Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Gena Showalter - The Vampire's Bride ARC

Winner: The random numbers chose Danni (comment #14) as the winner. Congratulations! An email's on the way to you.

14 days to go till the release of ANGELS' BLOOD, and only 8 until the release of ANGELS' PAWN!

Here's what Errant Dreams Reviews had to say about ANGELS' BLOOD:
This is one of those books that so soaked into my pores that I couldn’t get it out of my head for the rest of the day after I’d finished it. I couldn’t open another book for at least a day, as I didn’t want to supplant it yet. I highly recommend this one!
Today's first countdown prize is an ARC of Gena Showalter's The Vampire's Bride, part of her series set in Atlantis! Check out the blurb below:
Return to Gena Showalter’s mythical world of immortals, magic and dark seduction…return to Atlantis…

He is L
ayel, king of the vampires, a master seducer no woman can deny. But since a rogue horde of dragons killed his beloved over two centuries ago, Layel has existed only for vengeance…until he meets Delilah.

Wary of love, the beautiful Amazon wants nothing to do with the tormented vampire. Yet there’s no denying their consuming desire every time he nears her. Neither trusts the other—nor can they survive alone.

For in an impossible game of the gods’ devising, they’ve been trapped on an island, about to face the ultimate challenge: surrender to the passion that will bind them forever…or be doomed to an eternity apart.
The Vampire's Bride releases March, and you can read more about it on Gena's website!

Today's entry question is from Amy: If you use an e-book reader, which do you use and why? My addition - if you don't use an e-book reader, are you interested in getting one?


Ashley said...

I definitely want one, I just wish they weren't so expensive :(

donnas said...

I do not have a e-book reader. I go back and forth on if I want one. I would love to try one out and think it would be great for traveling. But I like also to hold the book in my hands while I am reading it.

Unknown said...

I am super old fashioned, I like the way books are. I like the feel, the sound of the page turning, the smell of the book. There is just an aesthetic to reading a paper book rather than off of an e-reader.

There are logical advantages of an e-book reader, but I am a hopeless romantic.

Lizzielvr said...

Hi Nalini! I don't use a e-book reader. I don't think I would get one, I really enjoy having the book in my hand and looking at the cover. I like tangible items...

Lori T said...

I don't have one yet, but I think that I would like having one. Although, I do worry that I would not like it as much as actually holding the book in my hands.

Lori Ann said...

I do not have an e-book reader. I would like to try one, though, just to see if I would like reading that way. I think I would miss holding an old fashion book in my hands because I don't usually like change.

Anonymous said...

I do not have an e-book reader, but my husband wants one badly. For some reason, he is stuck on the Kindle, so we're saving up for a Kindle 2.

I haven't made my mind up about ebooks yet. I just don't see how they can emulate an actual book well enough for me. I'm not talking about the print either. I just can't see myself getting cozy on the couch with a machine instead of a paperback book.

Margay Leah Justice said...

I don't have one yet, but I am eager to get one - when I can afford to spoil myself. I'm torn between the Sony and the Kindle, though.


Lisa said...

I don't have a e-book reader. I have been kooking at them can't decide between the Kindle and the Sony

Chris said...

I don't use an ebook reader - both the Kindle2 and the Sony have good and bad points, but the technology is still pretty new. I'd like to see a standard settle out before I get a reader. (See, for example, VHS and Beta...)

Anonymous said...

I would like an e-reader but they're kinda of expensive, so I'm waiting for it to go down a little in price. I do have some e-books that I've downloaded onto my computer but not a lot.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with a lot of you that I love the feel of a book..As much as I enjoy the convenience and the cheaper price of most e-books, I still think it doesn't compare to actually owning the book.

Anonymous said...

I don't have one, nor do I want one as they are now. They're too expensive and I find the discounted price for an e book is not enough. I can still get the actual book cheaper at Target or Wal-Mart.

It sure would save me some room from storing books, though. I might actually be able to put clothes in the closet :)

Danni T said...

Don't have a e-book reader for e-books but would like to get one soon. I would get either an Kindle or Sony. I like actual books better but the e-book reader is easier if going somewhere because of being able to have lots of books on one thing.

Marnie said...

I use an sony e-reader (505). Why Sony? I like cute gadgets and the Kindle just doesn't past muster for me besides I love Sony products. Why an e-reader well mostly for those authors that aren't in print yet and for those stories I don't want to keep. (I don't buy mainstream authors because the price is the same-so I prefer an actual book) I also like to download my own stuff for reading and make notes for later editing.

Anonymous said...

I don't have one but I would like to try one. But I agree with Karen. I love books, esp an old worn favourite. E-readers are a bit cold.

