Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Reader Interview: Merry

Tuesday is reader interview day. If you'd like to participate (you know you want to), the details are here. Today's interviewee is Merry, and OMG, she lives in Derbyshire, home of the gorgeous Mr. Darcy!!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a 30-something university librarian, sharing a house with three border collies, one cat and a guinea pig. Oh, and a housemate. I love books, always have (thank you mum and dad) but only really started buying them in 1986. I started with horror, and then worked my way up through fantasy, science fiction and romance with the occasional foray into crime. I am a proud genre ho'! LOL

I still read in all these genres but romance, in most of its forms (subgenres?) predominates.

2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?

I am a hoarder. 3,500 books and counting - although I am trying to be stern about getting rid of books that I know, absolutely know, I will never read again. Keeping it just because it's part of a series (or because I have every other book that that author's written) is no excuse!

3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?

Jayne Ann Krentz - simply because she's my feelgood author. Whenever I can't decide what to read, or I'm tired or ill and want a comfort read then out comes the JAK. Or Lora Leigh. I love the Breed warriors.

4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?

It depends.

White chocolate? No. No, no, no, no, no! It's just wrong.

Milk chocolate? Yeees - if it's Belgian.

Dark chocolate? Yeah, baby! Small pieces, individually wrapped to just pop in the mouth and let it melt. (And if it's flavoured with Seville oranges and cinnamon, so much the better.)

5. Favorite book? Why?

Aaargh! This is a difficult one. If I had to choose it based on how many times I've read a particular book, then I would have to say Jayne Ann Krentz's Ravished. But, saying that, there have been quite a few books out in recent months that I've read and enjoyed but haven't had a chance to re-read, so that may change! (Especially as I've fallen in love with Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy and will be re-reading that as soon as I can!)

6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?

Sustenance (food & drink)


A marine - to get us both off the island (when we're ready to leave!)

7. What did you eat for breakfast?

Posh muesli - it had dried blueberries, strawberries and cranberries in it.

8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?

Which one? No, seriously. Err, about two hundred give or take 10. (Is there a biblomaniacs anonymous?Mind you, they'd probably make me give up my books so that's no good! LOL)

9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.

Alpha without being a berk. A man who's not afraid of caring for people and doesn't see it as a weakness. A sense of humour, not a joker though. Someone with the ability to balance work and play. Nice hands. Nice smell.

* Which character in a book do you relate most with?

Grace in Lori Foster's Too Much Temptation

* Where do you live?

In Derbyshire in the UK.


LesleyW said...

YES! Another hoarder. LOL. And someone else with a large TBR pile.

You know everyone is coming up with such great things to take to this desert island - but a Marine - good choice.

And Hi to a fellow UK person. :)

Kerry said...

How about we start our own bilbliophiles anonymous where we're not only allowed to keep our books, we're expected too. Both support and enabling provided.

In other words, I'm totally a hoarder too.

Merry said...

Hey Lesley! (The good thing about hoarding is that autumn/ winter is a perfect time to snuggle down and whittle the TBR pile to a manageable level - so that you can stick more books on top!)

A Marine - heh heh heh. Nuff said.

Kerry -we're in good company. King George the Third was a bibliophile. No, wait - he was a bit mad. *Thinks* No, that's ok, that fits! ;oD

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