Saturday, December 27, 2008


...who ate too much over the past couple of days? I confess I did. And there's still chocolate cake calling my name. *g*


orannia said...

I have :( I'm guessing it's good chocolate cake Nalini? In which case, I think it would be a crime not to eat it :)

KT Grant said...

We had apple pie, chocolate cheesecake and too many cookies to count.
I think I need to be rolled out of my front door O_O

ShellBell said...

I've definitely eaten far too much pavlova and cream!

Courtney said...

I think I ate just enough. If I wasn't pregnant or if I'd been gaining too much weight, I'd have something different to say, though. LOL My doc actually told me I could go nuts on food if I wanted because I've only gained three pounds (just under one and a half kilos) over the last eight weeks.

I think I'm going to go to town on the leftover fudge tomorrow. :)

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I did a lot of cooking but no sweets. We all ate quite a bit, but I actually managed to stop before I was stuffed and have gone down in weight a little. My family says they overate, so I'm feeling a little guilty... Funny mix of smug, pleased at how much they liked my food, and guilty here :)

Una said...

I did, but now I succumbed to hubby's cold so my appetite has disappeared. Which kills me because there are so many great cookies and candy (all homemade) calling my name but I can't taste them. But I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your leftovers!

Anonymous said...

I had a turkey meal Christmas Eve at a friend's house, a turkey meal Christmas day at another friends house, and have now made myself sick from sugar from the carmel cake I made today. What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I wasn't. *grin*

little alys said...

I still have lots of chocolate stashed away calling my name. :D


Tracy said...

omg I ate waaaaay too much on Christmas Day! Then my 6 year old wanted to sit on my lap while opening presents - needless to say it wasn't completely comfortable! lol

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