Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Book Club

 The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


Patricia Schlorke said...

I am patiently waiting for all the new books coming out soon. In the meantime I doing a lot of re-reading. Right now I'm reading Wildfire by Ilona Andrews.

library addict said...

Enjoyed Jeffe Kennedy's The Promised Queen (The Forgotten Empires #3). While it was the final book in the trilogy I hope she returns to this world someday as I need stories for some of the other characters.

Currently I am reading Nora Roberts' Legacy which also released this week.

And I read Ocean Light as well as more of the short stories (I am going in published order). So I am up to Ain't No Party Like a Bear Party. Also want to give a special shout-out to Rowan as that is one my favorite newsletter short stories.

library addict said...

Oops, should have said reread as I have read the books, novellas, short stories, and deleted scenes all multiple times. Nalini's Psy/Changeling and Psy/Changeling Trinity series for anyone who hasn't read them all yet.

Denise said...

I haven't started yet but Getting Friendly by Saxon James is waiting for me.

Anonymous said...

I read and loved 'Shadow Storm' by Feehan. Also read and enjoyed 'Stay Sharp' by Sanjay Gupta, this is a non-fiction book about brain health and how it is related to overall health. I may have to buy a copy, since I got it from the library. I think he does a good job of discussing the scientific studies in an easily understood manner.

I'm currently also re-reading a lot of different books in my personal library. This week included 'Silent Speaker' by Rex Stout, one of his Nero Wolfe books. Enjoyed it and decided it is still a keeper. Several of the books by other authors weren't keepers any more.

Anonymous said...

I also just read and loved Shadow Storm by Christine Feehan. I'm rereading Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series and just finished Frost Burned. Now I'm back to my Psy/Changling reread and am currently engrossed in Kiss of Snow. Great books all!!!

Kelticat said...

Reread Shadow Keeper, Shadow Warrior, and Shadow Flight before reading Shadow Storm by Christine Feehan. Currently rereading River Road by Jayne Ann Krentz.

Anonymous said...

I am reading through all 23 Liaden universe novels

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