Thursday, December 09, 2010


ACE/ROC is doing a big giveaway over at Dear Author and it's still open, so swing by and check it out.

AAR has released the results of its Top 100 Romances poll. Both Slave to Sensation and Angels' Blood made the list. Thank you to everyone who nominated the books!

Voting is open in the All Things Urban Fantasy Cover Art Awards. The covers for Archangel's Kiss and Archangel's Consort have been nominated, alongside some other fantastic covers. If you'd like to vote, or just check out all the covers, follow the link.

And I just found out that Play of Passion has been nominated in the Romance section of the Goodreads Choice Awards. Here's the link to see all the nominees and to vote.

Wow, that inadvertently ended up very self-promey. But wait, I have another one - Mandi from Smexy Books has written a very naughty poem: Twas the Night Before Smexymas. It's probably NSFW, and I'd suggest not having coffee in your mouth when you start reading. Enjoy!


Diane said...

Cute little excerpt.

Madhura said...

That poem is a hoot. I love the GH covers - they are very true to the stories.

Anneela said...

Good stuff. Lol @ the poem!

Natalie Mulford said...

That poem is great!

I went & voted! So many great book covers have turned up this year, but I have to say, I am totally in love with Tony Mauro's art!

Mandi said...

hehe..Thanks Nalini!!! :)

Abigail said...

Tony's work on your series just keeps getting better. I'm new to actually reading them, but I'm already a fan.

Erin E. said...

The poem is awesome, laughed out loud this morning! Thanks!

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

voted for Play of Passion on goodreads today:)

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