Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday Book Club

...coming to you on Saturday. :-)

I want to mention a book I read as an ARC that's out now. Maya Banks' No Place to Run.
Sexy and action-packed and intense, it's the second book in her fantastic Kelly series. Follow the link if you'd like to read an excerpt!

Now, your turn. What are you reading and loving at the moment?


Kylie Griffin said...

BRANDED SANCTUARY by Joey W.Hill - fantastic!

Missy Ann said...

Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey - so awesome it hurts.

Also Marjorie M. Liu's latest In The Dark of Dreams kicks serious butt. I always think of you & her together. There's just something about the way your both write that makes me pair you up together in my head. Not in a kinky way lol. More of a peanut butter & jelly way.

Helen Lowe said...

I've got an ARC on the go, too, my friend Beth Anne Miller's forthcoming debut romance, "Into the Scottish Mist"(Wild Rose Press--no para action but plenty sexy! :) Aside from that I'm also reading and enjoying William Gibson's "Spook Country."

Madhura said...

Finished Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead. Was a perfect ending to a great series.

Moving onto Lorelei James' Corralled this weekend.

Sabrielle said...
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Sabrielle said...

Re reading Cherise Sinclairs "Masters of the Shadowlands" Series. Why is it that you always find something that you have missed when you read the book again? I could have sworn I knew these books by heart! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Kalynn said...

I just finished The Iron Duke. It really is as good as the reviews promised :)

Diane said...

The Other Side, anthology by JD Robb,
Mary Blayney, Patricia Gaffney, Ruth Ryan Langley and Mary Kay McComas

Anonymous said...

I finally read the Black Jewels trilogy. I loved it, and am now impatiently waiting for The Invisible Ring.

-Sarah M.

Wenj said...

Electric Barracuda by Tim Dorsey. It's really a fun novel following a Dexter-like character through Florida :)

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

Reading Second Chances by Lauren Dane, a YA called Choker by Elizabeth Woods, and just finished reading Palo Alto by James Franco which, though sorta violent, I enjoyed:)

Erin E. said...

Nice cover! I am reading Right Hand Magic by Nancy Collins, pretty good so far!

Sherri L. said...

It sounds like a good read. I'll have to see about getting it and the first one after I catch up on the other series I'm reading right now.

Anna said...

I'm enjoying Heart Thief by Robin D. Owens. But I've been bad. I read the ending cause I was dying of curiousity. Gah!

Before that it was Maya Banks' No Place to Run, which was very good.

Now, what to read next???

ShellBell said...

Have just finished reading Blood Spells by Jessica Andersen and am currently reading Chains of Fire by Christina Dodd.

Thankfully I'm first in the queue at my local library for No Place To Run by Maya Banks, but still way back in the queue for Play Of Passion! Can't wait to get my hands on them.

Sofia said...

After you recommended Maya Banks new KGI series, I have just finished reading the 2nd book in the series'No place to run' this is Sam Kelly's story and loved it, loved it, and loved it...Thanks Nalini for recommending an awesome new series, I am looking forward to reading Garrets story on my list is Mary Burton's Dead Ringer

RegieGM said...

Just finished "Caressed by Ice". I didn't think I could like anything more than the "Archangel" series, but I finishec "CbI" in less than a day. Of course, I barely made dinner, I shooed my husband and son out of my room and could barely keep my eyes open afterward. Good thing i didn't have to work the next day... but it was all worth it.
Miss Singh, thanks for sharing such wonderful characters, you rock!!!
Moving on to "Mine to Possess"

Crystal Posey said...

I have this series on my to-read list. I'm so glad to continue to hear good things about it! I'm reading several Christmas reads, and BEYOND HEAVING BOSOMS, which is hilarious.

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