Tuesday, December 30, 2008


After those lazy Christmas days, it's back to work for me - I'm going to dive into BLAZE OF MEMORY.

How about you all? What're you up to?


little alys said...

Blaze of Memory? Woooo...

Working. Reading. Family. Reading. Sleeping. Well, no sleeping. ;) And waiting for 2009!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, Nalini's working on Dev and...ummm.....someone's book! See Nalini, it's so hard when we don't know who Dev's mate is.....you know you really want to tell us who she is :) OK, well, it was worth a shot :) Good luck!

I'm reading (Maria Snyder's Study books), listening to the cricket and working my way through a lot of chores (mainly ones involving tidying up). Also I'm trying to psych myself up for a visit from the family on Friday..

Anonymous said...

Lazy Christmas days???? You didn't cook did you? Fess up!!! LOL!

Sleeping, knitting, sleeping, eating, sleeping . . .

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I'm back at work after a long weekend off. Tired, about to leave the library to go pick up some tea supplies then home for dinner and sleep, blissful sleep. I only have New Year's day off this week and will be trying to clear stuff out of my office before things get busy again.

bel_78 said...

Hi, Nalini!!!

I´m finally planning my holidays, a trip to Egypt with my sisters in February. The exams are over, so I have the extra time!

I´m also eagerly waiting for your next books :=)

Nalini Singh said...

Willa - there are cooks and then there are those who eat *grin*

Ann said...

Preparing myself for a busy new year. It is extremely busy for my work place in January.

I also just started a blog about my favorite thing: books. Now I have to be sure to keep posting. LOL

Shaymless Aymless said...

Woohoo! Need more Dev.

Am working this week, of course this would be the week everything has to get done (and before the 1st too!) and everyone else is off! grrrr It's really cutting into my blog reading time.

Bel: Egypt! Am so jealous. You'll have to tell us all about it.

Anonymous said...

At Christmas I was one of "those who eat":). - I really enjoyed it! (Sadly that now I´m my own cook again...).

bel_78: Egypt is a very interesting country if you like sightseeing. - I was there twice.

This evening I intend to celebrate the birthday of my father-in-law.
(-If this "excessive eating" ever ends? *g*).


Courtney said...

Indulging in post-holiday laziness. I'm so glad it's over. LOL

Una said...

Luckily, my office is closed between Christmas and New Years so hubby and I take our annual trip to the coast. I'm spending time with him, reading and just enjoying the time off. Wish you all well!!

Nalini Singh said...

Bel - I'm so jealous! Egypt is on my list of must-sees. You'll have to tell us all about it.

Anonymous said...

Bel - I can't wait to hear what you think about Egypt. It was an amazing place to visit!

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