red-blooded Scotsman—not that James could ever mistake her succulent lips and curves for anything but deliciously female…\

But war rages in the Highlands, the land for which James and his men will lay down their lives. And when Magda faces a terrifying enemy and a daunting choice, only her Scottish hero will be able to set things right…

You can read an excerpt on Veronica's website, as well as the history behind the book.

Today's entry question comes from Renee:
When you finish a book, do you dive right into the next one, or ruminate on the one you just read?


Blodeuedd said...

I tend to just dive into the next one, it kind of comes from the fact that i read many books at the same time. It all depends on what mood I am in, sometimes I finish a book at once and do think about it for a while. Or a jump at another cos I just need to read :)

Kerry said...

I tend to dive into the next one too. I can't help myself. As one is finished, I'm onto the next.

But that doesn't mean I'm completely finished with the first one. It mulls in the back of my mind and in a day or two, I try to write a "review" (more accurately just my thoughts on the book) for my blog. So while I'm reading the next one, I'm still thinking about the first one, at least until the review is written up.

Margay Leah Justice said...

I am a reading nut, so I jump right into the next one.

Mandi said...

Dive right into the next one..but if it was a really good book, it is hard for me to stop thinking about it. I only like to read one book at a time so I am always ready for the next one:)

Barbarita V said...

I'll do it when I have good books on my pile. But to be honest in ocassions, I pump into another book that went just on sale and I have been waiting for a while and then I finished the book that I was reading.

Dannyfiredragon said...

Most of the time I dive directly into the next book, but sometimes a book touches me so much that I keep thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

I just dive right in. If the book I just finished is great (like any of Nalini's) then I am even more enthusiastic and ready to start a new book.

gawain said...

It depends on my mood but usually I delve into the next one straight away. I am also a person who reads more books at once so there are others going as well. It is very rare when I put everything aside for just one book.

Unknown said...

I also love to jump right onto the next book..I usually prefer to read only one book at a time, but I always have a few TBR books on my bookshelf ready for me :)

Danni T said...

I start the next one right away. I try not to but then I find myself with a book in my hand. Love reading too much not to.

Una said...

I tend to dive right into the next one. Unless the book was power or the end of a series, then I might ponder it for the night and start a new book the next day. However, I will ponder the book as I do my review on shelfari and then as I talk to my book club about it. So at least a day will be spent with the previous book in my head, unless it was really captivating...then it (or the characters) will haunt me for a bit...especially in my dreams.

FD said...

I start reading the next book right away if I have something I feel like reading on my TBR pile. Sometimes I'm reading more than one book at the same time. (My reading habits have changed over the last few years, I used to read just one book at a time.)

If the story is good, I might be thinking about the world/characters later, but I save the analyzing for study books. I use fiction for "fun", so I don't mull over it that much.

tetewa said...

I'm always looking for new authors and series to read so as soon as I finish one a start right on another!

Marnie said...

Very good question. The answer is both. It all depends on the book. Sometimes I re-read parts and the ending and other times I jump right into another.

Lori Ann said...

I dive right into the next one. I love to read, and I have a ton of books in my TBR pile that I am anxious to get to next. I am always excited to start a new book that I have been waiting to read.

Jo said...

Normally I dive right into the next one. But if the book really struck a chord with me then I will take sometime to think about it and why it struck me so much. I will also hit the author's website to see if a sequel is listed or planned and calendar it. Because if I loved the first one so much, I can guarantee I will be inline for the next one.

Lisa said...

My TBR pile is so large that I tend to jump right into the next book.

Anonymous said...

It depends on what books I have waiting to be read. If it's something by the same author or one I've been really looking forward to I'll dive right in otherwise I usually give it a day before moving on.

Erika Powell said...

I write the review or blogpost for the book I just finished and then I dive in to the next one. I tend to jot things down while i am reading and think about them while I am reading.

Unknown said...

If I'm reading a series and I have all the books in front of me: dive right in.

If I'm feeling moody and reflective I might wait a day to start a new book. I usually don't go too long without starting a new book.

Lizzielvr said...

I have my week planned out as what I'm going to read, I have book quota to meet! Just kidding. I always read at night before bed, so I always make sure I have something...

CrystalGB said...

I dive into the next one. :)

donnas said...

I usually just dive right into the next one. Sometimes depending on how the book ended I might think about it a bit, but its never too long.

orannia said...

I do either/or (or sometimes a combination) - it really depends on the book and how much of an impact it has. I finished reading The Defiant Hero (Suzanne Brockmann) on the weekend. Even though I started a new book almost straight away I was still mulling over my responses to certain parts of The Defiant Hero while reading it... BTW - The Defiant Hero was an amazing book :)

Donna said...

I take a big bounce and high dive right into the next book.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'll grab a piece of paper and make a few notes on my thoughts about the book I just finished, then I'll start a new book. The notes help to jog my memory later when I write the book's review.

Pam P said...

It depends,usually I'm ready to get to the next in the pile, but may mix it up by reading a different genre, or a lighter vs. darker story. Every now and then though, I'll read one that I just want to savor a bit and may then turn to some short anthologies next before diving into another full-length.

twalls said...

I dive right into the next one. There are just too many great authors I can't wait to read. Also, reading is my way to relax and I try to read at least an hour each day.

Asylumgirl said...

It depends. If the book was really good or raised interesting questions and thoughts, I'll probably ruminate for a bit. Otherwise, I'll dive right into a new one.


Anonymous said...

I do tend to dive into the next one. But there are some books I just reread even if I just finished it because it was so amazing.

Diane9596 said...

I usually dive right into the next one but it depends on what is going on at the time.

laurawilson25 said...

If it's a good book, I'll go back and re-read the good parts.

Mariee said...

I read a lot of books so I always dive right into the next one

Midnight said...

I read at least one book aday, from start to finish. If it is a series and not 3 o'clock in the morning I dive right into the next one.

examples: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephenie meyer took me three days total and that was also between daily life and work

Breaking Dawn 15 hrs

The host 26 hrs with work and daily life inbetween ...

its just the mood I am in and if the book really has my attention


Unknown said...

It depends on the books I have on my tbr. If it's one I've been waiting to read, I dive right in. If it's not, I have to decide between a couple. lol

LighthouseSandy said...

I dive! LOL, I have too many books waiting in the wings to sit back and think about what's next!