Anonymous said...

I use an ebookman 911, got it about 6-7 years ago. It is by Franklin Electronic Publishers. They aren't sold anymore. I love it because it is just an e-reader, can listen to audio books if I want with headphones and it's large enough 3.5 x 5 (similar to a book, but lightweight) to read the various text sizes. And it was under $50 and still working after all this time. I love being able to immediately download and read a book from many different sites. I always have it in my purse to bring to stores, on trips etc... and I don't have to worry about damaging my pb's during travel.

Kerry said...

I read on a Palm TX and I love it. I have no issues with the screen size or backlight. And not only can I read ebooks on it, I can also listen to audiobooks and music, video files and use it as a calendar, note taker etc etc.

While I would love to get a look at one of the eink ereaders, I don't like the idea of being locked into a single format or purchase site. Besides, I live in New Zealand, so it's irrelevant anyway.

Kerry said...

P.S. I have ME/CFS and I'm finding it harder and harder to cope with holding a real book and turning the pages, not to mention small font cramped fonts in paperbacks. I can avoid those reading ebooks.

Blodeuedd said...

I don't have one, and I guess they would be kind of expensive...not to mention that I have never seen one here.

But yes i would love to get one, not only do they look cute (do wish I had one), but it would be more practical :)

Pam P said...

I do like ebooks, saves me a lot of space around my place, can take a lot easily when away from home, search through for reference quickly after reading, get a story instantly when you just can't wait.

My old Dell Axim is still working and I can read my preferred MS Reader and Mobi formats. I did win a Kindle and it is nice when at home reading on the bigger screen, but it has pros and cons, and I take the smaller hanheld when away from home, easier to carry. One con with the Kindle, no backlight to read in the dark like my handheld, great when the power goes out and your reader is charged or away to read at night when sharing a room when others want to sleep; good use better organization of files, too. I do like the wireless downloading and that you can shop right from it if you want. Still not sure if I'd spend all that money for one or the Sony; I prefer my handheld where you aren't restricted as much to formats and can shop around more places for discounts when buying. Best to google around for pros and cons before deciding what to buy to see what best suits you.

Kat said...

I don't have a regular ebook reader, but I love to read books on my laptop. I've got over a thousand books on my puter.

Jusy said...

I originally owned a PDA, Sony Clie, for it's primary purpose -- replacement for a Franklin Day Planner. When a collegue told me I could borrow and read books on it, I was ectastic. This was six years ago. I love my ebook reader which is now my Palm Centro. My ebook reader device has to be a multi-use device as I like to travel light. So even though the reviews of a Sony Reader and Kindle are great, they are too big. My device is small. I'm use to reading on a small screen and can read in bed without a the light on :)

@GeekWillow said...

The only e-book readers I have currently are my laptop and my old Palm Pilot. I really wish that I could afford one of the Sony Readers though.

As much as I like actually holding a book in my hand, the techy-geek side of me wants a new toy to play with more!

Anonymous said...

I don't use an ebook reader and there is some allure in getting one, but at the end of the day there is nothing like reading a solid book.

Anonymous said...

I'm not interested in having an e-book reader. I like the feel of a real book in my hands. It's comforting. :)

Mariee said...

I don't have one, and I'm not interested in getting one either. I prefer the feel and smell of a real book.

Anonymous said...

Hubby got me an iPhone for my birthday last July. That is when I started reading e-books. It is so nice not having to carry around a bulky book! I still read them in the bath though! lol I have now asked for a reader for this upcoming birthday, but I am not sure which one!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a e-book reader, but boy do i want one if only the prices for one weren't so-sell your liver on the black market to get one-expensive. Though i do love holding a book in my hand just the idea of when i've finished one book i wouldn't have to wait eons to purchase another.

Missy said...

My husband is in the military and my pile of books just kept getting heavier, after our last adventure overseas where we could only move so much, I started down loading books to my laptop. I still buy my favorite books in paperback so I have something to read while taking a bath but 95% of my books are ebooks now. I keep looking at the Kindle but I would have to reformat all the books I already have which seems to be a pain!

dancechica said...

I have a Sony Reader. I liked the design and the fact that it could read a variety of formats natively, including ebooks from the library. But since the announcement of the Kindle 2, I have been seriously considering putting in an order for a Kindle. ;-)

:Candice: said...

I have an Amazon Kindle (Thanks Belle Scarlett!!) and I love it! I can get samples of any book availble and see if I want to purchase and it's cheaper than print and I can get it downloaded in seconds :)

Courtney said...

I totally want one! I have my sights set on the Sony PRS-505. With the 700 just out, it's only a matter of time before the price drops on the 505. It has all the features I want and comes in a lovely sangria red.

