Friday, July 04, 2008

Reader Interview: Jaime

Today's reader interview is with Jaime, fellow book hoarder! :)

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am 31 (32 on Sat, gasp!), mother of 3, an avid reader who happens to be a family practice physician to support her book habit!!! I am originally from Louisiana, but my husband and I moved to texas to open up my practice there.

2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?

Oooh, definitely a hoarder. I can't even manage to let people borrow my books.

3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?

I don't really want to stalk a particular author as much as I want to stalk some of my favorite characters... particularly the really hot ones! :) But if I were to stalk it would probably be someone like Stephen King because I've always wondered "how did they come up with that???"

4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?

Not at all unless pregnant. In fact, my husband found me baking a pan of fudge brownies while pregnant with the twins and said "Now I KNOW you're pregnant!"

5. Favorite book? Why?

I don't have a favorite single book, I'm afraid I'm more of a series gal. My top favorites would be Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern, Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar, JRR Tolkien, Nalini's Psy/Changeling series, JR Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood, and Tad Williams Dragonbone Chair series. I really like stories/series 1)where an ordinary person manages to do extraordinary things or 2) with a really well crafted or unusual alternate reality (the what if the world worked this way, type of book)

6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?

My husband (wink, wink), my library (so I have something to do while he fishes) and sunscreen (so I don't fry!!!). I would love to say my kids but as we're all redheads that would just be cruel so I'll have to settle for a short stay on Paradise Island... :)

7. What did you eat for breakfast?

Toast and jelly. Cold as I had to stop and feed the baby.

8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?

At the moment, very few as I just got off maternity leave and managed to read them all. Normally it goes in spurts and I'll buy up 15 - 30 and then whittle them down.

9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.

Smart, funny, intelligent, good with kids, interesting, good sense of humor. He should also have the 3 H factors (hot, hard and hairy) and have good bedside manner! (wink, wink). Oh, wait, I think I married that one...

Extra reader submitted question(s)! Answer at will :)

* Which character in a book do you relate most with?

Haven't found one yet. I see bits of myself in lots of different characters, which is kind of fun.

* Where do you live?

A small, strange little town in Texas

* If you were in the Psy/Changeling World, what side would you be in?

Human. I don't believe you have to be superhuman or have a special gift to be a hero or make a difference. Look at Frodo.

* Seen any good movies lately?

Is there such a thing?? :>


Anonymous said...

your desert island and chocolate answer is super!
(Your poor redhead babies:-)).
I really enjoyed reading your interview.

Jaime said...

Thanks Eva! I've really enjoyed reading this blog. I get so many ideas for my TBR pile...


Anonymous said...

Ahh I loved 'The Dragonriders of Pern' series. I didn't think of them as romance at all when younger but they totally were. EVery book was a dragonrider finding his true love.

Hmm, I might have to dig them out and start again...F'nor...where are you?

little alys said...

Jamie- Super fun interview! Wow, a family of redheads. Yes, it would be too cruel to all be on that island.

Heather said...


Great interview...I love that you are a book hoarder also....I would have to take my husband and books also on a desert island.


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