Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reader Interview: Clare

Tuesday is reader interview day. If you'd like to participate (you know you want to), the details are here. Today's interviewee is Clare, who has two verrrry interesting pets. Must know more about Homicidal Budgie! :)

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

~ I’m me. Um…ok guess I should say more than that, never know what to say though.

I’m 30, female, I live in Wales, UK with a homicidal Budgie, Evil Cat and adorable Hubby. I have a truly un-exciting job in supermarket admin/EPOS and among other things enjoy slipping into fiction as often as poss. Hence the straining bookshelves. Favourite authors would be Dean Koontz (older stuff) Nora Roberts (older stuff) Sue Brockmann (trouble-shooter). Music varies with mood.

2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?

~ Major hoarder. In my home you'll find a book in every room. Until my iminent lottery win allows me to buy every book I hear of and covet I rely on constant re-reads to keep me sane and favourites are treasured. I have irregular de-clutter splurges but hubby usually finds me surrounded my piles of books happily reading a forgotten tome.

3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?

~ Possibly Sue Brockmann I’m a recent convert so have been busy catching up.
(opens tent flap and waves towards house 'Hi Sue')

4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?

~ Chocolate! Where? You said Chocolate…..

5. Favorite book? Why?

~ Just ONE book? That’s really hard. Settle for a top 4 in no order?

Dan Simmons - Swan Song, Dean Koontz - Strangers, Nora Roberts - Montana Sky, Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice

6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?

~ My hubby, A Parasol, A good book.

Assuming of course that there’d be a convenient trapdoor aka Lost with a supply of coffee and chocolate hob-nobs. That sounds like bliss.

7. What did you eat for breakfast?

~ um, must I say?

Cheese on toast with tomatoes and an egg. Not usually so greedy but went out last night and was in work early (not something I'd advise) but hey I missed dinner and I'm having a really healthy tea....honest!

8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?

~ Only three new but add a coupla re-reads I've dug out of a box and it makes a wobbly knee high stack.

9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.

~ Humour, depth, delicious.


Anonymous said...

fame at last LOL, funny to see your own answers :)

Anonymous said...

I have irregular de-clutter splurges but hubby usually finds me surrounded my piles of books happily reading a forgotten tome.

I so do the same thing. I have to go through all the books I packed away when I initially went to the UK. I'm going to take some days off work to do it as I know I'll be reading bits from each and then thinking...do I really want to give this away? (Sometimes I just get this insane need to read a particular book, and I can't rest until I've done so...rather disturbing actually :)


Nalini Singh said...

Oh yeah, I'm one of those, too. I can't give THIS away, or THIS, or OMG, THIS!

Anonymous said...

I've currently got a bulging carrier of books to go the the charity shop, unfortunately someone referred to one and I'm now thinking I should re-read them first......

Gertie the homicidal budgie, died last week :(

Nalini Singh said...

Clare, I missed seeing that earlier. That's so sad. Hugs.

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