I don't mind reading ebooks on my laptop, but a dedicated reader would be so much more portable and the e-ink screen would be much easier on the eyes for marathon reading sessions. Not that I'll get many of those with a toddler driving me mad and a new baby due in three months, but still. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to get an e-book reader if they weren't so expensive. But I think there are some books I would still want in paper form especially those that are part of series that I love.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an e-book reader yet, but I would love one. I have to say I think I'm going to wait to get one until they advance a little more. I want to be able to store all of my books (or at least my favorites on it) that way I could reference them at any time. I love doing that while reading new books, I'm always reminded of favorite scenes from other favorites.

LighthouseSandy said...

I definitely use an ereader. Although I know the Kindles and the Sonys are becoming popular, I like a reader like my Palm Zire 31 that allows me load programs like Mobipocket on it so I can convert any format into something readable on my Palm. There's too many places out there to buy ebooks that you can't read on a dedicated reader like a Kindle or a Sony. And my little Palm fits snugly in my purse or my pocket!

Anonymous said...

I don't own an E-reader and I'm not sure if I'd like to have one either. I like to look at my bookshelf and see the collection that I have emassed, not just a list of titles on a screen. I can rearrange the books to my liking, placing my favorites on the top shelves or where ever. It would be cool to try an e-reader for a bit, but at the end of the day I prefer my books.

Unknown said...

I have a ebook reader, the ebookwise one. I love it. It's so nice and I'm catching up on all my ebooks..

Heather said...

I really, really want one, but they are so expensive. It would be great to have one, cause I review books for Night Owl Romance and it would make reading the e-books I get easier. However, I love having the print books more.

Jeanne Ryan said...

If/When I get published, one of the things I will treat myself to is an ereader. I like the idea of going paperless. I love my books, but we move around a lot and they take up a lot of room.

So far, I'm leaning toward Sony since I hate Amazon after what they pulled in Europe with Hatchett Livre.

but what I will most likely get will be Apple's new iTablet or whatever they finally decide to call it.

Mandi said...

I have been going back and forth. I like to see my books on my bookcases..but an e-reader would probably be more practical.

Barbarita V said...

I like quick e-books but I still prefer paperbacks. Layel, hmm just a few more days.

Dannyfiredragon said...

My palm pilot just died on me and I have to wait till April to get the Sony reader, so ebooks for me at the moments or I have to read them on my laptop. Which isn't fun.

May said...

I don't know if mine can be called e-book reader. I used my PDA (O2) to read.

Anonymous said...

I don't have an ebook reader, but I'm intrigued by the idea of using one :)

gawain said...

Hmmmmmm not sure yet. I don't use one, and I am still not sure it is something for me. Maybe on holiday it would be nice not to drag a pile of books around. For the rest I like the feel and smell of books. Want to pick them up and look at the covers in my bookcase after I have read them. So I am old fashioned.

Jaded Bee said...

I would definitely love to have one, I've asked for one repeatedly for Birthday's and Christmas's. I like the idea of having lots of books available to me whenever I want to read them, without having to scourge my bookshelf or tote around a huge bag.

Heather B. said...

My hubby was wonderful and got me a Kindle for Christmas this year. I love it. I love holding a book in my hand but the Kindle is nice because I can load a bunch of books in it when I go on vacation or somewhere. It also takes up less space on my booksshelf when I download the books.

The other 2 things I like about it is that I am able to email adobe files to it and there is no charge for those (if I already have them) and that it runs off a cell tower and amazon pays the fees. The Kindle II looks even more impressive.


Una said...

I've been interested in an e-book reader, but there is something to be said about a real book. The feel, the smell, the being overprotective of the dust cover (for hardbacks). I don't know if I could give up "paper" books but an ebook reader would be a fun little toy.

FD said...

I would love a portable device for my ebooks but unfortunately, it's not in my budget right now.

tetewa said...

I'm not into e-books I'd rather have the read in my own hands!

Anonymous said...

I don`t use an e-book reader.
I fear in this case I´m really old fashioned (Alike with other thinks like writing letters and postcards).
It`s simply a good feeling holding a long expected book in my hands and sink into another world...(Dreaming can be so wonderful:)).


Jo said...

I use an ebookwise and I also have a baby Asus Eee computer that I use for reading - totally depending on the circumstances. I love being able to take tons of books with me at anytime and it's all in my purse.

CrystalGB said...

I have been wanting one of these.

Anonymous said...

I have been seriously considering the Kindle v2. Those things are so pricey, though, and I can't help but think how many books I could buy with that $400!!